The remains of the Bokore Full Gospel Church
The remains of the Bokore Full Gospel Church
May. 18, 2023 | Ethiopia

Church Building Destroyed

[168] prayers in [14] nations have been posted for Bokore Full Gospel church members.

In September 2022, Muslim extremists attacked the Bokore Full Gospel church in southeastern Ethiopia. Islamists set it on fire, destroying the building and everything inside; fortunately, no church members were hurt during the attack. The church was planted 12 years ago and has around 120 members. While Ethiopia is a majority-Christian nation, Islam is on the rise, and Muslims now compose nearly 40 percent of the population. In southern Ethiopia, political unrest and the rise of Wahhabism, an extreme branch of Islam, have resulted in a wave of attacks against Christians in that area. VOM is helping to rebuild the church and replace the destroyed items.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Ethiopia and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Bokore Full Gospel church members

  • glory and the joy of believers in Ethiopia. I pray in the name of the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • to be convicted of their conscience that they are sinners and thou hast died for sin. I pray they realize thou art the only living God before whom is all sin manifested. I pray they would have Godly sorrow which worketh repentance of sins and believe on thy word unto salvation by thine increase. I pray they would bear fruits meet for repentance to thy
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, I pray this persecution would not cause a falling away of thy body in Ethiopia. I pray that as the church at Smyrna that this persecution would only serve to make thy word to spread more among those who are slaves to their sin. I pray the unbelievers including these persecutors would search thy word in the King James Bible as a result and
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear Jesus, encourage the Christians in Bokore during this Christmas season. Provide for them.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Oh Lord Jesus Christ, so many people are in trouble and turmoil around the globe! Please ask The Father to close down this age quicker, please help and heal and protect and deliver all of Your people!
    christine s - USA
  • Lord, we see the persecution and attacks on believers in Ethiopia and recognize that followers of Jesus will suffer despite the official stand of the government. Lord, raise up bold witnesses for the gospel and bring about the distribution of Your word in print, digitally and through broadcasts such that many come to faith in You, amen.
    Forrest B - USA
  • Father, we call on your name for the nation of Ethiopia. Please pour out your Spirit and bring revival. Encourage believers and help them maintain hope and unity as they face discouragement and opposition. May their love and forgiveness speak loudly to a watching community. Bring many to repentance and faith in Jesus for salvation.
    Jackie V - USA
  • Jesus name, God I dispatch Michael & his warrior angels with their flaming swords & flaming wild horses with fire bombs, to go back & forth, in & out thru out the entire world to tare down & destroy satan & every demon & every kingdom & stronghold that he has set up & burn every evil thing to ashes so nothing is left for them to try & rebuild...
    Aimey M - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for Bokore Full Gospel church and their willingness to follow You even in the face of violent opposition. I pray that You would strengthen them in their faith and provide for all of their needs. May they boldly proclaim the Gospel to everyone who so desperately needs to hear it. May You turn enemies into friends and heal the broken.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Pai, perdoa estes membros da religiao do odio e de Satanas, abre-lhes os olhos e fa los arrependerem-se segundo a tua vontade, acima de tudo salva os meus irmaos e irmas de todas as dificuldades como tu fazes com todos nos, em nome de Jesus, amen
    Duarte S - Portugal
  • I hope and pray in Christ Jesus' name for a daily abundance of blessings, especially your Holy Spirit, wisdom, healing, restoration, love, grace, compassion, mercy, protection, deliverance, resiliance, and so much more. I hope and pray that things are going well and improving everyday. May God bless you, those around you and far away. Amen.
    Gabriel S - USA
  • In the name of Jesus, Prince of Peace, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Shalom, God of Peace, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Bokore Full Gospel Church. We ask for peace, for a hedge of protection, and angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • I will continue to pray for the christians in Ethiopia nightly.
    Clint D - USA
  • Holy Father, thank You that no persons were injured in this attack. I pray that they will see Your glory, grow in their trust and faith, and be a witness to Jesus by their forgiveness, love, and giving to their enemies. Let their community recognize Your Spirit through them as they respond to these events.
    Karen K - USA
  • Father, thank You for the witness and testimony of our brothers and sisters in Christ at Bokore Full Gospel church. Building or not, Your Church at Bokore still exists through Your people and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Thank You for VOM's direct involvement with helping to build a new structure where the congregation's able to meet.
    Patrick V - USA
  • God, Bless Bokore Church! The church is the members & we ask that you guide, Strengthen, & encourage each member. Help each one to continue the work you have started, & trust you through this time of fiery trials, & adversity. Father please comfort & ease tensions. Please bind these extremist groups seeking to harm your church, & help them come to you
    Jamie G - USA
  • Father, thank you that none of your children were physically injured from this destructive act. Please provide for the believers and protect them from evil. Abundantly restore even more than what was lost. May the believers not be afraid, but trust Jesus fully. Please draw the unbelievers in the area to Christ through any means. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • In the powerful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, El Shaddai, God Almighty, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Bokore Full Gospel Church. We ask for a provision, a new building, a hedge of protection and angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Father, I lift this church and it's members up to you. I pray you strengthen them and encourage them with your presence. I pray you speak to the hearts of those who did this; open their eyes to your love. Give the congregation love and forgiveness for those who did this. Give them wisdom in knowing how to speak to them. Move Holy Spirit
    Polly C - USA
  • Heavenly Father, we lift up in prayers the Bokore Full Gospel church members. Holy Spirit of God, we ask for Your strength, courage, and boldness on the church members to continue to fight the good fight of the faith. We pray for the salvation of the extremist. In Jesus, precious name, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    Alvin A - USA
  • I raise Bokore Full Gospel church to You Almighty God - Lord of the Heavens Armies. There is nothing you cannot do. Show yourself to be the defender of this church. What Satan meant for evil, use as a powerful weapon for good. Let Satan wish he never messed with this church because You are rising up in authority and drawing untold people to yourself.
    Atacy U - USA
  • Our Father, thank You that no one was hurt in the attack on the church building. May those who sought to do harm realize their sin and want to know Jesus the way Your church knows Him. Be with Your children as they serve You in a place that is hostile to You. In Jesus' name, Amen
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • Lord bless our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia. Strengthen their hearts and that their faith in you will not wither but grow stronger. I pray that the Love of God will be a great testimony through them to all non-believers alike in Ethiopia and that they continue to boldly share the Good news of Christ. Amen
    Peter F - United Kingdom
  • Lord I pray for the rebuilding of the Bokore church and I pray that the rebuilding of the church would be like that of someone growing after coming to Jesus. I pray Lord for them to have the funds necessary and for their hope to remain strong in You. I pray for the attackers to be met with the Gospel and come to their knees in repentence.
    Joy H - USA
  • Father God, strengthen Ethiopian Christians to stand firm and steadfast in their faith amid the growing Muslim population. May their witness for Christ lead Muslims to know and accept Christ as Savior and Lord. Protect them from attacks by Muslims. Protect the church being rebuilt by VOM. May it be a beacon of light to all, shining the light of Christ
  • In the wisdom of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Omniscient God, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Bokore Full Gospel church. We ask for grace, for wisdom, a hedge of protection, and angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for Bokore Full Gospel church members: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. Bring their Islamist attackers to repentance & saving faith. May their church building & all destroyed items inside be replaced. In Jesus' Name. Ame
    Lisa D - USA
  • Father, we pray for the members of the Bokore Full Gospel Church in their time of suffering and persecution. Let their peace and joy in believing overflow in abundance and provide for all their needs according to the riches of your glorious grace in Christ. We pray for the conversion of muslim extremists in Ethiopia to Christ by your grace, amen.
    Matthew E - USA
  • Abba Father, I pray for all your disciples there in Ethiopia, to protect them while they distribute Bibles, and preach the gospel! Jesus, continue to appear to millions of Muslims there, in their dreams, and tell them that YOU love them and that YOU want a personal relationship with them & about the Holy Spirit, and where they can get a Bible, from VOM
    Michael V - USA
  • Lord, I pray that my brothers and sisters of Bokore Full Gospel church remember and are encouraged that if two gather in Your name, You're with them. I pray for homes to open despite risks. I pray your angels will guard their homes. I pray Your Word catches Ethiopia on fire like it once did. I pray for extremists' eyes to be opened and repentant hearts
    Rosheen M - USA
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