Pastor Manuel with a new Bible and arm
Pastor Manuel with a new Bible and arm
Aug. 11, 2022 | Mexico

Pastor Attacked with Machete for His Faithful Witness

[193] prayers in [17] nations have been posted for Pastor Manuel.

Pastor Manuel is an evangelist in Chiapas, Mexico. Soon after becoming a Christian, he received death threats for abandoning the traditional religious practices of his region. One day, two men surprised and attacked him with a machete. As he attempted to block the blade, its sharp edge severely damaged his left arm. Despite the injury, Pastor Manuel continues to preach the gospel faithfully. He recently received the gift of a prosthetic arm and a number of audio and print Bibles in the indigenous language of his region. Thank God for his faithfulness and pray for his protection.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Mexico and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Pastor Manuel

  • "Thou shalt hide them in the secret of Thy Presence from the pride of man: Thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues."

    Psalm 31
    christine s - USA
  • so much darkness. I pray this to Your glory in Your holy and almighty name LORD Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • realizing how they have gone astray and by hurting him have hurt You. I pray that sorrow led them to be convicted of their sins leading to broken spirits, contrite hearts, and repentance unto the remission of sins by Your increase. I pray many in this part of Mexico have in this way become born again believers in Your body. May Your light so shine in
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, thank You for making this man bold as a lion for Your word! I pray he has become a great living testimony and witness to what it means to be truly born again and the fruits produced by that. I pray he has since led many to search the scriptures in the A1611 Bible including those which persecuted him. I pray they have had Godly sorrow
    Devin C - USA
  • Cause Your will and Your Word to fill the hearts of the attackers so that they REPENT and turn to Christ for salvation. I pray many blessings on Pastor Manuel as he seeks to do Your will and spread Your good news. I pray for much fruit from his labors that You may be glorified. Supply all his needs according to Your riches. In Jesus Name amen.
    Allison F - USA
  • Dear Lord bless Pastor M and his family, open the hearts of those he is ministering to, praise be to Your Name! O Lord Your Word is sharper than any two edged sword or machete so I pray Your promise "I am with you always, even to the end of the age." over Pastor Manuel. Bless, strengthen, comfort, and in courage him to keep proclaiming the Good News!
    Allison F - USA
  • Dear brother in Christ, in the name of Jesus I pray for strength, comfort, and peace for you and your family. The same God who changed Saul's heart to Paul can still do anything today. Stand strong. Stay bold in your faith. The coming of Jesus to take us all home is getting close. Great is your reward in heaven.
    Susan R - USA
  • Dear brother in Christ
    I want to thank you for being faithful to our Lord. I am praying that your faith will remain strong and grow even stronger with each trial you face. I am asking our Father to bless your going out and your coming in and to meet all the needs of your family.
    Janet M - USA
  • Abba Father, in Jesus' name, bless his ministry and his personal witness. Protect his life and all of his wellbeing. Thank You for Your faithfulness and his.
    Theda L - USA
  • Oh Lord. Please encourage and strengthen this precious man of God. We thank you for his faithful witness and serving in Mexico. May many come to you through his work for you.
    Michele H - USA
  • Father, your son, Manuel, is precious to you. He gave up his arm for You, but You gave the life of your only Son, Jesus for him. Thank you for your faithfulness to him. Meet all his needs. As pastor Manuel abides in Christ and Christ in him, may amazing miracles occur in the lives of those who hear the gospel in Chiapas so many are saved. Thank you!
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Thank You for Pastor Manuel and his boldness for You. May he continue to boldly proclaim the gospel and have many opportunities with hearts Your Spirit has prepared. I pray that he would be protected to continue ministering and that he would be protected from fear and discouragement. May he see great fruit from his obedience.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Father please protect Pastor Manuel as he continues to go about his work. May you work mightily through him to bring many to Jesus.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Praise God he was supplied w an arm and please keep him save save and protect him from the government and and all evil bring salvation and repentance to the persecutors open their eyes to their own evilness and save them from danger from the persecutors and all evil just terrible that another man can kil another man terrible awful
    Sherry S - USA
  • In the name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Adonai, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Pastor Manuel. We praise You that he is in Your hands. We ask for a hedge of protection, angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to him. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • I will bless you most holy name oh God, Thank you so much for the life of pastor Manuel, How wonderful you are LORD! how great you are, Please LORD! Continue to strengthen your son Manuel may he never loose courage in this journey of faith Rather, may you use him To do great exploits for the kingdom, Let him be a source of encouragement for other Amen!
    Chima U - Switzerland
  • Father, thank You that Pastor Manuel survived this attack and was able to receive a prosthetic arm. It's not the same as having the arm that he was born with, however, we're thankful for living in a day and age where these types of medical procedures are available. Bless Pastor Manuel as he faithfully ministers Your Word to those who have ears to hear.
    Patrick V - USA
  • Thank you Jesus for the gift of faith that you richly planted in Pastor Manuel. Thank you for his courage in bringing the light of your love to those around him. Bless him Father with your wisdom & show him your ways. May his life bring you glory, God, & hhely he keep his eyes fixed on you. Keep him safe Jesus, and touch the hearts of his persec
    Mike M - USA
  • In the powerful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, El Shaddai, God Almighty, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Pastor Manuel. We ask that his satisfaction be in Christ, a hedge of protection, and angels directly form heaven to surround and minister to him. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Lord I praise You for the faith of Pastor Manuel and I pray that You would help him to hold fast to Your promises. I praise You for his new arm and the Bibles in his language. I pray for the hearts of his community members to be softened to the message of the Gospel. I pray You would lead him to minister to people who are hungry for the hope of Jesus.
    Joy H - USA
  • Father, thank you for preserving Pastor Manuel's life, and thank you for the prosthetic arm. May it always be a reminder of your love and care for him. Please encourage him and bring him peace as he serves you faithfully. May many come to understand the way of salvation through Christ and grow strong in your Word. Bring revival to Chiapas, we pray.
    Jackie V - USA
  • Lord, please surround Pastor Manuel with your angels. Give him great courage to continue serving you despite danger. Put his enemies to shame. We break the power of the false religion in his region in the name of Jesus & pray that those who oppose him would repent and come to faith in You. May Pastor Manuel be as wise as a servant and gentle as a dove
    Beatrice W - USA
  • Father, we lift up in prayer Pastor Manuel. We ask you to protect him as he continues to preach your word to those who are in need. We pray Father, you will meets his and his family's needs, spiritually, physically, and financially. Amen.
    Ron C - USA
  • Dear Father, for Manuel I pray for continued strength and passion. Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Please use Manuel's faithful witness to reach his persecutors. Please bring healing to his arm. In Jesus' name, amen
    Keith G - USA
  • Thank You Lord for all the ways You have blessed Pastor Manuel. Thank You for his boldness and love for those around him. Give him grace and protection as he shares the Good News. In the name of Jesus.
    Alison M - USA
  • ln the joy of the name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Raah, our Shepherd, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Pastor Manuel. We ask for overflowing joy, a hedge of protection, and angels directly from heaven to encamp and minister to him. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Father God we thank you for the evangelist Pastor Manuel in Mexico. I pray that you give him the strength to bring more souls to the kingdom of God. Let light shine upon him in the name of Jesus Christ.
    Dumezweni M - South Africa
  • OLord, bless & heal Pastor Manuel for his faithful witness to his people. Heal him, & strengthen him for your glory. Protect him & his congregation from evil. Clear the path for Jesus to be preached to the lost. Thank you for the Bible's & material given, & continue to provide for those needs. May Jesus Name be praised in Chiapas & all Mexico. Amen!
    SM D - USA
  • Father God, thank you that Pastor Manuel has faith in Jesus Christ and also works hard to tell others in Chiapas about the good news of the gospel. I pray that you will continue to heal him and strengthen him for this good work. Draw many people to faith in Jesus Christ. Let the gospel go out in power throughout Mexico and draw many to saving faith.
    Julia F - USA
  • Father, thank You for protecting Pastor Manuel. May You continue to bless his ministry and his witness. May many including his attackers come to know Christ as their savior. Lord, continue to protect him as he serves.
    scott L - USA
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