Aug. 04, 2022 | Sri Lanka

Mob Beats Church Planters for Sharing the Gospel

[176] prayers in [16] nations have been posted for attacked church planters.

On June 8, nearly 50 adults and children gathered for an event organized by a group of church planters. Those who attended heard worship songs and the gospel. As people started leaving, a local Buddhist monk came and accused the event organizers of converting Buddhists to Christianity. Later, as the church planters left, men on three-wheelers followed them and crossed in front of their vehicle, forcing them to stop. Soon a mob surrounded them and cursed them for converting people to Christianity. About 10 men assaulted the church planters, who eventually fled. Today, four families from the village who attended the worship gathering have started a house church. Those who were beaten are planning to start additional churches in the village despite the threat of persecution. Pray for these churches and the safety of those who attend.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Sri Lanka and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for attacked church planters

  • "Thou shalt hide them in the secret of Thy Presence from the pride of man: Thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues."

    Psalm 31
    christine s - USA
  • unto salvation by thine increase and bear fruits meet for repentance. May thy light so shine in the darkness of Sri Lanka and spread to India. I pray this to thy great glory in the holy and almighty name of the LORD Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • they would understand the law thou hast laid on all our hearts and their conscience convicts them. I pray they realize all have sinned and fallen short of thy glory and the price thou hast paid for all of our sins. I pray this would give them broken spirits and contrite hearts leading them to repent of their sins. I pray they would believe on thy word
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, blessed be the faith of the persecuted believers in Sri Lanka that have born fruits of salvation. Thy word has been laid in their hearts and they are willing to withstand violence rather than forsake it. I pray that their witness would also reach the hearts of their persecutors and that they would search thy word in the A1611 Bible. I pray
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear family in Christ, in the name of Jesus I pray for strength, comfort, and peace for you and your family. The same God who changed Saul's heart to Paul can still do anything today. Stand strong. Stay bold in your faith. The coming of Jesus to take us all home is getting close. Great is your reward in heaven.
    Susan R - USA
  • Thank You for the courage of those who refuse to stop meeting together to worship You, and count You as worthy of suffering for Your name. We pray for the safety of the church planters and continued growth of the house churches begun as a result of this gospel program.
    Thank You that these brothers and sisters are planning to start additional churches
    Toni D - USA
  • Though we are persecuted, Father, You never abandon us. You give grace to help in time of need. Please give courage and strength to these church planters and new believers to fully follow Jesus no matter the cost. May they know their value and identity in Christ. May they continually be led by the Spirit and not trust in themselves, but Christ only.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Father may your church grow stronger through this persecution.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • In the powerful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, El Shaddai, God Almighty, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of church planter. We ask that their satisfaction be in Christ, a hedge of protection, and angels directly form heaven to surround and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Lord I praise You for the faithful witness of these church planters and I pray they would not give up in meeting together. I pray for joyful fellowship and peace as they meet. I pray for protection and for You to ward off those who attack them. I pray the aroma of life would be convincing and inviting to those who wish to persecute them.
    Joy H - USA
  • Father I commit these church planters to your protection , thanks for the boldness to stand against the foe, the resilience the show in the Faith of our God who is able to deliver them and let the enemy know that they are prepare to pay the prize for the God who died to save them, and that Satan is conquered and under saints feet,Jesus put I'm t
    Joyce D - United Kingdom
  • Father, Thank you for working despite the threat of physical harm. Please bring many into relationship with you. Drawing them to your love even though they know it could bring persecution and suffering.
    Ross J - USA
  • Father, continue to encourage and empower our Sri Lankan brothers and sisters in Christ as they fight the good fight of faith in Jesus' name. May those who are involved in church planting be filled with wisdom, understanding, and discernment as they follow the direction of Your Holy Spirit. Confuse their spiritual adversaries as Your kingdom increases.
    Patrick V - USA
  • Bless you, Lord, for giving these church planters the courage to keep building the church in Sri Lanka. May their preservice, and even more so love, be noticed by the Buddhist monks and perhaps some of them be saved. In the meantime, bring justice against their adversaries through governing officials whom you have appointed. Amen.
    Diana F - USA
  • Father God, I pray for your evangelists in Sri Lanka that you give them the strength to persevere and bring more souls into the Kingdoms of God. I also pray for persecutors for them to see the Christ in the Church and experience your grace in their lives. I ask all that in the name of Jesus Christ.
    Dumezweni M - South Africa
  • Thank You Lord for the faithfulness of this church. I pray many, many people see Your light through these people who carry Your strength. Give them grace to reach even those who persecute them. In the name of Jesus.
    Alison M - USA
  • Our Father, bless the church planters with boldness and courage as they continue to teach others about Jesus. Bless the families that have started a house church despite persecution in the area. May their faithfulness lead others to Christ. In His name, Amen
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • ln the joy of the name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Raah, our Shepherd, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of church planters. We ask for overflowing joy, a hedge of protection, and angels directly from heaven to encamp and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Ty Father that YOur people are going on with the plans for house churches despite the threats. REmind them Your wing is over them in Jesus' Name. Lord we are believing Your mighty hand is over these churches & Your peace is covering Your people IJN. May the community seek the peace found in these churches which is only found in You, in Jesus' Name.
    Lisa T - USA
  • Father God, thank you for these precious believers. Thank you for the faith You have given them. Please help them not to fear and to continue to stand boldly for the Faith. Help them to forgive and be a bright shining light for the gospel.
    In Jesus,
    Lis S - USA
  • Father, nothing can stop Your plan and Your great heart for these people who are destined to come to You. May these in Sri Lanka be strengthened and emboldened and filled with love and grace so they have no fear at all but instead fix their eyes on You and the work You have for them. Even so we ask for Your protection. In Jesus' Name.
    Janie B - USA
  • Father God, please protect the Church planters in Sri Lanka from persecution by Buddhists. Bring all Buddhists who persecute dreams and visions of You so they may see You as the Way, the Truth and the Life. Thank you that those beaten are planning to start additional churches in the village. May these churches be kept safe. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.
    Linda R - Australia
  • I pray for strength and safety for these church planters.
    Barbara T - USA
  • Lord jesus, thank you that the Gates of hell shall not prevail against the church. I pray that the faith continues to increase in Sri Lanka. Pray for those Brothers and sisters in Christ that they will grow in their relationship with you and be a light to others. Jesus name, amen.
    Robbie C - USA
  • In the loving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, Jehovah Rapha, the God of all comfort, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of attacked church planters. We ask for provision, for comfort, for hedge of protection, and angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Lord, may all of this be used as fuel for your kingdom to come. Give great peace to your servants, great love, wisdom and power. Save this nation to the utmost. Come Lord Jesus, move mountains for your people that they will reach many through these churches, amen.
    kathy C - USA
  • Father God,
    We ask that you bless the church planters and all who attend these services. They are doing your will despite being persecuted and will be blessed for it. Let those opposed to the teachings be touched by your word and thier hearts changed immediately. Keep the planters safe as well as the believers as they move about spreading your word
    Mellene P - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father, You know the danger in this village. You know those who will turn their lives to you. You know who will try to stop them. Please protect the church planters and the church of Your followers that they will be faithful and able to proclaim truth to their village. In Jesus name Amen
    Peggy A - USA
  • Lord Jesus, be with the church planters in Sri Lanka and give them courage and wisdom as they continue to start churches in spite of persecution. Let your angels surround them with protection and grant that their persecutors will come to faith. We praise you as the King of kings and Lord of lords. All things are possible for you, amen.
    Matthew E - USA
  • Dear Lord, I am truly humbled by our brothers and sisters in Christ in Sri Lanka and their bold witness for You despite persecution. May they continue to be strong and courageous as Joshua was and may many come to know Christ because of their faithful witness. We ask you to keep them safe and free from other beatings & the church there grow in Jesus
    Jennifer T - USA
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