Sudanese fleeing an earlier conflict.
Sudanese fleeing an earlier conflict.
Nov. 16, 2023 | Egypt

Sudanese Refugees Flee to Egypt

[208] prayers in [13] nations have been posted for Sudanese Refugees.

More than a million Sudanese refugees have fled to neighboring countries since fighting erupted in Khartoum on April 15, 2023. Egyptian authorities report that nearly 300,000 Sudanese have arrived in Egypt since the fighting began, significantly adding to the more than 4 million Sudanese who had fled there during previous wars seeking safety and improved economic opportunity. “The task for those serving Sudanese refugees has exploded,” said a front-line worker. Many of the Sudanese fleeing the current war between two radical Islamic generals have become disillusioned with Islam, presenting an opportunity for Christians to bring comfort and the Good News of Christ to people who have lost everything.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Egypt and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Sudanese Refugees

  • Lord,
    Thank You for our Sudanese brothers and sisters and their willingness to follow You despite persecution by their Muslim neighbors. May You use the conflict in Sudan to bring many to Christ through the Christian witness of our Sudanese and Egyptian brothers. May they lovingly and wisely serve the needs of refugees, bring You all the glory.
    Lysander S - USA
  • believe on it unto salvation by thine increase. I pray the new believers would soon bear fruits meet for repentance to thy glory and then joy of believers in Egypt. I pray this in the holy and almighty name of the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, I pray this situation has led to a strong going forth of thy word with hearts ready to receive it. I pray many believers in thy body have feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace according unto the King James Bible and witness that causes conviction of sins. I pray O LORD that those who have been made ready for it search it and
    Devin C - USA
  • May these people find hope in the message of Easter and respond to Jesus' love for them.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • I thank you Jesus that the refugees are opening up to hear your gospel message. I pray that all the Sudanese refugees will come to know you as Lord and Savior. I pray you will bring them comfort and peace and a sense of purpose in their lives. I pray for the war in the country to stop and for peace to return there. In Jesus name I pray amen.
    Eric D - USA
  • Thank You Father for bringing these refugees to a place where they have the opportunity to encounter You through those who know and serve You. As this influx of refugees puts a strain on the economy of Egypt, we ask for Your abundant provision to Your people so they can bring the Good News of Christ as they provide for material needs of the refugees.
    Toni D - USA
  • God's willing, may they experience a Nun Revival. May they declare the illuminating power of God's word and testimonies, which guide and direct their steps. May Egypt be a testimony of God's love and peace, where unity, tolerance, and righteousness prevail. May faith, positive affirmations, the creative power of words, and His authority. IHS, Amen!
    Tricia C - USA
  • We Intercede and PLEAD the PRECIOUS BLOOD of JESUS
    over the multiplicity of increasing Somalia refugees and the generosity of the Egyptians for continued safety, provisions DEAR FATHER GOD, WONDERFUL JESUS AND PRECIOUS HOLY SPIRIT. We PRAISE AND HONOR YOU FOR Stirring up the hearts of Egypt for receiving YOUR children from Somalia.
    Carolyn A - USA
  • Heavenly Father, we lift up the Sudanese Refugees to Your throne of grace and ask for Your mercy. We pray for their salvation and that many will come to the saving cross of Christ. I pray for Christian's to take advantage of this opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Shining the love of Jesus to them. In Jesus Precious name Amen.
    Alvin A - USA
  • Eternal Father, have mercy on the Sudanese Refugees fleeing into Egypt. Touch their hearts and minds and open them to receive the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lead them into the truth and hope of a better life. Strengthen those who care for them and give them the opportunity to present the gospel to them. Bless them and provide for their needs Amen
    Andre K - USA
  • In the gracious name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Alpha and Omega, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You that Christian Sudanese refugees serve You. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Our Father, bless those who hear the good news of Jesus, and His love for them. May the Word grow in hearts that are ready to receive the blessing of salvation and a relationship with You. In Jesus' name, Amen
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • Father, we believe that the set time has come to reach Sudanese refugees in Egypt with the gospel. And so, "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace in time of need." Lord,prepare unlimited opportunities to share Christ with Sudanese Muslims, especially those disenchanted with Islam. Soften hearts.
    Danae V - USA
  • Father, bring good from this situation. Continue to open peoples' hearts and minds to Jesus so many can be saved. Give courage and wisdom to those sharing the gospel as they are led by your Spirit. Thank you for working powerfully at this time to accomplish your will. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Father, bring good from this situation. Continue to open peoples' hearts and minds to Jesus so many can be saved. Give courage and wisdom to those sharing the gospel as they are led by your Spirit. Thank you for working powerfully at this time to accomplish your will. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Lord let thy were go forth among these people like wildfire and be grafted to the heart of these Sudanese refugees.
    Margaret D - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father, there are refugees all over the world. Please meet their needs physically, emotionally and spiritually. May these poor Sudanese hear the good news of Jesus and find eternal life, hope and joy through Jesus. In His name amen
    Peggy A - USA
  • In the wonderful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Elohim, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You that Sudanese Refugees know and believe You are great and marvelous. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, and angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Thank You Father God and Lord Jesus Christ for seeing to the needs of Your people.
    christine s - USA
  • Holy Father, I pray for the work of believers in Sudan and Egypt as the minister in this refugee crisis. You are the Lord and are able to use all things for Your good pleasure. Help them that work in Your name that others would come to a saving knowledge of Christ. In HIs name I pray. Amen.
    joey S - USA
  • Lord, the needs are great and the workers are few. You are Lord of the harvest and may many souls come out of Islam into Your salvation as they seek answers Islam cannot provide. May corruption, violence and evil cease so that Your peace, justice and righteousness reign in Sudan and in refugee camps. Provide for them spiritually and physically please.
    Beth P - USA
  • Lord, we lift up these Sudanese refugees and ask that they might hear the gospel in their language and be touched with the message of hope and forgiveness in Jesus alone. Lord, send workers into this harvest in Egypt and Father, grant dreams and visions to thousands who are without hope such that many would be seeking the One true God and Your Son,amen
    Forrest B - USA
  • In the saving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, God of salvation, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Sudanese Refugees. We ask for physical and spiritual salvation, provision, a hedge of protection, and angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father God, I thank you for those who are open to hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ and who desire to know the truth. I pray that you will open their hearts and minds to receive the good news and believe in Jesus. Help them to grow in faith and knowledge of your word. I pray that peace will reign in the region of Egypt and Sudan. In Jesus's name, Amen
    Julia F - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for Sudanese refugees & believers serving them: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. Give the believers wisdom in conveying Christ's love to the refugees. May many meet Christ in their need. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Lisa D - USA
  • Heavenly Father we bring these Sudanese refugees to You. We pray for their life's to be transformed as You bring them into divine appointments with Christians in Egypt. May they find healing and hope in Christ. Equip Your Church to minister to their needs. In Jesus' name Amen.
    Marita J - USA
  • O God, for these dear refugees, may their hearts be opened to the saving knowledge of Jesus through these most difficult times. Help them to experience love, hope and comfort in You Jesus as they have never known. Give strength and wisdom to your children being your hands and feet among the refugees. Jesus be glorified amidst hardness I pray. Pat US
    Patricia S - USA
  • Lord God, I pray that these dear ones would come to know You as the true God and only Savior. May they find peace and security and hope that only comes through the power of Your Spirit and the truth of Your word. Please give the believers supernatural love, courage, and wisdom as they minister to those who have so much need.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for Sudanese refugees & believers serving them: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. Give the believers wisdom in conveying Christ's love to these refugees. May many meet Christ in their need. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Lisa D - USA
  • Father I pray for the Sudanese people Lord help them to find the perfect hope that is in you alone. Lord make a way for your children to present the Good News of your gospel to them that they may be saved. Help them like only you can Jesus. In your name Jesus amen.
    Nancy W - USA
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