I pray in the name of the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, amen.
price thou hast paid for sin and have broken and contrite hearts and spirits with Godly sorrow which worketh repentance of sins. I pray in this way they would be made ready to believe on thy word unto salvation by thy increase. I pray they bear fruits meet for repentance to thy glory and the joy of believers. I pray in the name of the
even they would be convicted of their conscience that they are sinners. I pray they would then search thy word in the King James Bible as Bereans and realize their own gods and ancestors will not save them from hell and the lake of fire. I pray they realize thine is the only name given whereby mankind can be saved from sin. I pray they realize the
Dear LORD, I thank thee that this man lived long enough to believe on thy word. I pray he was saved by it and is awaiting the catching up of believers. I thank thee that there are other believers supporting the grieving family even in the face of persecution and affliction. I pray their witness is strong towards these village elder unbelievers. I pray
Father, may you work all this for your good and kingdom growth. Help those in such need, providing, comforting, building in faith. Bless this family with your even greater presence. Save this nation through the sufferings of your people, their faith and trust in you though hard times. Come Lord Jesus, save many, that your kingdom reign will come.
Lord I pray for an abundance of provisions to come through for Lod's family and for them to be able to see Your goodness and grace to Your children. I pray Lord for Your peace to be upon them and for the local authorities to see their courage and hope spread.
In the joyous name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, El Shimchah, God of Joy, as brothers and sisters in Christ we rejoice for faithfulness of Laos Christians. We ask for joy, hedge of protection and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Father, cause provincial and government authorities throughout Laos to favor Christians and support their cause. Put favorable precedents in place strategically that influence more and more authorities to view the needs of Christians favorably. Make 2025 the year of remarkable growth and flourishing of the gospel in Laos with salvations springing forth
Lord God, we praise You that Lod came to saving faith before he died. I pray that the Christians would continue to show love and mercy to those around them, even as they suffer unjust persecution. May the other villagers see Your love through Your people and be drawn to consider the gospel.
In the name of the Shepherd, Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Rohi, Great Shepherd, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for shepherding Laos Christians. We ask for blessing, hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Abba, I thank You for my beloved brethren in Laos, for their faithfulness despite persecution. Bless them with the peace that passes all our understanding. I thank You they belong to You and are a walking testimony of Your divine mercy, grace and unfailing love. Bless my brethren I pray in Yahusha's name. You will dry every tear...
Dear family in Christ- I pray for your continued strength and growth in Christ. I also prayer those hateful to the gospel will have their eyes opened by Christ. Stand firm. Jesus is coming soon. All the tears and sorrow will be worth it when we meet our Saviour.
Father, You Are so good, "For The Lord is good, His Mercy is everlasting and His Truth endureth to all generations." (psalm 100)
Please do good to Your people who are suffering for Christ's Name and sake.
Please protect them, encourage them, sustain them, You have promised, and Your Word is Good.
In the loving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, God of love, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for fellowship of Laotian Christians. We ask for a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
I pray these families are living testimony of Jesus Christ. I pray Lord more bibles come into Laos and many in the government become more favorable to Christians. I pray for strength for the only witnesses in these remote villages to the salvation of Jesus to pagan believers. Holy Spirit come and draw more villagers to Jesus Christ.
Lord I pray against Christian persecution in Laos and this village . I thank your these families that stood together in faith and you would provide for all their needs from your riches in glory. May they the heights and depths of your love by the power of the Holy Spirit.I pray for conviction against this sinful behavior of unbelievers by theHolySpirit
Father, may the people of Laos see the your love as it is in Jesus and many be saved. May the Christians let Jesus live through them and be led by the Spirit each moment. Continue to give the believers courage and strength to be faithful to Jesus no matter what. Meet their needs. Thank you for loving them to the end. Amen.
Father God, I pray for these Christians in Lod's village, that they would continue to stand firm, to support one another, and to be bold in their testimony. I pray that the gospel of Jesus Christ will go out in power and strength to save many in this village and in Laos.Continue to draw many people to yourself.I pray that you will bless these believers
Dear Lord hear the cry of your people and rescue them foggier persecutors. May these hearts be changed and May they stop harassing the Laotian family. Amen
Thank You for Lod and his willingness to follow You despite persecution from his neighbors. Thank You for the other Christian villagers who also follow You and support their fellow believers. May You provide for all of their needs and enable them to love one another in all circumstances. May You be glorified before their non-believing neighbors.
Lord, we lift up this small community of believers, asking you to bless them with abundance as they share sacrificially to help sustain one another during times of grief and persecution. Please bring a change to the situation in Laos as your people demonstrate what the Kingdom of Christ is like and bring light to such a dark place.
Father, thank you for the salvation of brother Lod and that he is now in Your presence rejoicing in the love and power of Christ! We pray that many more would come to faith in Laos and in his village and that the persecution of Christians would end in Jesus name.
Heavenly Father, Thank you that Lod received Jesus as his Savior at age 90. I pray for comfort for his grieving family, as they've experienced unfair treatment from villagers.
Jesus help these Christian's to forgive the wrong done to them. Protect them and give them peace of mind and heart. In jesus name. Jesus loves you and so do your brothers and sisters in christ.
Our Father, continue to strengthen Your children in Laos. Surround them with Your love and care. Surround them with other believers so that they can be encouraged. May others see their faithfulness and come to know Jesus as savior. In His name, Amen
In the powerful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, El Shaddai, God Almighty, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Laos Christians. We ask for comfort, for provision, a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Merciful father, thank you for the faith of this family. Please comfort them in their time of bereavement and rejection by their village. Please provide for their physical, spiritual and emotional needs. Deliver them from their enemies and teach them to do your will. Revive them for your name's sake
Lord, please be with Lod's family. Encourage and meet their needs. Bless them today in Jesus name. Amen.
Abba Father, please comfort & provide for Lod's family. We praise God that he's absent from the body & now present with You. Use this situation to bring many to repentance & saving faith in Christ Jesus. Your perfect will be done here & in the wider country of Laos. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Lord Jesus thank You for these 10 families who live for You in difficult circumstances. Keep them faithful to You & may Your love & grace shine through them. Encourage them, help them to grow deep in their walk with You, loving those around them & being salt & light. Bring more people from this village to follow You.