Abdu uses his job as a pineapple seller to tell others about Christ.
Abdu uses his job as a pineapple seller to tell others about Christ.
Sep. 07, 2023 | Ethiopia

Former Muslim Sheikh Sells Pineapples for Christ

[194] prayers in [13] nations have been posted for Abdu.

Abdu grew up wanting to be an Islamic scholar, so he attended schools focusing solely on the Quran. After studying the Quran for 15 years, he became an Islamic teacher. But in 2022, he met an old friend who had become a follower of Christ. The friend shared the gospel with Abdu on numerous occasions, and Abdu began to question his beliefs. Eventually, Abdu put his faith in Christ. His enthusiasm for teaching the Quran waned, and local Islamic leaders noticed. Eventually, they discovered that he and his wife had become Christians, and they immediately fired him. Abdu lost his income and his home and was not allowed to rent a house in the area. He had no training or skills to help him get a job in the secular marketplace. Christian friends connected him with VOM, who helped him launch a micro-business selling pineapples. Abdu often uses his new job to tell others about Christ, saying, “Jesus is as sweet as a pineapple.”

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Write your own prayer for Abdu

  • for repentance to thy glory and the joy of the believers in Ethiopia. Only thou- the living God art capable of such a working. No other name is given given under heaven whereby men must be saved. I pray this in the name of the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • in the King James Bible as a result and had broken spirits and contrite hearts once they realized thou hast died for sin. I pray this Godly sorrow worketh repentance of sins and that they would be made ready in this way to believe on thy word. I pray this believing would be unto salvation by thine increase. May they as Abdu bear fruits meet
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, I thank thee that though this brother seems destitute by worldly standards, yet is he blessed more than any unbelieving person because thou hast sealed his eternal destination. I pray his witness with pineapple sales has been strong and that many have been convicted of their sins as a result. I do pray many have been led to search thy word
    Devin C - USA
  • The Sacred Heart of Jesus is sweetness for the soul when we embrace salvation in Jesus a choice one must make in this world every day every moment choose Jesus and the Sacred Heart of Jesus embraces you forever. Strength comes from the Holy Spirit. Endure for God's Glory. Thank You Jesus, Amen.
    Nicole P - USA
  • Thank you Jesus for Abdu's wonderful testimony! I pray you will empower and embolden him to become a great evangelist for you sharing the gospel with everyone he meets. I pray that many will come to know you as Lord and Savior through him. I pray this in Jesus name amen.
    Eric D - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for Abdu and his willingness to follow You even at the cost of his job and home. Thank You for VOM and the church in being able to help Abdu in this time of need. May he grow in his faith each day and may others be as receptive to Christ as they are to the sweet taste of pineapple. You so generously nourish us with Your love and care.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Father, you love Abdu and his wife dearly. You know that they have given up a lot to follow Jesus, so please continue to provide for their needs. I ask that his pineapple business is so successful that he has resources to help others. Also as Jesus lives through his life, may many others be drawn to Jesus and their lives transformed. Protect them. Amen
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for Abdu & his wife: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. I praise You for Abdu's faith! Open the hearts of his hearers to the Gospel. Bring area Muslims to repentance & faith. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Lisa D - USA
  • In the loving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father Hanan, God of grace, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Evangelist Abdu. We ask for grace and Your favor be upon him, a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to encamp around them and minister to him. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Dear Lord Jesus Christ, please protect Your people from their enemies, please give them everything they need on this earth and in this life while they're on their way to meet You!
    christine s - USA
  • Heavenly Father we thank You for saving Abdu and wife. We thank You for their witness anc courage. Grant them grace to continue faithfully serving You and teaching others about You inspite of the opposition and difficulties they face. In Jesus' name we pray Amen.
    Marita J - USA
  • In the powerful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, El Shaddai, God Almighty, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Pastor Abdu. We ask for provision, for hedge of protection and angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to him. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Thank you God for your wonderful work in Abdu's life. Help him to serve you each day with joy, and to lead others to know Jesus.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Lord thank You for the encouraging story of Abdu. His love for You makes me happy. Let him feel the intensity of Your strength and provide for him as only You can in the name of Jesus.
    Alison M - USA
  • Thank You for drawing Abdu to Yourself and providing for his needs. I pray that he would have increased strength and joy through You, that his focus would be on eternity, and that he would be encouraged in all the ways that he is bringing You glory. Please bless and unify his family as well, and give them many opportunities to share the gospel.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Praise the Name of the Most High God! You use anything, even pineapples to bring people to You. Open doors for Abdu to speak with authority on Your behalf Jesus, drawing people by the power of Your Spirit to Yourself! Use him to speak truth over his old Islamic leaders. Let scales fall off & Truth be revealed & many who did not know you call you Lord
    Atacy U - USA
  • In the precious name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Jireh, God Who provides. As brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Abdu. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, and angels direct from heaven to minister to him. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Dear heavenly Father,

    Thank you for the faithfulness of Abdu in Ethiopia who has left false religion of Islam to follow you at great cost! We treasure your word the Bible which brings salvation to many. We pray that his business shall flourish and he may win many for the kingdom!
    Robert M - USA
  • Lord, we're so thankful that when Abdu heard the truth he knew the truth and the truth has set him free. Thank you that we can use even a pineapple to share the Gospel. Lord, deepen his walk with you Day by day, and bring many to him that they may be set free in your truth too.
    Maria L - USA
  • Heavenly Father, we worship and praise You for who You are. We thank You for brother Abdu and all that you're doing in His life. Use him almighty God to advance the kingdom and we pray many will come to the saving grace of Christ. We pray it spreads like wildfire. In Jesus Precious name, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit Amen.
    Alvin A - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for Abdu, his wife & his Christian friends: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. I praise You for Abdu's faith! Open the hearts of those who hear his witness to Christ. Bring harassing Islamic leaders to repentance. Amen.
    Lisa D - USA
  • Precious Lord, help me to always remember these Your children, who suffer for their faith. Help me to pray for these brothers and sisters and to ask You to bless, protect and prosper them openly. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
    Della H - USA
  • God, thank You for VOM and their help to get Abdu a way to make an income... while sharing the Gospel! I love stories like this, and pray that more people will find a way to run a microbusiness.
    Jocelyn L - USA
  • Lord, thank you that Abdu knows the truth of Psalm 119:103,104 "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Through your precepts I get understanding; there I hate every false way." Protect him and guide him to show others your sweetness and to share your truth and to help others to turn away from what is false. Provide all
    Rachel Albro H - USA
  • Heavenly Father, thank you that Abdu and his wife have become Christians, and that VOM has made it possible for him to earn a living selling pineapples. Please reward him with success in his business, and restore what was lost when he trusted You. I pray many will come to faith in Christ because of his testimony.
    Rosalind T - USA
  • Thank You loving Father, for revealing Your love & truth to Abdu & his wife. Please preserve their lives, teaching them Your way, uniting their hearts to fear Your name. Thank You for enabling VOM to provide for their physical needs as You continue to provide for their spiritual and emotional needs, using their testimony to glorify Your name
    Julie C - USA
  • God, we praise You for Abdu and his wife's certain eternity. Please help them know their future on earth is just as certain, held in Your hands. Please bless his business, letting him support himself and his wife. Let his words be used as the Apostle Paul's, revealing the truth to those long deaf. Continue to shelter him, and keep his faith. Amen.
    Kesse R - USA
  • Father how awesome that my brother Abdu chose to give his life to You! May he & his family be blessed in their new beautiful relationship & never look back. May You continue to bless his business abundantly. TY he has all he needs acc to You riches in Christ. Bless & guide him to those who are hungry for You & would YOu turn this landupsidedownIJN
    Lisa T - USA
  • Heavenly Father, thank you for the faith of Abdu and his wife. God, I praise You that as Abdu sells pineapples, he is sharing the gospel of Christ. God, I pray that his witness will draw many to come to accept Christ as Savior and Lord. I pray You bless Abdu and his wife as they faithfully serve you and that they remain strong and steadfast in faith.
  • Dear Lord and Father, thank You so much for Abdu's life. Please help him to continue to faithfullyrics serve You. Please help us all to do the same. In Jesus name. Amen.
    Cuan J - South Africa
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