Aug. 03, 2023 | Korea, North

Defectors Experience God's Word Through Dance Therapy

[138] prayers in [8] nations have been posted for Dance Therapy Class.

North Korean defectors in South Korea are participating in a dance therapy class focused on the Bible to know the word of God and guide them in overcoming trauma. One student looking for a place to learn about traditional Korean dance discovered this dance therapy group, and she is now learning about a personal relationship with Christ through it. The group is currently developing a dance related to the missionary Robert Thomas and his efforts to introduce the Bible to Korea. The North Korean students were amazed to find that they knew the story already but through the lens of the North Korean regime, who painted it as an invasion effort. Pray that God’s word would be pervasive in North Korea and that these students find the Bible coming alive to them as never before.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Korea, North and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Dance Therapy Class

  • Please continue to work powerfully through this dance therapy class for the healing of the students.
    Karen K - USA
  • Lord Jesus you are a God who can use art and dance ect ect to communicate the truth of your gospel. I thank you of how you can bring wholeness and healing to those through that which you bless to comfort them. I pray that your gospel will come to life and meet many people right where they are and transform their lives. I pray salvation to all of Korea
    Eric D - USA
  • Lord, let thy word go out in every movement and without sound through all the earth. Give these dancrs skill and advance their ministry.
    Margaret D - USA
  • Father, continue to grow these people in faith and truth as it is in Jesus. Please work in their lives in powerful ways to do just what you want for each of them. Thank you for the leaders of this dance group. Give them wisdom and guidance as they continue this ministry. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Dear Jesus, bless these people who are using their creative gifts to minister to You and bring healing to others. Help these people from North Korea to come to know the Truth and to be set free from the lies and slavery they endured.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Dear Lord Jesus Christ, please protect Your people from their enemies, please give them everything they need on this earth and in this life while they're on their way to meet You!
    christine s - USA
  • Oh Lord thank you for this Avenue of revealing your truth and that even though it's being lied about in North Korea, the story of salvation through Jesus Christ is still out there. May truth be discovered in the name of Jesus Amen
    Peggy A - USA
  • Lord, we praise and thank You for this creative venue for introducing North Korean defectors to the gospel and to understanding Your word and Your truth. Father, we ask for many in North Korea to come to the truth of the gospel and to have access to Your word either in print or digitally or through broadcasts into North Korea so that many come to Jesus
    Forrest B - USA
  • Dear Father, thank you for these brothers and sisters in Christ who now live in South Korea and are finding freedom from trauma through dance therapy. Lord, may these dear people know healing and restoration as they study Your Word. Man MANY, MANY more know about Christ in North Korea. We ask you to move Holy Spirit!! In Jesus' Name! Amen
    Jennifer T - USA
  • In the saving power of Jesus, our Heavenly Father, Yeshua, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Dance Therapy class. We ask for a hedge of protection, and angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Heavenly Father, we pray that your word would be pervasive in North Korea and that these students find the Bible coming alive to them as never before. We pray that through this dance the Gospel will spread like wild fire and many come to Christ. In Jesus precious name, the great love of God and the mighty power of the Holy Spirit Amen
    Alvin A - USA
  • Dear brothers and sisters in Christ- I pray that you will feel the love and grace of Jesus. He holds you in his hand. Matthew 16:18, "I will build this church and the gates of hell will not stand against it." Stay strong. Jesus is coming back soon. Your reward is great in heaven.
    Susan R - USA
  • God, I pray that Your children in Korea will seek and find You, that You will show them the Truth and the Light and that they may know Jesus. I pray that they will have unshakable faith in You and that You would grow Your kingdom in Korea. In Jesus name Amen
    Allison S - USA
  • Father help these students to meet Jesus and to walk in his light.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Dear Lord... We thank you that some N Korean Christians have escaped and are learning about you! We pray that the gospel may shine in the darkness of N Korea, even if by dreams prompted by the Holy Spirit. May I do more for the kingdom in the USA. Amen.
    Robert M - USA
  • In the interceding name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, El Shama, God Who hears, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Dance therapy class. We ask they continue to watch and pray, for a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Thank you, father, for this dance therapy and how it is helping to heal and share the word. Keep these people and place protected and perceived. May they draw closer to you and bring more people in.
    thank you Lord.
    Ajanigo O - USA
  • Lord,
    I had never heard of dance therapy and certainly not a dance therapy class focused on the Bible. We praise You that You are using it to bring people closer to You. Our hearts cry out for the North Korean people. May Your Word be pervasive in North Korea and may these dance students find the Bible coming alive to them as never before.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Loving Father, thank You for the opportunity to use cultural healing practices to not only heal the trauma these people have experienced, but to also reveal Your love and truth that is found through Jesus Christ. Please continue to glorify Your name in North and South Korea and bring healing to these hurting people
    Julie C - USA
  • Father, a dance therapy class not only teaching dance which is therapeutic but teaching your story as well is beautiful. North Korean defectors are starved for more than food, become filled with the holy spirit which is mind boggling. Continue to bless defectors this way, may they find comfort and truth in you. I ask in your son's holy name Jesus. Amen
    Judith B - USA
  • Father God, I thank you for this wonderful ministry of dance for those who have been through so much. Thank you that they hear the gospel and I pray that you would minister to their minds and hearts so that they would experience your love and grace in real and tangible ways.Please glorify the name of Jesus to those in North and South Korea drawing many
    Julia F - USA
  • In the saving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, God Who Speaks, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Korean Dance therapy ministry. We ask for a hedge of protection on them, angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • I pray they would find shelter in your church and that they would be well taken care of in Jesus name amen.
    David A - USA
  • Lord God, I pray that these dear ones would come to know the truth and that the truth would set them free. May this dance therapy be used to draw them to Yourself and teach them to crave the Scriptures. May they be discipled through Your word and come to know You as their Savior and King, and may the leaders of this class have Your wisdom to minister.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Heavenly Father we thank You for the creative dance therapy bringing people to You while restoring them from traumas. We thank You for telling Your story to those who have not heard the Good News. In Jesus' name Amen.
    Marita J - USA
  • Lord, may the dance therapy class be a place where students in Korea may hear the explicit gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and experience a life-transforming relationship with him. Keep it free from any secular, post-modern or occulted philosophies which are prevalent in the world. Grant many saving faith in Christ! Amen.
    Diana F - USA
  • Holy Father, thank you for your goodness in this beautiful dance therapy. Let the gospel be clear. Overcome the lies previously taught. Help the relationships to support your word. Provide the defectors with work, friends, education, health care, and safety.
    Rachel Albro H - USA
  • Thank You for freeing our brothers and sisters from the oppressive government of North Korea, and now for giving them them opportunity to heal from what they have suffered. Thank You for revealing truth to these who have been lied to. Enable those who are still held captive in North Korea to have access to Your Word, and its transforming power.
    Toni D - USA
  • Father God, thank you for this unique way that you are helping these North Koreans come to know you and the truth. Use this class to open their hearts and teach their minds and to lead them to a deep relationship with Christ. Please continue to work your light and your truth into the darkness of North Korea. IJNA
    Kevin R - USA
  • God, I pray for each of the North Vietnamese defectors as they seek to learn the truth about Jesus Christ. I pray the dance therapy class will be very useful for these brothers & sisters, and will help make the Bible come alive in their hearts & minds. I also pray the Word of God will travel throughout North Korea, and for a mighty harvest of souls.
    Curtis M - USA
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