In Communist nations, even Christians involved with government-registered churches experience significant pressure.
In Communist nations, even Christians involved with government-registered churches experience significant pressure.
Apr. 13, 2023 | Vietnam

Harassed, Imprisoned for Christ

[178] prayers in [14] nations have been posted for Imprisoned Christians.

Three brothers in Christ and their families in southeast Asia have faced severe persecution from government authorities. The men are now serving prison terms for their faithfulness to Christ. Pray for their faith to remain strong, for them to have great courage in the face of their sufferings, and for their families to be protected and cared for by the body of Christ while the men are imprisoned.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Vietnam and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Imprisoned Christians

  • Father, Pls encourage those imprisoned for You. Encourage them, via Holy Spirit remind them they are not alone, of scripture they've read before bring back to their mind. May they boldly and courageously share Your Word of life and hope to others. When they are weak, be their light, refuge and strength. Despite the food, keep them healthy for home. Am
    Cathy D - USA
  • in thy name rejoice to see them bear fruits meet for repentance! I pray thy light would so shine in such darkness which has had many generations go to the darkness of hell. I pray this to thy glory in the holy and almighty name of the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, I pray these brothers and their families would experience thy peace which surpasseth all understanding if they are still imprisoned. I pray this would be a strong witness to thy word in the King James Bible. May many in the government repent of their sins and believe on this thy word unto salvation by thine increase. May these brothers
    Devin C - USA
  • Father, continue to provide for and protect these families. May they trust Jesus fully. God you are faithful and we look to you in hope. Draw people to a saving relationship with Jesus. Thank you. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • I pray Jesus Christ delivers you and saves you
    William P - USA
  • Lord I pray for the wives and children of these men to be taken care of while they are in prison. I pray for the believers around them to care for them. I pray Lord for the brothers to be able to encourage each other and for them to keep each others faith strong. I pray for them to a part of strengthening each other as they endure persecution.
    Joy H - USA
  • Thank You, Lord, for those who are willing to pay the price to follow You. Strengthen their faith. Grant them courage in the face of their sufferings. May Your children protect and care for their families during their imprisonment. Use their imprisonments as opportunities for gospel ministry, and raise up ministers from among the flock to care for it.
    Toni D - USA
  • Lord, you know the situation these Christians and their families are facing. Father, I pray their faith may remain strong and their families are cared for during these hard times. Lord, protect them and help them continue to learn and seek you even in prison. Thank you Father as I know you hear my prayer. In Jesus Holy name I pray Amen
    Melanie C - USA
  • I hope and pray in Christ Jesus' name for a daily abundance of blessings, especially your Holy Spirit, wisdom, healing, restoration, love, grace, compassion, mercy, protection, deliverance, resiliance, and so much more. I hope and pray that things are going well and improving everyday. May God bless you, those around you and far away. Amen.
    Gabriel S - USA
  • Dear Jesus, We pray for the nation of Vietnam who are facing persecution. Please wipe away every tear and send Holy Spirit to strengthen their resolve. May I be reminded to spread the gospel more in my sphere of influence. Amen.
    Robert M - USA
  • ABBA FATHER, I pray that YOUR peace reigns inside these 3 brothers of mine, in CHRIST, in Vietnam, that is beyond all man's understanding, that only comes from knowing YOU, JESUS, and knowing that we, as YOUR born again, HOLY SPIRIT filled children, that when we die, we will be with YOU in heaven, for all eternity! YOU are the PRINCE OF PEACE, JESUS!
    Michael V - USA
  • Lord Jesus, please strengthen these three brothers and comfort their family. Please help all of them not to be bitter and to love their enemies, who are ultimately your enemies. With a love they do not know. A love that they marvel at.
    Silke M - Germany
  • Dear Father in Heaven, I come to your Throne of Grace, interceding for my brothers in Vietnam who are suffering for your Name; I ask you that you may be increasing their Faith in You, that they may count as joy to be suffering for your Name, please help them remember all Your Perfect Promises to them and that they may find Hope and Peace from them, ame
    Lina M - Colombia
  • Lord Jesus, grant these three brothers boldness to share the love of Jesus to many inmates, with whom they have regular contact and create miraculous access to Your word for them while imprisoned and also grant opportunities to share the gospel with prison guards and administrators. Lord, pour out your Spirit on this prison. Draw many to Yourself, amen
    Forrest B - USA
  • Lord gives strength to these prisoners, let the minister even in bonds, and watch over their families. Make the time short Lord and deliver them.
    Margaret D - USA
  • In the loving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Abba, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Vietnamese imprisoned Christians and families .We praise You that they have not gone astray. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, and angels direct from heaven to camp around and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • I will continue to pray for Christians in Vietnam nightly.
    Clint D - USA
  • Our Father, strengthen our brothers who are imprisoned for Jesus. May their lives in prison shine brightly to everyone they encounter. Bless their families who are being cared for by the church. Rise up and submit Your enemies. In Jesus' name, Amen
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • Dear Brothers know you are loved and are witnessing of our precious Jesus. And are a wonderful faithful example for all Christians around the world. Praise God. Pray for strength, grace, mercy, and love. Love your enemies and do good to those who persecute you. Bless them and do not return evil for evil. Our God is with you always.
    Patricia B - USA
  • Please Lord, drop these prison sentences in the Mighty Name of Jesus, amen.
    Pmandy Y - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for these brothers in southeast Asia and their willingness to face imprisonment for the sake of Jesus. May their faith remain strong and grow each day, being a light to all they encounter. May You give them great courage in these circumstances, and may You protect and provide for their families as they are in prison.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Father our hearts go out for these dear brothers. May they & their families be lifted up & encouraged. MInister hope, forgivness, grace, & all they need. May they know that they know they have made the perfect decision to follow You. No regrets In Jesus' Name. Prayers go out for the persecutors for conviction & turning toward You & mercy. IJN
    Lisa T - USA
  • I pray that you can do all things through Christ which strengthens you. God said do not fear, I am with you, I love you & I will care for you from before the beginning of time. He is your God & you are his people. We as the body of Christ stand together with you & support you. You are never alone. Trust in God always. ðŸ'ž
    Janice H - USA
  • In the name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, El Emet, True and Faithful, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Vietnamese imprisoned Christians. We praise You that they put their faith in You. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Father fill my brothers with Your Spirit and help them to remain strong and courageous, steadfast and immovable. Fill them with Your joy and peace and strength. Deliver them quickly and help them to shine Your light in the prison and many believe. I also ask that You would provide for their families and comfort them while these men are imprisoned.
    Nicka J - USA
  • Dear LORD, we ask for protection & provision for these men & their families. Give them opportunities to share your love & mercy. Grant favor from their guards. We ask for pardons to return to their families. Give them courage as they wait on you. Open hearts to the Good News, & May many come to know Jesus, our Savior. All glory to you, Our Father.
    SM D - USA
  • Lord, You know exactly what needs to happen in these churches. Let them feel Your presence and see Your hand moving among them in the name of Jesus.
    Alison M - USA
  • Lord, I pray for these imprisoned Christians in Vietnam, that you would strengthen them, and give them courage and keep them faithful, while they are imprisoned for their faith. I pray that you would provide for their families through the body of Christ, while they are in prison in Jesus name I pray amen.
    Nancy G - USA
  • Yes, Lord, our hearts join together on behalf of our brothers in prison. Above all, we ask you to strengthen their faith and the faith of their loved ones. Please use this situation for good to expand your Kingdom and bring life and light where there is darkness.
    Brenda M - USA
  • Father God, I lift up each imprisoned Christian. May Your love, comfort, and guiding wisdom safely bring them thru each trial. May this be a sudden outpouring of renewal in which all will turn to You thru Jesus. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Mary M - USA
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