Hindu radicals continued to harass the church after the pastor's death.
Hindu radicals continued to harass the church after the pastor's death.
Mar. 14, 2024 | India

Pastor Dies After Third Attack on Church

[176] prayers in [10] nations have been posted for pastor's family and church.

Pastor Gangireddy died July 14, 2023, from burns he suffered during an attack on July 8. The church continues to face pressure from Hindu radicals, who have planted signs in front of the church with slogans like “Born a Hindu, Die a Hindu.” This attack was the third against the church, which Pastor Gangireddy planted 20 years ago. Amid much opposition, Pastor Gangireddy stayed in the village and faithfully shared the gospel until his death. Members of the church have remained strong despite all that has happened and are standing with the family. Pray for emotional and spiritual recovery and ongoing faithfulness for his wife, Shanta, and their children. Ask God to strengthen the church despite the opposition they face.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in India and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for pastor's family and church

  • Heavenly Father, we pray for emotional and spiritual recovery and ongoing faithfulness for his wife, Shanta, and their children. Almighty God strengthen the church despite the opposition they face. Thank you Lord Jesus for these faithful believers and all Your doing through them.In Jesus name. The love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirt Amen.
    Alvin A - USA
  • Father, continue to give strength and courage to this church. May they let they let your love flow through them to each other and their enemies. Draw more into a relationship with Jesus for salvation. Please protect them from evil. No matter what happens, may they trust Jesus fully. Help them to learn how to live and walk by the Spirit daily. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • I pray Lord Jesus for the strength of the family of the pastor who died. I pray their church will be resilient and embolden comforted by your Holy Spirit and continue to maintain a Christian presence in that place and a witness. I pray that the Hindus that attacked the church will be the first of many to repent and turn to Jesus for salvation. Amen.
    Eric D - USA
  • In the strong name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Tsuri, our Rock, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for Your help to Indian Pastor's family and church. We ask for continued help,, a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father God in Heaven, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Lord I ask You to be with this precious family who call on the Name of the Lord. I thank You for all of those who are praying for the saints in this area of the world. Lord please have mercy and protect, provide and care for this family and saints of God. Lord may Your blessing be with them.
    Anthony D - USA
  • Lord God, the Almighty One, you control all things. Grant healing & peace for Shanta & her children. Give them comfort & assurance that their loved one is with Jesus now. Strengthen the congregation in this difficult time. Give them courage & protection as they carry on. May these evil Hindu radicals be confounded in their plans. Turn their hearts.
    Shelly D - USA
  • Jesus, I pray for Shanta and her children during their loss. Thank you that their fellow believers have surrounded them with support. I pray that they maintain that strong community. Bring comfort to all of their hearts Lord. Thank you that you are under those who are broken hearted and who are contrite and spirit. Jesus name.Amen.
    Robert C - USA
  • My heart grieves for these people father I asked you to provide for his widow and orphans
    christine s - USA
  • Oh Father, for twenty years this pastor has preached your Word. Strengthen his family, his congregation. Rebuke any fear and doubt the enemy is trying to put upon them. I pray you would speak to the other villagers, let them see you are real. Lord, work a miracle on the behalf of this family and this church. Fight their battle for them.
    Polly C - USA
  • In the truthful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Yahweh El Elmeth, God of truth, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You that this Indian Pastor's family and church know Jesus as the truth, way and life. We ask for a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father please strengthen the people of this church so that they may continue Your good work. Protect and guide them . Open the eyes of the people who are so deceived. In Jesus name Amen
    Machelle C - USA
  • Bring comfort and hope to these grieving family and friends of Pastor Gangireddy, Lord Jesus. May they be assured his death was not in vain; please bring many to faith as they witness the steadfast hope of this body of believers. We ask for continued strength and perseverance, faithfulness and forgiveness for these brothers and sisters in Christ.
    Jackie V - USA
  • I pray for Shanta and I pray for her to have strength and all that she needs for her and her children. I pray for church members to stay strong together and keep looking out for one another. I pray for the other church members to keep seeking You and looking to Your Word for guidance. I pray for the attackers of the pastor to repent and believe.
    Joy H - USA
  • Father, I pray for the emotional and spiritual recovery and ongoing faithfulness for Pastor Gangireddy's wife, Shanta, and their children. May they find peace as they grieve his loss. I pray that you strengthen the church despite the persecution they face. In Jesus' Holy name I humbly pray, Amen.
    Chaplain Dale I - USA
  • Dear family in Christ. I pray for you and all members of the body of Christ everyday. Stand firm and take comfort that Jesus is coming back. Little does the enemy know they've already been defeated. God loves you. Awaiting His return!
    Susan R - USA
  • Father, thank you for the faithful witness of your servant Pastor Gangireddy, as he fought the good fight even unto death. Let your Holy Spirit be with his family and congregation to give them emotional and spiritual strength to continue the fight against the forces of darkness in India. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
    Matthew E - USA
  • Strengthen and console this family this Easter. Help them to be able to rejoice in their suffering with Jesus.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Jesus strengthen Pastor Gangireddy's flock and family. Keep comforting them and let them grow stronger in their witness and love.
    michele r - USA
  • I Holy Lord we ask comfort for the family of pastor Gangireddy. May his death become a testimony to the hope of life after this and may Your church prosper in spite of this. Deliver them from the effects of this evil and pierce the hearts of the attackers that they may know what You have done for them. In Jesus' name amen
    Peggy A - USA
  • In the sacrificing name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Messiah, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You that You display Your work in lives of Pastor's family and church. We ask for guidance, a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Heavenly Father, please comfort Shanta, her family and their church as they morn the loss of a husband, father and pastor. Raise up good leaders in the church that the ministry in this village can continue. May the attackers see Your work here and bend the knee to Christ. Amen.
    Joan B - USA
  • Lord, I ask that you would comfort Pastor Gangireddy's church members and his family in their time of grief!
    Keep your church there strong!
    Allow them to worship and share Your Word there!
    Work on the hearts of the Hindu radicals, and save them!
    Sam S - USA
  • Lord, I pray for this Pastor family that you give them the strength to continue in their faith. May they know fully that his reward is in heaven and you will confess his name before all men one day. May his legacy be an inspiration to all of us, that we may store of treasure in heaven, and not of this world. Comfort them with your Holy Spirit
    Rafael G - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for Pastor Gangireddy's church & family: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. I praise You for their faith! Bring the martyred Pastor's killers to repentance. May his work continue & all India be saved. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
    Lisa D - USA
  • Oh Lord, may Shanta and their children find comfort, hope, peace and strength in You. Heal their hearts and minds through the Holy Spirit. Protect them from harm and may their church continue to grow in faith and in numbers. When they are discouraged, encourage them. When they feel hopeless, grant them hope. May Your love sustain them.
    Beth P - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father, we do know that You are at the Head of the Church. We ask that You help this church to remain faithful to You while they continue to spread the gospel message throughout their village. We ask that You help them by softening the hearts of the radicals & help the radicals to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior & serve Him alone.
    Donna H - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for Pastor Gangireddy's family & church: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. I praise You for their faith! Bring the martyred Pastor's killers to repentance. May his work continue & all India be saved. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
    Lisa D - USA
  • God, comfort Shanta, these children, these sheep who have lost their shepherd. Let his death strengthen their faith, and let Your Spirit be the comfort their hearts crave. Give them peace to grieve, and faith to believe. Give them love to believe all things, endure all things, hope all things. Strengthen them, and let that bear fruit. Amen.
    Kesse R - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for Pastor Gangireddy's family & church: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. I praise You for their faith! Bring the martyred Pastor's attackers to repentance. Let his work continue & all India be saved. In Jesus' Name. Am
    Lisa D - USA
  • Father, thank You that Pastor Gangireddy is now part of the great cloud of witnesses, who like us, await the glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Continue to provide spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health and well-being for his widow, Shanta, their children, and the other church members as they faithfully follow the Lord.
    Patrick V - USA
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