Front-line workers recently distributed aid to many displaced Christians.
Front-line workers recently distributed aid to many displaced Christians.
Sep. 02, 2022 | Ethiopia

Displaced Christians Helped by Global Body of Christ

[213] prayers in [13] nations have been posted for Displaced Christians.

On December 23, 2020, armed groups attacked several villages in western Ethiopia, killing 42 Christians and two pastors. Around 7000 Christians were forced to flee the fighting and are now displaced. Front-line workers do not believe it will be possible for the displaced believers to return home in the near future, so they recently distributed food aid to 1,153 Christians. These front-line workers request prayers for peace and provision for the many displaced believers.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Ethiopia and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Displaced Christians

  • Oh Dear Jesus Christ, our High Priest, I ask You to pray for Your people! As documented in the book of John chapter 17, " I pray not that Thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldest keep them from the evil." Please Holy Spirit, strengthen Your people!
    christine s - USA
  • LORD, may Your comfort and provision go to these people I pray all of whom are in Your body. May they give You the glory in that & their witness be magnified in this country among unbelievers. I pray the persecutors would repent of their sins after searching Your word in the A1611 Bible. May You cause an increase in Your body among them. In LORD Jesus
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear family in Christ, in the name of Jesus I pray for strength, comfort, and peace for you and your family. The same God who changed Saul's heart to Paul can still do anything today. Stand strong. Stay bold in your faith. The coming of Jesus to take us all home is getting close. Great is your reward in heaven.
    Susan R - USA
  • Lord Jesus, You know about persecution, help these believers. How they need Your help. I know that You can and based on your word, You will help. Amen.
    Gustav J - USA
  • Lord, I pray for peace and provision for these displaced believers in Ethiopia. I pray that resources would come in to feed these people, and enable them to have homes, and be able to be in businesses where they live. Lord, I pray for you to sustain their lives, and I asked this in Jesus name amen .
    Nancy G - USA
  • Father, we ask Your continued Presence and comfort for the Ethiopian Christians. We pray for them in their hour of need of the basics of life. Thank You for the frontline workers who are distributing food and water. Please help them to continue to stand firm in their faith and care for one another as best they can. May their hope be strong in You
    Gail M - USA
  • Father, we ask Your continued Presence and comfort for the Ethiopian Christians. We pray for them in their hour of need of the basics of life. Thank You for the frontline workers who are distributing food and water. Please help them to continue to stand firm in their faith and care for one another as best they can. May their hope be strong in You
    Gail M - USA
  • We thank You Lord, for placing it on the hearts of these workers to provide aid to the many displaced Christians. Please help the believers see their purpose for Your Kingdom and help them to realize Your Plan for their lives. We thank You for rescuing these people and we pray for those who have lost loved ones. Strengthen them in their time of need
    Donna H - USA
  • Dear Father, We thank you for the food aid to 1153 believers and ask you to bless and multiply their food. As they may not be able to return home, please provide homes and foodsupplies for our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in Ethiopia. Please be with all displaced believers and may they have a might impact for Christ upon their 'neighbors!'
    Jennifer T - USA
  • Heavenly Father, thank you for those who able to help those who have had to leave their homes for your Name. Help them to see you at work and give you praise. Help them to be able to come home.
    In Jesus,
    Lis S - USA
  • Father, you know those that belong to you. Your Word has promised you would provide for your children. Your Word says you have come t seek out those who are lost and save them. Lord, move in this situation. Supply their needs. Deal with the hearts of those who are full of hate; open their eyes. Be with your children and those helping them.
    Polly C - USA
  • Lord,

    I pray for peace and provision, in Jesus' name, amen.
    Paola M - USA
  • Oh Lord of the Universe. Please place these displaced Christians somewhere lthey can find peace and make their faith remain strong. Christ was persecuted and foretold those who believed in him would also be persecuted. I pray for peace to their persecutors that they may find you before its too late. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
    Judith B - USA
  • Please bless these wonderful brothers and sisters Lord Father. Please give them safety and provide for their needs. Please keep their witness strong so they can win many to salvation in Christ. Please give them your wonderful peace amidst their very difficult circumstances. In Jesus name, amen.
    Scott P - USA
  • Thank You for the continuing love and care You show through your people for these displaced Christians in Ethiopia. May they remember that You know where they are, how they are faring, and will not abandon them. May they experience peace in the midst of hardship and uncertainty. Show Yourself faithful and powerful to them and deliver them from fear.
    Toni D - USA
  • GOD through all these circumstances YOU are on the thorn helping Your children Your sovereignty is never ending and with it all things are Made possible. And we will continue to pray over your precious children. Lord You are JIREH OUR PROVIDER Your timing is perfect and Victorious!!! Hover over these precious people LORD Amenâ¥ï¸â¥ï¸â¥ï¸ðŸðŸðŸ
    Nancy W - USA
  • Father, God of all peace, may these believers live as one in unity, as You and Jesus are one. During this difficult time may they trust Jesus completely. Show them what your purpose is for them and what you would have them do at this time. Bless them just as they need each day as you know best. Thank you for the hope of heaven as our real home. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Father God, we lift up the many displaced believers in Ethiopia who have no homes and ask for You to supply their needs and bring about an international response from the Body of Christ to support these brothers and sisters so that they don't feel abandoned or forgotten and ow empower them to stand up for the gospel and love their persecutors, amen.
    Forrest B - USA
  • Lord God, I do ask that You would surround these believers with Your peace, that they would have faith and trust that You are with them even as they suffer. May they see Your practical provision in food and a new place to live and may there be great unity among believers. May those mourning loved ones find great comfort in You.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Father, give provision to these Christians who were forced to flee because of persecution for their faith in you. Lord, lead them to a place where they can create a community of believers, building a house of prayer and lead others to you. Lord, thank you for your provision for them. In Jesus' name, amen
    Maria L - USA
  • In the beautiful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovan Shammah, God Who is there, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness and forgiveness given by Ethiopian displaced Christians. We ask for healing, that they know You are beautiful, hedge of protection, and angels to surround and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father please provide for these believers by your mighty hand, materially, emotionally and spiritually.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Almighty God, You see and know all things. For these your dear children who have been misplaced and lost all that they possessed, may you be their strength and encouragement during this time. Bless them with the necessities needed and may your grace and peace sustain them during this time. In Jesus name Pat USA
    Patricia S - USA
  • I pray for safety and peace for all the displaced Christians.
    Wade D - USA
  • Heavenly Father, I pray for our displaced believers in Ethiopia and the front line workers providing support for them. Protect them, grant them peace, and provide the provisions they need. Strengthen the front-line workers who are supporting such a large number. Amen
    Steve P - USA
  • Lord please bring them back home be w them protect them from their enemy and persecutor bring salvation to their persecutor and help them repent
    Sherry S - USA
  • Father, for my brothers and sisters who greatly need help I pray that You will move on Your children's hearts to meet the needs of brothers and sisters in Ethiopia. They have suffered greatly and they need our help. Move our hearts to meet this need. And I pray the would look to Jesus. Amen.
    joey S - USA
  • Heavenly Father we pray for peace for Your Church in Ethiopia. We thank You for Your provision and protection for refugees and ask You to continue caring for them. Restore them body, mind, and soul from the traumas they have suffered. Make a way for this country to be repaired and for godly leaders to be raised up. In Jesus' name Amen.
    Marita J - USA
  • Merciful God , In Your mercy hear our prayers for the many displaced in Ethipia & elsewhere in Africa. Thank you Lord that you inspire other Christians to help their brothers and sisters through donations and offerinf places for these refugees to stay. Make changes so that those displaced can return home or find suitable refuge In Jesus holy name Amen.
    Robert C - Canada
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