A Family in Saudi Arabia
A Family in Saudi Arabia
Jul. 21, 2022 | Saudi Arabia

Deported Yemeni Evangelist Continues Ministry

[176] prayers in [18] nations have been posted for Brother Ahmed.

Brother Ahmed was born and raised in Saudi Arabia and became a successful businessman. In 2014, he gave his life to Christ, traveling to Egypt to be baptized. Upon returning to Saudi Arabia, he organized small Bible study groups in his home and led several people to Christ. Eventually, Brother Ahmed was exposed, arrested, and all his possessions were confiscated. He was imprisoned for six months, then deported to Yemen, where he spent another six months before fleeing to a country where his wife and children could join him. Brother Ahmed’s legal situation is complicated, and he lives in constant fear of being deported. Still, he continues working to advance God’s kingdom and has led a number of Yemenis to faith, baptizing them all. Pray for his safety and ministry.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Saudi Arabia and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Brother Ahmed

  • "Thou shalt hide them in the secret of Thy Presence from the pride of man: Thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues."

    Psalm 31
    christine s - USA
  • repentance. May thy light shine more in the darkness of Yemen. I pray this to thy glory in thy holy and almighty name LORD Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • May they search and be convicted by their conscience according to Romans 2. May they have broken spirits and contrite hearts realizing all have sinned according to Romans 3. May thy word penetrate their hearts and they believe on it after repenting of their sins. I pray in this way many might be saved by thy increase. I pray many bear fruits meet for
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, may brother Ahmed go in thy strength and comfort which surpasseth all understanding. May he continue to go forth bold as a lion having feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. I pray thy word according to the A1611 Bible would go forth and not return void. May this man be a strong witness leading many to search thy word.
    Devin C - USA
  • Father God, please bless brother Ahmed and his family.
    Provide them justice, relief, and restoration of all.
    Let your light shine through him.

    In Jesus Name I pray.
    Aaron M - Japan
  • Dear brother in Christ, I pray for your strength, comfort, and peace. May God give you spiritual victories. Great is your reward in heaven. Jesus is coming back soon. Be strong and stand firm.
    Susan R - USA
  • Thank you for those who came to Christ through his Bible study groups in Saudi Arabia. May they continue to grow in their faith. Thank You for reuniting him with his family. Thank You that he continues to advance Your kingdom despite his fear of being deported. Straighten out his legal situation and hide him under the shadow of Your wings
    Toni D - USA
  • I pray that things get better for you because i know that your current situation isn't good. I pray that the Holy Spirit empower you guys.
    Jessica S - USA
  • Lord, I am praying for the refugees and for their faith to never be shaken. I thank you that Your comforting hand will be on them at all times and that they will never have to worry. Thank you that you are always in the works of healing them physically and mentally. Lord, that they will continue to trust and never doubt you, and they will find hope
    Jessica S - USA
  • Lord I pray that the faith of persecuted christians who leave the country will not be shaken and that you will be with them through their whole lives and that the persecutors will see what they are doing and realize that it is wrong so innocent lives will be spared. 
    Jessica S - USA
  • Jesus, please help the people in these difficult times. I pray for those in secret meetings, that these good times would not be found. And for those imprisoned, that their faith would stand strong throughout imprisonment. And for the displaced believers leaving the country to go to different countries they are not familiar with. 
    In jesus name
    Jessica S - USA
  • Dear God, please be with Christians in Saudi Arabia.  Please protect them and help them to be brave.  Help them to find food. 
    In Jesus' name, Amen
    Jessica S - USA
  • I pray that you help Sarah find herself again, and for all the displaced believers that are leaving the country as refugees. I pray that their faith will not be shaken. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
    Jessica S - USA
  • Dear God, my prayer for Yemen today is that in the name of Jesus you give boldness, wisdom, and protection to the underground churches in Yemen. Please keep them hidden where they need to be hidden and still allow your message to be spread far and wide. I pray that you help Ahmed and his family feel safe and protected.
    Jessica S - USA
  • Lord, we praise you for Brother Ahmed. Thank you for saving him eternally, and for the hope he has in you. We ask you to surround him with your protection and give him courage that you hold him in your hand. May he be wise and bold as he continues to serve you. Please bring many to a saving faith in Jesus because of him, and give him joy.
    Jackie V - USA
  • Father, your son, Ahmed, has been chosen, forgiven, and made holy and complete in Christ. You have planned good works for him that you will accomplish through him by the power of Christ living in him. May he be led by and walk by the Spirit daily. Protect him. Remove his fear as he places his complete trust in Jesus. Meet all his family's needs. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Father, thank you for your servant Ahmed. Bless him & give him peace. May his sharing of the good news bring many to repentance & faith. Even in jail, may there be souls saved. Protect his family. Provide for their needs body, mind, & spirit. May his faith grow everyday. Bring help & encouragement. For Jesus glory. Amen,
    SM D - USA
  • Father God I pray that you preserve bother Ahmed from all evil and sustain him with your right hand of righteousness. Bless him indeed and deliver him from evil. I ask all that in the name of Jesus Christ.
    Dumezweni M - South Africa
  • Father, thank You for Brother Ahmed's faithful persistence in sharing the gospel with other deportees who haven't yet come to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that Brother Ahmed's legal situation will be successfully resolved so that he'll be able to reside in a safe and secure environment. May Brother Ahmed's ministry glorify You.
    Patrick V - USA
  • Father, continue to be with Brother Ahmed as he travels and witnesses to his countrymen. May many more come to know You through his witness. Lord, protect he and his family and restore what has been taken from him in Jesus name.
    scott L - USA
  • In the loving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, Jehovah Jireh, the God of all comfort, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Brother Ahmed. We ask for provision, for comfort, for hedge of protection, and angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to him. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • In the powerful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Elohim, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of brother Ahmed that he believes Jesus is his rock. We ask for a hedge of protection, angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to him. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father, you see Ahmed and his family, you know their needs, your eye is upon your children, your ears are open unto their cries. I pray you move on his behalf. Speak peace to him and his family. I pray you direct them, guide them where you want them to serve you. Watch over them, use him for your glory. Rebuke any fear, make a way. Save souls
    Polly C - USA
  • Because narrow is the gate and constricted as the way that leads unto life and few are those who find it.
    Lord bless our brother as he travels on the constricted way and follows you.
    Craig R - USA
  • Heavenly Father, We thank You for Brother Ahmed's faith in You, for the way You have sustained him in prison and out. We praise You for bringing him and his family to be together., that he has led others to Christ and has baptized them. We declare that You are keeping him safe and anointing his ministry, in Jesus' Name, Amen!
    Michael S - USA
  • Father God, I pray that you will work on Ahmed's behalf, leading to resolution to his legal issues so that he can return to Saudi Arabia and continue serving you, I pray protection for Ahmed and his family in Yemen and his witness while he is in Yemen. I your blessings on his ministry wherever he is and for him to know where you would have him be.
  • Abba Father all ver the middle east the believers suffer like the early christians did and the church multiplied. It is the eternal reward we look forward to. please God work a miracle in Ahmed's life, restore everything taken away from him so he can sustain his family. protect all of them Jesus may Your presence go before him everywhere you send him
  • Lord, I pray for Brother Ahmed and his family's situation. Please keep them safe and help him to be able to continue to work to advance your kingdom. I pray that he and his family grow in their faith and their understanding of you as they trust you each day for their safety and provision.
    Christa B - USA
  • In the name and healing power of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Rapha, God Who heals, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we adore You for faithfulness of Brother Ahmed. We ask for healing, growth, hedge of protection and angels direct from heaven to surround and minister to him. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Thank you for building up Ahmed and increasing his faith in your ability to protect and provide what he needs. Thank you for sending angels to watch over him and his family
    Amy L - USA
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