Muhammad Kace remains behind bars for allegedly violating Indonesia's anti-blasphemy laws.
Muhammad Kace remains behind bars for allegedly violating Indonesia's anti-blasphemy laws.
Jan. 23, 2025 | Indonesia

Pastor Imprisoned for Online Testimony

[135] prayers in [9] nations have been posted for Indonesian Christians.

Pak Aman, a Sundanese Christian from a Muslim background, leads a small church and faithfully evangelizes in his community. He was arrested and held in police custody after appearing on the YouTube channel of another Muslim-background believer in Christ. He was accused of violating Indonesia’s blasphemy law. Aman said he originally anticipated that he would serve several years in prison due to the outcomes of other blasphemy cases, but the courts ruled in favor of Aman, and he was released from police detention after nine months. Praise God for Aman’s release and continue to pray for other Indonesian Christians who remain in detention or prison because of their faithful witness about Christ.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Indonesia and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Indonesian Christians

  • Father, move upon the heart of the authority who freed Aman and give him a vision for helping to free many more Indonesian Christians whose testimony was misperceived as blasphemous.Open prison doors for these martyrs that no man can shut and set the captives free.Make a way of escape where there seems to be no way. Let revival spring forth.Be exalted!
    Danae V - USA
  • God Who hears the cries of Your people. Thank You for releasing Aman. May he serve You and his family. May he be salt and light to Sudan. I see that he accepts however way you use him, putting his trust in Your plan for his life. May he use social media in a far-reaching way. Save many in Sudan and may our prayers bring peace and salvation in areas now
    Jim E - USA
  • LORD: Provide a way out for these Christians to be set free. May Your presence comfort, peace, and joy keep them in all their circumstances. Keep their eyes on You and their faith prevail. Provide all their needs for their family. Bring to nothing plans of the enemy against them. May Your goodwill be done through all in Jesus' name
    P F - USA
  • In the Lordship of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Adonai, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Pak and other Indoniesian Christians. We ask for a hedge of protection and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Dear Father, thank You for Pak Aman's relatively early release from prison. I pray Your comfort and sustenance for other Christians who remain imprisoned because of their faithfulness to You. In Jesus' name, amen.
    Lynne W - USA
  • Thank You, Lord, for the release of our brother Aman. Delliver him from fear, and embolden him to continue sharing Christ in his community. We pray for the safety of the brother on whose YouTube channel he appeared. Encourge those who have not yet been released from prison, and use them as witnesses to those who are incarcerated with them.
    Toni D - USA
  • In the living water name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Mayim Chayim, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You that Indonesian Christians tasted of the living Water, Jesus. We ask for a hedge of protection and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father we remember your children in prison and detention. May they know that you are there with them, that the place they are is holy and you will provide for them.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Lord I thank you that you have let these Indonesian Christians be strong in their faith. I thank you that you gave them that courage and bravery to do things that are against the "law". You give them what they have. Please protect the Indonesian Christians from any harm hurt or danger. Let them keep believing and never stop believing. Protect them.
    Cal W - USA
  • Lord God thank you for Amans release I ask for the release also of our other brothers n sisters in Christ in prison for their faith there in Indonesia according to your good purpose n perfect will. I pray for the body of Christ in Indonesia that they would have strong unity in the faith bearing fruit unto salvation with a witness for the gospel
    Dean B - USA
  • Father, to live in a place where sharing faith in Christ could put you in prison is a daunting task. But it is what You call Your children to do. Go and tell. May Your children who live in Indonesia under the threat of punishment for sharing Jesus, have wisdom when and with whom to share, and boldness to do what You have called them to do. Amen.
    Bruce B - USA
  • O Father of mercies, thank you for Aman's release from prison. Please grant favor to other imprisoned Indonesian Christians. Yet, while they are in prison, may their witness bring other prisoners or even guards to faith in Christ. Praise you for how you have brought so many former Muslims to faith! We will be able to worship you together one day. Amen.
    Diana F - USA
  • Praise Yor for Pak's release. Thank You Father. Lord, for other believers in prisons, I pray for them. Father, may You encourage them. Lift up their spirits and may the know the peace of Christ and may they rejoice in God their Savior. I pray for their release Father and I ask thru Christ. Amen.
    joey S - USA
  • God, we praise You for Aman's freedom, and pray You keep him free. Let the authorities continue to work justly, to see that they have broken no laws, and that they good members of the community. Please turn away all the evil of the enemies of Your own, so that they may not harm Aman or those in his church. Give freedom to those in prison, and hope.
    Kesse R - USA
  • Abba, Thank You for Your blessed favor and mercy upon our dear brother Pak Aman, and thank You for our brother and his service in preaching the gospel and declaring the good news of salvation through Yahusha HaMashiach our Adonai. I pray a hedge of protection and favor around all my dear brethren there in Indonesia in Yahusha's Name. Amein
    Yahleah M - USA
  • Lord God, we do praise You for Aman's release. I pray that this experience would only grow to strengthen and grow his faith in You, and that he would be a bold and effective witness in Indonesia. I pray that his example would be used to encourage other believers to follow You, and that those in prison would remain faithful and hold onto hope.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Father, thank you for Pak Aman's release from detention! Please continue to work in the lives of the other believers in Christ who are suffering for their faith. Please provide for them and protect them. May they trust Jesus fully and rely on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance. Work on the hearts of those who don't know Christ and draw them. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Father God, I pray for those held captive because of their faithful witness for Jesus Christ. I pray that they will see much fruit from their labors and be encouraged and strengthened in their faith. Thank you that Aman has been released. Please help the others who have not yet been released. I pray that many in Indonesia will believe in Jesus. Amen.
    Julia F - USA
  • Lord God, only You are mighty to save us from persecution and death. You have heard the prayers of Your child Aman, who thought he was to spend years in prison for preaching your Word. Praise to You Heavenly Father for Your mercy. You are exalted above all nations, give Aman the courage to bring the Gospel to a thirsty and dying world.
    Dede H - USA
  • Father, thank You for Aman's prison release; we ask for Kace and other Indonesians who are detained or in prison for the gospel. May they receive justice, and grant them ministry in prison. Encourage them, sustain them, help their families, and grant them increased faith and trust in Your plan. May their perseverance strengthen character and hope.
    Beth P - USA
  • In the name of the loving Jesus, our heavenly Father, Agape, God of Great Love, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Pak and Indonesian Christians. We praise You for release and Your great love upon them. We ask of a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Avi Ad! I thank You that You are leading our brethren in the ministry In Indonesia to trust in You with all their heart and to not lean on their own understanding. May they in all their ways acknowledge You and their paths will be made straight. In Yeshua's name
    Randal A - USA
  • Gracious Heavenly Father, our Deliverer in times of crisis, I praise you for Aman's release and pray that other Indonesian Christians who remain in detention or in prison because of their faithful witness about Christ be released from custody so that they are able to spread to the gospel of salvation to all who will hear them. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Chaplain Dale I - USA
  • Thank you Lord that Aman sentence was shortened and that you are the one who moved in the minds of the officials. Father please show your favor for the many other imprisoned followers and permit their sentences to be commuted. Lord give Aman boldness to continue sharing the gospel with trust in your providence and direction
    Teresa S - USA
  • We praise the Lord for Aman's early prison release! You have shown that you are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, Aman, and I pray that you stand firm in the Lord and the strength of His might to overcome the schemes of the devil. Your faith in Jesus is the victory that has overcome the world. May many Muslims come to Him through your witness.
    Beth O - USA
  • Thank God Aman was released. I pray God helps those still imprisoned for their belief in God to be released according to His will.
    Shawna W - USA
  • Dear Lord, thank you for the miracle of a favourable outcome in brother Pak Aman's case. I pray that You will give him the wisdom and boldness to continue witnessing for You and to bring more people to faith and freedom in You. I pray for the release of Indonesian Christians who remain in detention or prison and that they will continue to be faithful.
    Delicia W - New Zealand
  • Lord thank you for our brother Aman. Thank you for his faithfulness and thank you for providing him with release! Would you save money through his faithful witness. Would you provide for his every need and continue to give him great boldness. Keep his eyes fixed on his heavenly rewards. In Jesus name, amen.
    Kristin B - USA
  • Dear Lord Jesus, we praise you for the strength and boldness you gave Aman who was willing to serve years in prison for preaching your Word of salvation. We pray that more will respond to your gospel. Encourage and strengthen those who remain in prison and lead Aman clearly by your Spirit as he seeks ways to work for you.
    Margaret H - USA
  • Thank You God for the favor that Aman found with the courts! May his testimony on You Tube plant seeds in the hearts of many nonbelievers, drawing them to Jesus. Continue to bless Aman's ministry, protecting him & others from persecution. Bless all those believers in prison. Strength them in body & faith, that they may proclaim the Gospel in prison.
    Sharon G - USA
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