One of the churches destroyed on July 31, 2022
One of the churches destroyed on July 31, 2022
Dec. 01, 2022 | Cote d'Ivoire

Christians Stripped, Churches Destroyed

[176] prayers in [12] nations have been posted for Christians in Grahipla.

Followers of local animist traditions in the village of Grahipla had planned an initiation ceremony on July 31, 2022, and told Christians not to worship that day. Local Christians decided the threat would not stop them. But on that day, animist initiates attacked five churches, three of which were holding services. The attackers looted buildings, destroyed three, and humiliated Christian men, women and children by stripping off their clothes and beating them. Many of the Christian men now struggle to take care of their farms because of their injuries, and police have yet to take any action. Front-line workers ask for prayer that the brothers and sisters will fully recover, mentally and physically, from the attacks, and for God’s provision as they work to rebuild their churches.

Write your own prayer for Christians in Grahipla

  • unto all truth. I pray thy glory and light would go forth in Ghana and that the believers would rejoice in thee for this working. I pray this in the name of the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • to search thy word as Bereans and to realize when they persecute believers, they persecute thee. I pray in this way they would have Godly sorrow which worketh repentance of sins. I pray they would then be led to believe on thy word unto salvation by thine increase. May they bear fruits meet for repentance and for salvation by thy word guiding them
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, may the healing of thy body of believers here come quickly. I pray they have already recovered and rejoiced in thee for thy healing is above anything else. I pray they have been a strong witness to thy word in the King James Bible and that even their persecutors have been convicted by their consciences. I pray in this way they have been led
    Devin C - USA
  • Lord, for those who were attacked, we pray that they would have the strength to forgive, and that the humiliating memories will fade as they continue to turn their eyes toward you. May they grow in their faith and be strengthened as a result of what they have endured. Remind them that this world is not their home, and help them to persevere.
    Jackie V - USA
  • Oh Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ, these people are in turmoil, and they need Your help, and they need Your presence, they need Your comfort!
    christine s - USA
  • Dear Christian family, I am praying for you. I hope you feel God's presence. Remember he has not lost control of his creation. He changed Saul's heart so he can change the hearts of anyone. He is powerful and we know who will be victorious. Stand strong. You are loved.
    Susan R - USA
  • Please Lord, I pray that these attackers would be brought to legal justice. I pray that many would turn to You in repentance. I pray for healing, peace, and great provision for Your people and that they would revocer mentally and physically from the attacks, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, amen.
    Pmandy Y - USA
  • Please Lord, I pray that these attackers would be brought to legal justice. I pray that many would turn to You in repentance. I pray for healing, peace, and great provision for Your people and that they would revocer mentally and physically from the attacks, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, amen.
    Pmandy Y - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for our faithful brothers and sisters in the village of Grahipla and their willingness ot follow You despite intense persecution. I pray that the civil authorities would not bear the sword for nothing .Please heal them from their physical and mental injuries so that they may provide for their families. We know You are mightily faithful
    Lysander S - USA
  • Thank You Father that in the court of heaven You will return justice to Your people. Deliver them from shame and fear. May they realize that You are pleased with their dedication to You and Your Church. Heal those who have become unable to take care of their farms. May the Body of Christ come alongside them and care for the brothers and sisters.
    Toni D - USA
  • Dear Jesus, We request mercy for believers in Cote D'Ivoire Please heal their injuries and may even their attacker come to salvation through their bold witness. May we remember the freedom we have to worship freely in US and spread the gospal as those under persecution still do. Amen!
    Robert M - USA
  • Father God, we see that every religion apart from Jesus can only do evil. Thank You that Your people know that JESUS is the way, the truth, and the life. Your divine hand is able to heal those abused by such cowards in every distress they encountered. Let it be evident to the wicked that the church will never die, because CHRIST is the Head.
    Kathy G - USA
  • Lord, thank you because you said we should do as you do. You said, "if the world hates you, know that it hated me first". We pray that your children will not fall into the pit of unforgiveness in Jesus Name. For "my strength and my heart fails me, but God is the strength of my life and my portion forever". Lord, heal those who are wounded in Jesus Name
    Sharon-David A - United Kingdom
  • In the name of Light of the World, Jesus, our heavenly Father, Creator of Light, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Christians in Grahipla. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection and angels direct from heaven surround and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • OLORD, strengthen your saints in Grahipla & all of Cote d' Ivoire. May Jesus be glorified there. Protect & provide for your saints needs. Heal them body, mind, & spirit. Tear down this animist paganism. Destroy any strongholds it may have in this place. Thwart it's power. Strengthen your people in Jesus Name. Amen.
    SM D - USA
  • Father, you love these children of yours dearly. You are faithful, Lord. Please bless each one with just what you know that they need in Your timing. Give them the wisdom and strength to continue to follow and trust Jesus fully. Thank you. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Father please provide healing for these children of yours. May they know great hope for the future this Christmas and find love and forgiveness for those who have wronged them.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • In the wonderful name of Jesus, our Heavenly Father, Jehovah Shalom, God of Peace, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Christians in Grahipla. We ask for spiritual and emotional peace. We ask for a hedge of protection and angels direct from heaven to minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Eternal Father, be merciful to the Christians in Grahipla. Strengthen them in their faith and let them recover mentally and physically from this attack. Let them keep their hearts and minds on You knowing that You will repay. Let them rebuild their churches and convict the animist of their faults, leading them to faith in Christ Jesus. Amen.
    Andre K - USA
  • Our Father, You know our needs and wants even when words fail us. Spirit, fill the Christians in Grahipla who were beaten and humiliated with Your healing. Pour healing on their physical wounds, emotional wounds, and spiritual wounds. May they hold tightly to You as they grieve and process their experience. Bring justice for them. In Jesus' name, Amen
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • Lord, surely these believers are struggling to forgive their persecutors but grant them astounding mercy and grace and keep them from anger and bitterness. Bring these looters to justice. Convict local officials of these grave injustices and cause them to confront these individuals as well so that they may see the evil of their way and repent, amen.
    Forrest B - USA
  • Father, I lift up my dear brothers &sisters & may they be fully healed from all they have gone through. My God will supply all their needs acc to His riches in Christ Jesus & TY they will be able to take care of their farms & all they need. May their faith go to an even stronger place in Your Name. We lift up the persecutors that they hearYouIJN.
    Lisa T - USA
  • Merciful Father, soothe the minds and hearts of those who suffered the horrible behaviour of their fellow human beings. Bring the perpetrators to your throne of grace Lord drawing them to the truth of Christ. Bring peace where there is no peace Lord. We pray that Christ's return would be soon to put an end to the endless suffering. In Jesus name Amen.
    Robert C - Canada
  • Dear Lord, Please comfort, strength & bless these precious brothers & sisters in Grahipla. May your Grace rain down on them, helping them recover, mentally, physically & financially. May the churches be rebuilt & persecutors blessed with dreams & visions. Please bless Côte d'Ivoire: may your Holy Spirit reign. May many millions know & love you. Amen
    Susan G - Australia
  • In the name of Jesus, our Heavenly Father, Redeemer, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Christians in Grahipla. We praise that they are chosen. We ask for a hedge of protection on them. We ask for angels direct from heaven to surround and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Lord Father, I pray fervently that fellow Christians in Grahipla are healed from their injuries and that they are able to rebuild their churches. Father, I pray that their persecutors are convicted of their wrong doings and repent. I pray that their government does the right thing despite pressure from animists. Move within their community, Lord. IJN
    Connie A - USA
  • Father, how long must this continue? Lord, please, heal my brothers and sisters physically, mentally , and spiritually. Renew their hope and strength. I pray you work a miracle and make a way for them. Lord, help them rebuild. Speak to the hearts of the ones who did this. I pray your Spirit of conviction deal with their hearts.
    Polly C - USA
  • Father, the hatred these individuals inflicted upon Your children is devastating with long lasting affects. May the love, care, power and hope found in You provide for their physical, spiritual and emotional needs. May You show up in their lives in a real way that they would be encouraged to fight the good fight in the midst of despair. Amen.
    Bruce B - USA
  • Father, thank you for these brothers and sisters, who despite the persecution and threats, wanted to carry on for the sake of Jesus. Please walk close beside them, giving them comfort and joy as the persevere. In Jesus name, amen.
    Nancy H - USA
  • Father, we thank you for preserving the lives of our brethren. We ask that you heal them and comfort them. Provide for them care for their families. Strengthen them and give them wisdom. Amen.
    Ajanigo O - USA
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