Grace and Her Children
Grace and Her Children
Oct. 13, 2022 | Nigeria

Christian Widows Helped by Global Body of Christ

[170] prayers in [13] nations have been posted for Grace and Saratu.

Front-line workers are ministering to many Christian women in Nigeria who lost their husbands in attacks by Islamists in recent years. Grace was five months pregnant and had two other children when militant Fulani Muslims attacked her community, shooting indiscriminately and killing her husband, Musa, as he walked to work. Grace’s in-laws blamed her for Musa’s death and threw her and her children out of their house. Another Nigerian widow, Saratu, fled an attack by Boko Haram when her husband disappeared. As she and her four children struggled to make their way through the bush, her husband went ahead to scout the path. When Saratu called his phone hours later, an unknown person answered and said he had found the phone on a dead body. With VOM’s help, both women have moved forward with their lives despite their suffering.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Nigeria and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Grace and Saratu

  • Oh Dear Jesus Christ, our High Priest, I ask You to pray for Your people! As documented in the book of John chapter 17, " I pray not that Thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldest keep them from the evil." Please Holy Spirit, strengthen Your people!
    christine s - USA
  • I pray this in thy holy and almighty name the LORD Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • and that even one sin will send them to hell without the washing of thy blood. I pray they would repent of their sins and believe on thy word. I pray thy increase would cause them to be saved and they would bear fruits meet for repentance- even those who were murdering thy body. I pray thought would so shine in the darkness of Nigeria.
    Devin C - USA
  • would be strong to those around them who are unbelievers and know not thy word. I pray many unbelievers would then search thy word in the A1611 Bible- even the Fulani herdsmen. I pray their conscience would convict them and that thou hast written thy law on every man and woman's heart. I pray they would realize they are wretched sinners before thee
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, thou knowest and are closest to the broken hearted and the widows. I pray O LORD thy comfort would surpass all understanding and lead them in there ability of longsuffering and patience even unto joy. I pray this joy will be of looking forward to the blessed hope of thy nearing appearance for the catching up of thy body. I pray their witness
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear Lord, please heal these women's hearts & help them to raise their children, bringing them up in the fear of the Lord, training them in the way they should go. Please, Lord, give wisdom to the workers who are trying to help in these desperate situations. Please protect these families from further violence & attacks. Thank You for Your goodness. IJN
    Allison F - USA
  • Father thank you that you look after the widows and the orphans. Thank you for the healing these women have received and may they ever more enter into fellowship with you, finding strength for the present and hope for the future. I pray your protection and blessing upon their children, may they all grow up in the Lord, being children of God always.
    Becky G - New Zealand
  • Dear sisters in Christ, I pray in the name of Jesus that he will strengthen, comfort, and encourage you. Know that your reward will be great in heaven. I pray that he will change the heart of your persecutors. 2 Timothy 4:7- I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith.
    Susan R - USA
  • Lord, I pray for Grace and Saratu and all the Nigerians, who are suffering severe persecution. I pray that you will pour out your Holy Spirit upon them, and help them to remain faithful and bold. I pray that you would comfort them, and provide for them, as your word has promised in Jesus name I pray. Amen.
    Nancy G - USA
  • Dear Lord God Almighty;

    I pray that this senseless violence will stop. I pray the militants will be transformed by the Holy Spirit. I for the safety and security of our Christian families in Nigeria. I pray the government officials will take a stand in their defense. And if that fails I pray that You God will raise a Gideon to defend them. Amen.
    Daryl M - USA
  • Dear Lord You say You are a Defender of widows. Please be with these precious women as they grieve the loss of their husbands and try to raise their children alone. May these attacks end. Bless Nigeria and give the government wisdom to lead the people well and punish the evildoers. Bring Your light to those who need You. In Jesus Name amen.
    Allison F - USA
  • Lord God, Be with all the widows suffering from the hands of Islamists in Nigeria including Grace and Saratu. I pray Psalm 49 and 50. Why should they fear in times of trouble? Man in his pomp will not remain. God will ransom their soul from the power of Sheol. You receive them. Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God, shine forth by your work
    Rachel Albro H - USA
  • Father to the orphan, Husband to the widow, may these families be filled with your Spirit and power from on high to love, forgive, find strength, healing, hope and future. Bless those helping and bring salvations through all of this. Come quickly to Nigeria Jesus, oh how we need you. Amen
    kathy C - USA
  • Father God, we praise You that one day in Your kingdom, there will be no names like "Fulani," or "Boko Haram." I ask Your loving hand on all the widows who suffer so due to the wicked in Nigeria and all over the world. Our hearts break and ask for Your comfort love in Jesus' name. Please convict the wicked before it is too late for them.
    Kathy G - USA
  • Father, continue to provide for and protect Grace and Saratu and their children. Give them wisdom and guidance from you how to raise their children to follow Jesus. Give each one the blessing that they need for today. Thank you for how you will continue to work in their lives. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Father God, please be with Grace & Saratu and their children as they thankfully have been able to move forward with their lives in Nigeria. Please bring dreams & visions of you to Fulani Muslims & Boko Haram so that the atrocities that have led to Grace, Saratu & their families losing their husbands & fathers will not happen again. In Jesus name. Amen.
    Linda R - Australia
  • Father, I can't imagine what these sister's are going through, but Lord, you see them, you love them, and you have promised you would provide for them. I place them in your hands. Heal their hearts, comfort them, guide them, restore their hope and strength. Bring someone into each of their lives to help them. Touch their children, watch over them.
    Polly C - USA
  • Father, we grieve together with Grace and Saratu for the loss of their husband's and life partners. May Your Holy Spirit bring added comfort to Grace and Saratu and the other widows who've lost loved ones in these senseless and evil attacks by Fulani Muslims and others. Continue to provide for their needs and the needs of their children in Jesus' name.
    Patrick V - USA
  • Father God, please bless these families. Please supply there needs and bring new faith to their country. Let Bibles be available to those feeling alone with their faith. Give friendship to these moms. In the name of Jesus Amen
    Sarah L - USA
  • In the kingship of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Elohim, Jehovah Jireh, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Grace and Saratu and families that they know You are on Your throne. We ask for provision, for hedge of protection, and angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Lord, I lift up my sisters Grace and Saratu, asking for your supernatural grace and comfort to surround them in their grief and suffering. May they have wisdom and strength to raise godly children who know and love you more than anything. May they be comforted with the knowledge that they will see their husbands and fathers again. Grant them hope, Lord
    Jackie V - USA
  • Lord Jesus may those militant Muslims in Nigeria come to the knowledge of you as their personal Lord and Savior for the forgiveness of sins. Continue to bless the widows that were persecuted by these Muslim extremists. May they find peace in you through the power of the Holy Spirit. Bless the front line workers in Nigeria also Lord! Amen.
    Chaplain Dale I - USA
  • Lord, we are heart broken over the shattered lives of so many women and children who now are without husbands and fathers to their children. Father, supply these many women's needs and restore their lives and their testimony through provision of their needs and through bringing new faithful men into their lives that love and serve You, amen.
    Forrest B - USA
  • God, I praise You for always remembering the least of us, including the widow & the orphan. I pray for so many widowed women in Nigeria who have lost their husbands from attacks by the Fulani or Boko Haram. I lift up the children who have lost one or both parents in the persecution. I pray we remember each one, that they not be easy prey for the enemy
    Curtis M - USA
  • Heavenly Father, thank you for these precious believers. Thank you for Open Doors as they minister to these precious believers who have suffered so much. Please continue to strengthen them and provide for them and that they would blossom wherever you plant them. Please help them to forgive and pray for those who persecute them.
    In Jesus,
    Lis S - USA
  • Lord I pray for these widows and their children and ask for Your Spirit to intercede where groans take place. I pray for their needs to be met and for them to be able to grieve and heal and be helped. I pray for their children to find safety and comfort in You and to be able to grow up and not have trauma run their lives. I pray for peace.
    Joy H - USA
  • Gracious Heavenly Father, conditions have been so harsh for believers in Northern Nigeria There must be many stories like this. Thank You for workers and agencies who are able to help those who have suffered so much. Bless these widows. Do not let them hold any bitterness. May their children grow up to love God. Turn the evil of the attacks to good.IJN
    Jean S - Canada
  • In the powerful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Omnipotent God, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Grace and Saratu that they stand firm and rejoice in the Lord. We ask for a hedge of protection, and angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father please bless these families. May they be assured of your care for them. May they know that they and their children have great hope for the future in you.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Father, I can't even begin to imagine what these women are enduring and have endured. I pray that you would lavish your love on each of these moms and widows. I pray that you would allow the gospel to spread. Father, show them that you haven't abandoned them and you won't. God, I pray that you would allow their family would be saved. In your name amen
    Jazlynn F - USA
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