China has more than 185 million Buddhists, including many minority groups that are considered restricted.
China has more than 185 million Buddhists, including many minority groups that are considered restricted.
Jul. 20, 2023 | China

Church Trains Pastor for Ministry to Restricted Minority

[189] prayers in [12] nations have been posted for Training for Pastors.

An underground church in China has developed a discipleship relationship with a family from a highly restricted people group in a sensitive location. This family is part of a small fellowship of Christians that has suffered rejection and persecution within their community. As leaders of the church train the father to evangelize and pastor his people, pray for the security of this family as well as receptive hearts among their community, which has not had a strong Christian witness before now. Pray for this pastor-in-training to grow in his faith and mature ability to lead the church according to the qualifications for elders in 1 Timothy 3.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in China and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Training for Pastors

  • I pray this in the name of the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • fruits meet for repentance to thy glory and to the joy of believers in China. I pray thy will and purpose would thus be done here as thou hast offered salvation unto all and are not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Even so, many will choose the broad path which leadeth to hell and the lake of fire.
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, I pray thou wouldst train up strong witnesses to thy word in this part of China. I pray many would be convicted and search thy word in the King James Bible as Bereans. I pray they would have Godly sorrow which worketh repentance of sins. May they believe on thy word unto salvation by thine increase. I pray they would then go forth bearing
    Devin C - USA
  • Lord thank you for this exciting, faithful advance for thy kingdom. Open the hearts of the people so that they may receive thy word.
    Margaret D - USA
  • Father, please continue to work mightily in and through this pastor. May he grow strong in faith and truth. May he learn to abide in Christ as Jesus abides in him and he is led and walks by the Spirit. Prepare many hearts and minds to receive the good news of Jesus and save many in these people and beyond. Thank you for your faithfulness and love.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Dear Jesus, guard and protect this man and his family as he trains to bring Your truth and life to his region. Rebuke any forces of evil that stand against Him by Your name and authority""Jesus. Give him wisdom and discernment and a gentle spirit and any gifts that he needs. Send Your Holy Spirit to teach and protect him and his family.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Oh Lord Jesus Christ, so many people are in trouble and turmoil around the globe! Please ask The Father to close down this age quicker, please help and heal and protect and deliver all of Your people!
    christine s - USA
  • Lord, I pray for these requests according to Psalm 119, v.130 Give understanding to the simple so that he can be a pastor to illuminate your word, v. 132 be gracious to this Christian community to not be discovered by those with hard hearts, but to have opportunity to boldly grow despite opposition. v.133 Keep their ways steady, not stumbling in sin.
    Rachel Albro H - USA
  • Dear brothers and sisters in Christ- I pray that you will feel the love and grace of Jesus. He holds you in his hand. Matthew 16:18, "I will build this church and the gates of hell will not stand against it." Stay strong. Jesus is coming back soon. Your reward is great in heaven.
    Susan R - USA
  • Father, may this family learn what it means to walk with Jesus and serve him where you have placed them.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Father God in Jesus Name we pray for our brothers and sisters that take the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ our Lord into All the world, and may many come to know You Lord through their efforts as Your increase comes and faith is granted to the unsaved that hear the Word of God and may no weapon formed against our brothers and sisters prosper. Amen
    barry p - USA
  • Jesus we pray this pastor will grow in faith that the Power of Your Holy Spirit will anoint him to take the Gospel to the lost that he will totally heed to You Lord in humbleness but also be made tenacious and full of Your Love and Your Favor for Kingdom purposes. Thank you Lord Amen.
    Nancy W - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for this father who seeks to evangelize and pastor his people and his willingness to do so even at great personal cost. I pray that You will bless him and his family; may they be secure. May he encounter receptive hearts in his community and bear a strong Christian witness. May he grow in his faith and be able to shepherd his church.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Father, I pray these Pastors who are being taught in these restricted areas will find reception and not rejection when they pass along the gospel. Your original church began in small hushed groups until their numbers steadily grew. I pray this same growth for these training Pastors. I pray God be with them. In the holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen
    Judith B - USA
  • In the saving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, God Who Speaks, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of training for pastors. We ask for a hedge of protection on them, angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Thank You, Father for orchestrating this mentormentee relationship between the leaders of this particular church and the family from another church that has suffered rejection and persecution. We ask You to protect this family as well as for receptive hearts in the community they want to reach with the gospel. Grant him spiritual growth and maturity.
    Toni D - USA
  • Brother Pastor,

    I pray you go in the strength our Lord supplies, making disciples in His image, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    May the God of all grace fill you with all joy, strength, peace, and resilience and you press into the darkness with the light of Christ our Lord.

    Blessings, beloved.
    Devin H - USA
  • Dear Lord, please strengthen this pastor-in-training and his family as they yield their lives for Your service and grow in Your knowledge. Please protect from the enemy and help them reach many of their community with Your life-changing Gospel. Bless them and meet all their needs. In Jesus name and by Your Holy Spirit. Amen.
    Sarah A - USA
  • Heavenly Father, I pray for our brother and sisters in China who risk their lives for their faith in you. Bless and keep them strong in their faith. I pray for this special opportunity with discipiling a new family from another community where there is strong persecution. Bless the church leaders as they train and the father who is in training. Amen
    Steve P - USA
  • Heavenly Father, we pray for the security of this family as well as receptive hearts among their community, which has not had a strong Christian witness before now. We pray for this pastor-in-training to grow in his faith and mature ability to lead the church according to the qualifications for elders in 1 Timothy 3. In Jesus Precious Name Amen.
    Alvin A - USA
  • In the name of Jesus our hope, Miqweh Yisrael, God of hope, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You that these pastors are trained to evangelize and tell others to hope in name of Jesus. We ask for a hedge of protection and angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Our Father, watch over, and bless those who are being trained to take Your Word to others who need You. Rise up and scatter Your enemies so that they may work effectively in areas that are hostile to You. In Jesus' name, Amen
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father I amen these previous prayers. Give order to the house of this pastor in training. Order all of his steps & give him the strength & wisdom to lead wisely. I pray Your protection & Your invisibility over him from the enemy. Open the hearts of the people around him. May his harvest be great. Save this people in China. IJ Mighty NA.
    Johnathan K - USA
  • Lord I lift up the training of this Pastor and pray for him to grow and mature and soak up the teaching from Your word and Your godly leaders. I pray for the community to have receptive hearts that are hungry for truth and the Word of God. I pray for the there to be elders who can come alongside him and help him to lead the church following You.
    Joy H - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father, please keep these newly trained pastors close to You. Help them to be true to Your Word and true to their families. Help them to be able to resist the devil by reiterating Your Words. Dear Lord, please keep them safe in the streets as they go out to spread the gospel and help those they encounter to hear the gospel and be saved
    Donna H - USA
  • In the name of Jesus, the light of the World, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Ori, Lord is our light, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of trainings for pastors. We ask their light will shine, a hedge of protection and angels direct from heaven to encamp around minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father show kindness, love & strength to the pastors in training in China. Meet their needs, give them wisdom in your word & bring encouragement. In Jesus name.
    Rhonda F - USA
  • Father God, I thank you for those willing to minister in China. I pray for their protection and I pray for fruitful ministry. Please grow your church in China. Bring believers there to a mature faith in Jesus Christ. Please keep these Christians safe and guide them in their witnessing to others. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Julia F - USA
  • Lord bless these pastors with Your Word and leading. Holy Spirit let them have the knowledge and understanding of what You want them to do and say in the name of Jesus.
    Alison M - USA
  • Father, we pray that this pastor-in-training will be fully yielded to You and the influence of Your Holy Spirit. May he be filled with the fruit of the Spirit, blameless, temperate, sound-minded, able to teach others, gentle, and have a good testimony both inside and outside the local assembly. Grant this pastor the ability to discern right from wrong.
    Patrick V - USA
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