Two young women in Benin.
Two young women in Benin.
Jan. 11, 2024 | Benin

Sisters Beaten, Nearly Killed by Father

[187] prayers in [11] nations have been posted for Renee and Rebecca.

Renee (22) and Rebecca (19) are half-sisters. Their father has four wives and practices animistic sorcery. Years ago, Renee’s mother was unable to conceive, so she went to a Christian outreach hoping for a miracle. There she placed her faith in Christ and received prayer; later she became pregnant and gave birth to Renee. Renee’s father was not pleased when his wife took Renee to church. Renee’s half-sister, Rebecca, became a Christian while training at a hair salon with someone who sang worship songs. Rebecca’s father told her that if she wanted to continue living in his house, she would have to perform demonic rituals. Both Rebecca and Renee refused to perform the rituals, so he declared he would kill them both and sacrifice them to local spirits. He then beat them severely, but they escaped. They told a front-line worker that having hope in eternal life through Jesus was worth what they have suffered.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Benin and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Renee and Rebecca

  • Dear Lord God Your people are being attacked so viciously please put an end to this, please protect them, please give them Refuge, please hide Your people from the enemy!!
    christine s - USA
  • leads many unto salvation by thine increase and to bear fruits meet for repentance. May they be strong in thy might with feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. I pray this to thy glory in the holy and almighty name of the LORD Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • and fallen short of thy glory. I pray they would know that even one sin shall send the unsaved to hell. May they repent of their sins of animism and idolatry that has led so many generations to hell. I pray for many broken spirits and contrite hearts in Benin ready to repent of their sins and believe on thy word in the King James Bible. I pray this
    Devin C - USA
  • and fallen short of thy glory. I pray they would know that even one sin shall send the unsaved to hell. May they repent of their sins of animism and idolatry that has led so many generations to hell. I pray for many broken spirits and contrite hearts in Benin ready to repent of their sins and believe on thy word in the King James Bible. I pray this
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, I pray that thy great provision and protection would be over these young sisters. I pray their witness to thy word was made stronger by what happened. May many in their locale come to read thy word in the King James Bible after being convicted of their sins. I pray that conviction of their conscience leads them to realize all have sinned
    Devin C - USA
  • May Rebecca and Renee understand the depth of your love for the as displayed in the cross. May they rejoice in their suffering with Jesus.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Dear Lord, please be a wall of fire round about Your children in Benin and protect them from the attacks of the enemy. Fill them with Your Holy Spirit and strengthen them to resist the enemy and still be Your witnesses. Please meet all their needs according to Your riches in glory. In Jesus name, Amen.
    Sarah A - USA
  • Thank You for drawing Renee and Rebecca to Yourself and allowing them to escape their abusive home. I pray that they would have a safe place to stay and way to provide for themselves, and that they would be supported, loved, and discipled by a strong church. May they grow in You and continue to persevere in hope.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Dear Jesus, thank you for Renee and Rebecca. Thank you for their faith. Thank you for their lives. Please heal their bodies from all scars of the beating. Please heal their minds and protect their dreams by Your Holy Spirit. May their father repent of evil and turn to You, Jesus. Provide future and a hope for Renee and Rebecca.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Father, Renee and Rebecca are your precious daughters. You love them even when their earthly father did not. Thank you for the new life in Jesus that they experience. May they learn to let Jesus live through them as they grow in faith and truth. Please provide for their needs and protect them. Thank you for working mightily in their lives. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • In the saving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Yeshua, God Who saves, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for Your salvation of Renee and Rebecca. We ask for a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Ciera I - USA
  • Lord of Justice, please shelter these sisters under Your Wings and provide for their needs. Thank You for giving them such faith. Please help the governmentpolice force in Benin take wise action to address abuse and persecution. Thank You that Renee, her mom, and Rebecca have trusted in You. Please bring the rest of the family to You. In Jesus Name
    Allison F - USA
  • Father, through the power and presence of Your Holy Spirit, continue to encourage, edify, and comfort Renee and Rebecca as they wholeheartedly follow our Lord Jesus. Surround Renee and Rebecca with godly men and women who'll stand with them and provide necessary love and support. Bring their father to repentance and saving faith in Yeshua, the Messiah.
    Patrick V - USA
  • Amen, Rene and Rebecca!!! You also inspire me!! Lord, bless these with more of yourself! Im so thankful for these sisters, and each time I learn of these family members out there I somehow love you more and morem I love them through You and You through them! May their Spirit shine like the Son! Rejuvenate them and fill them with love, faith and hope!!
    Austin A - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for Renee and Rebecca and their willingness to follow Jesus at great personal cost. Thank You for those who faithfully witnessed to them. I pray that You will provide for all of their needs and that their father may come to know Jesus as His Savior, leading his entire family to faith in Christ. You are light in the darkness.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Our Father, thank You for being our Father. Thank You for helping Renee and Rebecca. Strengthen them In faith and teach them. Please send calls of faith To their earthly father and family. Give them Strength To accept You as their personal Savior. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
    Maria D - Finland
  • Heavenly Father Thank You for preserving Rebecca & Renee both spiritually & physically. They are in Your Hands now Lord & we pray that You do wonderful things through their lives. May The Light they carry overcome every darkness around them as You fulfill their lives purpose. May they increasingly advance The Kingdom of God with the gospel message, ame
    Maureen E - USA
  • Almighty God, I praise You for answering Renee's mother's prayer for a child. I am thankful Renee was raised as a Christian, while Rebecca came to faith at work. I thank You for rescuing these women from their father. I pray You would continue to protect these dear sisters, and pray other family members would repent, and come to faith in the Lord.
    Curtis M - USA
  • In the name of kind Jesus, our heavenly Father, God of kindness, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for Your kindness to Renee and Rebecca. We ask for a healing, a hedge of protection, and angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Holy Father of heaven and earth. We praise You and worship You for who You are and all You do. There is none like You. Thank You for these obedient sisters in Christ. We pray for their protection and peace as they seek safety and comfort from other believers. Lord, bless all their needs. In Jesus of Nazareth great and mighty name Amen.
    Alvin A - USA
  • God willing, Benin will experience a Trisagion-type revival. They will embrace a confession of faith, speak life through positive affirmations, recognize the creative power of their words, embrace the authority given to them as believers, renew their minds, confess for worship, and confess for reverence. In Jesus' Mighty name, Amen.
    Tricia C - USA
  • Lord Jesus I praise You for Rebecca and Renee's faith. I pray that You will strengthen them and encourage them as they walk with You. I pray for their father's salvation in the name of Jesus. And I thank you for what you're going to do in and through these sweet sisters. Provide for all of their needs, Lord, and give them peace. In Jesus's name. amen
    Lori L - USA
  • Dear sisters in Christ, I pray for you and your family. May God keep you in his hand. The mighty name of Jesus is powerful. Look up! For our redemption draws nigh. Jesus is coming back! We're fighting a battle that he's already won. In His Love. Amen.
    Susan R - USA
  • In the saving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Yeshua, God Who saves, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for Your salvation of Renee and Rebecca. We ask for a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • I have added the sisters to my prayer list.
    Clint D - USA
  • Father, thank you for the miraculous redemption you have worked in the lives of Renee and Rebecca. We pray that you would continue to deliver and preserved them through all difficulties they may face. May they know that Christ is with them wherever they go. Have mercy on their father that he would be saved from demonic bondage in Jesus' name, amen.
    Matthew E - USA
  • Thank you dearest Lord Jesus for your mercies kindness to these sisters Thank foe spearing their lives and saving then also for bringing them to know you, is amazing thank you for protect their lives and taking care of the, thou art an amazing God and worthy of all your praises, please guide these girls into your truth and grow them in their faith in
    Joyce D - United Kingdom
  • Thank you Dear Lord for such brave and faithful young women. Please protect them that they may be of good use to you in Your Kingdom. Bless them and keep them safe from those who harm them. May their family find Jesus. In His name amen
    Peggy A - USA
  • My HOLY GOD, we in America are so dumb and out of touch with the rest if the world. PLEASE forgive me. I thank YOU much for VOM and it's dangerous work it accomplishes. I pray for the CHRISTIANS in Benin. especially in the northern region, and for the safety of the VOM workers. Again FATHER, forgive my dumbness. AMEN!!
    Bobby C - USA
  • Lord Jesus please give my Brothers & Sisters who are in areas where they refused to accept that you are Lord, guide and protect them from the hands of the enemy and strengthen them on their journey and keep them safe. A special anointing on Renee & Rebecca to forgive their father ignorance & to keep holding on to their faith & not lose hope. Amen
    Jacqueline B - USA
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