Having a Bible in prison has been a comfort to this young Christian on death row.
Having a Bible in prison has been a comfort to this young Christian on death row.
Mar. 07, 2024 | Pakistan

Cousins Appeal Death Sentence in Blasphemy Case

[228] prayers in [16] nations have been posted for Young Christian Men.

In spring of 2023, two young men from a Christian family were convicted under Pakistan’s harsh blasphemy laws of blaspheming the Islamic prophet Mohammed. Conviction under these laws brings a mandatory death sentence. These laws are applied disproportionately against the small Christian minority in Pakistan. While these men appeal their cases, they remain on death row. Their families struggle to pay legal fees and provide for the young men’s needs in prison. One of the young men requested to continue his schooling via distance learning and has been allowed to start studying, but he has found more comfort in God’s Word: “I cried a lot for my family and freedom,” he told a front-line worker. “When I started to read the Bible, the Word of God gave me strength to bear this difficult time. Thank God, he shows his mercy on me. His words give me power, and I have read the whole Bible twice.”

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Pakistan and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Young Christian Men

  • Heavenly Father, we worship You , we praise You and You get all the glory. Thank You for these encouraging believers, for their faithfulness and for continued strength. We pray for the fruits of their labor to be multiplied and to glorify Jesus our Lord. In Jesus Precious name, the great love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit Amen
    Alvin A - USA
  • Lord let our bretheren jailed for faith in you know that we all love them and pray for their release. Lord give them endurance. Provide for their basic b=needs in prison, Calm their disturbed mind from all fear and anxiety. Let Holy Spirit impress on them that nothing will happen tjo them without the Heavenly Father"s knowledge. Father God deliver them
    max d - India
  • Holy Father, I pray for my brothers in a Pakistani prison. Lord, be their strength and comfort and protection. Lord, may You give them faith to endure to the end, whatever it may be. Help us all to remember their condition. Help me to remember all brothers and sisters in such difficult conditions.
    I pray in the name of Christ. Amen.
    joey S - USA
  • I pray the young men would be spared, Lord.
    Clint D - USA
  • Please Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ rescue these young men from death row! While they are there please help them to bring many more people into Your Kingdom!
    christine s - USA
  • O Lord, our Redeemer, provide for the needs of this family. Give them your comfort & peace. Thank you for favoring him with his schooling. Even more, the Bible is sustaining his soul as he awaits judgement. May it continue to do so, & that he share with his fellow prisoners. Holy Spirit, bring your fire to ignite the hearers. May they turn to you. Amen
    Shelly D - USA
  • Father keep this family safe. Falter any plan to murder these Christian brothers and sisters. Open the eyes of the accusers so that they may to know Your word and who You are. In Jesus name Amen
    Machelle C - USA
  • Lord I pray for the Pakistani in church. You know their needs. Lord let them continue to shine the light in the face of darkness. Remind them of the hope that they have in you. In Jesus name, amen.
    Robert C - USA
  • Father, you know those who belong to you. I pray for these two young men; strengthen them spiritually and supply all their needs. I pray for their families; guide them in knowing what to do. Lord, you have promised you would watch over your children; I claim this promise. Go before them, use them, make a way, speak to hearts, give wisdom.
    Polly C - USA
  • In the truthful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Yahweh El Elmeth, God of truth, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You that Young Pakistani men know Jesus as the truth, way and life. We ask for a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father, Thank You for the faith and courage of these young men who are living out their commitment to You despite persecution and the threat of death. Fill them with Your peace and presence so that they can continue to stand strong. I ask for the miracle of their release in Jesus Name. I pray that Your River of Life will sustain them in Jesus Name.
    Laurie W - USA
  • Lord, for our brothers in Pakistan, we ask for your mercy and peace. Please comfort and bring encouragement through your Word. Help them endure and be strong, no matter the outcome, and may their faith be always completely in you, Lord. We ask for justice and release from prison, and comfort and provision for their families. Jesus, be near!
    Jackie V - USA
  • Father God I praise You or the comfort You have provided to this man through Your Word. I pray for a miracle and for the men to be released and allowed to live. I pray for Your peace to continue holding them. I pray for their families to be provided for and for money to provide them with what they need. I pray for laws aimed at Christians to be undone.
    Joy H - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father,

    May You remember the lot of your 2 sons and give them victory over fear and any weakness of their flesh.

    May You change the hearts of their persecutors and shift the conditions they are living in inside the jail.

    May they experience Your immense power to deliver and be filled with hope.

    In Yeshua's Name I pray,
    Esther A - Belgium
  • Dear brothers in Christ. I pray for you and all members of the body of Christ everyday. Stand firm and take comfort that Jesus is coming back. Little does the enemy know they've already been defeated. God loves you. Awaiting His return!
    Susan R - USA
  • Father, we lift up our brothers who are facing death for Christ's sake. We pray that their faith would remain firm and steadfast and that you would give them courage and hope through your Word. Have mercy on your people in Pakistan, that these harsh laws would be reversed. In Jesus' mighty name, amen.
    Matthew E - USA
  • Please keep on supporting these men. May they remember what happened at Easter. May they rejoice in their suffering with Jesus and know that their reward is great.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Let your Holy Spirit give great power to hold onto faith to these young Pakistany Christians.
    michele r - USA
  • Holy Father bless these young men as they go through this. I pray for their release. I pray for their peace and for peace in their family. Please provide for their financial needs in this matter and May they all be strengthened in Your love. Through Jesus and to his glory amen
    Peggy A - USA
  • In the sacrificing name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Messiah, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You that You display Your work in lives of these young Christian mencounsins. We ask for encouragement, for release, a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Lord, I ask that you would fill these men with your spirit and grow their faith!
    Keep them strong, and unwavering in your word!
    I ask that you be with their families, and provide them with what they need to help these men.
    Sam S - USA
  • Father, please continue to strengthen, encourage, edify, and comfort these two Pakistani brothers in Christ languishing in prison. Reveal Yourself to them through Your Word and by Your Holy Spirit. Despite being incarcerated, enable both of them to make the most of this difficult trial. Grant them opportunities to share the gospel with other prisoners.
    Patrick V - USA
  • Precious Lord, please see these Your people, answer their prayers, save the lost that persecute them. Bless them openly and make them brave...cause them to see You move in their lives and help them be found faithful. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
    Della H - USA
  • Father, none of us want these young men to suffer, certainly not to die. Still, it is clear that you are using even these circumstances to grow faith and trust. All I know to pray, is "Thy will be done." Comfort their loved ones by the power of Your Holy Spirit. in Jesus name and for his sake, Amen.
    Robyn P - USA
  • In the miracluous name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Elohim, God of miracles, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for miracles to young Chrisitan men. We ask for more miracles, a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Lord God, I do pray that You would continue to strengthen these men through Your word and that they would believe You are their Provider and Protector. Please strengthen their families and provide what they need for legal fees and supporting their sons in prison. I pray that truth and justice would prevail in these cases.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for all believers in prison under Pakistan's "blasphemy" law: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. I praise You for their faith! Free them all & let them be reunited with their families & continue their ministries. Amen.

    Lisa D - USA
  • Father God bring justice to these young men who have committed their life to you like Daniel and his 4 friends in old Testament
    Give them endurance to remain faithful to the end.
    Let God deliver them and even if they face the worst, let these young men be strong and faithful to you
    (Daniel 3:19-27)
    max d - India
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for believers in Pakistan's prisons under "blasphemy" law: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. I praise You for their faith! May they be freed, be reunited with their families & resume ministry. Save all Pakistan. Amen.
    Lisa D - USA
  • Father God, I pray for these young men being held on death row. God, please continue to comfort and strengthen them as they cry out to you for strength. Provide for their families. Grant them freedom based on their appeal to the courts. May they sense your presence as they stand firm for you. May their loved ones know there is hope in you! Amen
    Carol W - USA
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