Evodia and her mother lived in the bush for months after being captured by ISIS fighters.
Evodia and her mother lived in the bush for months after being captured by ISIS fighters.
Jul. 14, 2022 | Mozambique

Christian Teenager Enslaved by ISIS

[291] prayers in [25] nations have been posted for Evodia.

Evodia, age 14, and her mother were captured in 2021 when Palma, a town in the Cabo Delgado province, was overrun by ISIS terrorists. Her attackers killed her brother in front of her because of their Christian faith; she was then tortured and forced to become a prostitute. She and her mother spent eight months living in the bush with their ISIS captors before escaping. Pray for Evodia and her mother to experience God’s healing comfort as they recover from their abduction, and thank God that they escaped.

Write your own prayer for Evodia

  • Oh dear God get this girl out of there! Rescue her! Your name is Savior!! Be her Savior today!
    christine s - USA
  • for repentance. I pray Your light may so shine and that Evodia would even be made to know if they become believers in Your body so she can praise You all the more. I pray this to Your glory in Your holy and almighty name LORD Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • Your law written on all man's hearts and have sorrow. I pray that sorrow leads them to search Your word in the A1611 Bible. I pray they realize they are really attacking You and have broken spirits, contrite hearts, and repentance of sins. I pray that leads to them being born again by dying to themselves, believing on Your word, and bearing fruits meet
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, I know it's been awhile but I pray Evodia and her mother have since escaped and been able to stay away from their persecutors. I pray these ISIS members would repent of being murderers and serving their father Satan who was a murderer from the beginning. I pray they have not completely seared their consciences so that they would realize
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear family in Christ, I pray for strength, peace and spiritual victory for you in Christ. Jesus said if we chose him we would be persecuted. But he also said "be glad and rejoice for your reward is great in heaven." Stay strong and stand firm. Jesus is coming soon and that's all that matters is what's done for him. You are loved.
    Susan R - USA
  • Oh Jesus, we cry out to you on behalf of these sisters in Christ. Surround Evodia and her mother with your presence and peace. May they learn to feel safe and loved and release them from any shame or fearful memories. May they truly be new creations in Christ and may the torture they endured only draw them deeper into dependence and truth in you.
    Jackie V - USA
  • Father, you love Evodia, your precious daughter, with an everlasting love. She is a forgiven, chosen saint because you have declared this of her through what Jesus has accomplished. May she realize that her worth is not based on what happened to her or what others say, but only on Your value of her. Continue to heal her and her mother. Thank you.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Father, my heart breaks for these precious women who have experienced unspeakable horror. Please let them sense Your presense and feel Your love surrounding them. Heal their physical and emotional wounds from the trauma and provide for their every need. Restore their faith and hope in You. Remind them that their reward in heaven is great! Amen
    Laurie W - USA
  • Father God I pray for the family of Avodia in Mozambique, that you heal their broken hearts and bind up their wounds of grief and trauma. I pray for them to grow spiritually. I ask all that in the name of Jesus Christ.
    Dumezweni M - South Africa
  • Jesus thank you for being with Evodia and her mother during the horrors. Thank you for being our healer. I know you are healing their hearts and minds. Let them be amazed at how you take the hurt out of their trauma and give them peace and joy. Only you can do such healing. Let them realize you are doing this and praise you.
    michele r - USA
  • Father, free Evodia and her mother from the horrors inflicted upon them. Let them find healing in the only healer there is. Pray for those blinded by ISIS, that they know the one they are truly persecuting. In Jesus' name. Amen!
    Rick T - Malaysia
  • In the powerful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Elohim, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Evodia that she believes Jesus is her rock. We ask for a hedge of protection, angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to her. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father, please wrap your arms around Evodia and comfort her. I pray you heal her hurts, restore her hope, give her understanding, speak peace to her and her mother. I pray you comfort them over the loss of their loved one. Lord, only you can bring victory, please help them. Wash over them with your Spirit, heal, comfort, strengthen, They need you.
    Polly C - USA
  • Lord Jesus this is simply so far beyond me. I cannot fathom the horror and trauma of this. Please Father of compassion and mercy, exceed the pain and trauma experienced by Evodia and her mother with Your love, comfort, consolation, and care. May they both grow to know You more deeply. Please heal their deep wounds Jesus as only You can.
    Jason R - USA
  • Our Father, thank you that you are the Gid of all comfort. Let Evodia and her mother see you and find healing. Give them a ministry to help others in their hurts. Give them faith and strength. Thank you for their escape.
    Rachel Albro H - USA
  • Abba Father please deliver Evodia from bondage, protect her from being raped & abused. Bless her with unsurprising peace and courage to boldly witness to the ISIS. Touch the hearts of ISIS and lead them to the cross of Jesus Create in them yearning to know Jesus & use them mightily God so they free Evodia from bondage
  • In the name and healing power of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Rapha, God Who heals, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we adore You for faithfulness of Evodia. We ask for healing, growth, hedge of protection and angels direct from heaven to surround and minister to her. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Lord Jesus, this breaks my heart & I know you feel their pain. Surround them with your healing power of love, grace, mercy & compassion. Heal their hearts & spirit so they can find the strength to forgive their enemies. Surround them with other Christians who will show your love & support them.
    Sharon W - USA
  • Dear Lord
    Thank you for allowing Evodia and her mother to escape. Thank you for their faithfulness to you and your faithfulness to them. Please bring healing, forgiveness and restoration to their lives. Let them fall only into loving hands who will care for their sisters in Christ. Thank you for the healing we have in your wounds.
    In Jesus name, amen.
    Emma B - USA
  • Father, thank You that you provided a way of escape for Evodia and her mother. Our hearts are broken for what they have endured and we rejoice that they are safe. Please keep Your everlasting arms around them and heal them from this life changing experience. May they thrive again in safety and in the faith.
    Gail M - USA
  • Thank You Father for the escape of Your daughters what a witness to Your power this is for these perpetraters of evil. May this they understand prove You, Your Son and Spirit are mightiest of all. May You use the witness of Your power to convict them of their need to come to You. In Jesus name we pray.
    Colleen R - USA
  • Father keep Evodia and her her mother free from more evil and harm. Heal their hearts, minds and souls from the trauma that they have experienced. Get them into loving hands who will help them and protect them. I pray that they remain strong in their Faith and that they are strong witnesses to You. I pray that they may be healed by helping others.
    Laurie T - USA
  • In the giving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah El Roi, God Who sees, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Evodia. We praise You that she sees Jesus. We ask for provision, hedge of protection, angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to her. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Dear Lord, thank you for saving Evodia and thank God that they escaped. Pray that Your mercy and healing among Evodia, remove her tears and rebuild her life in You. In Jesus Name we pray, AMEN
    Chloe C - USA
  • Thank you, Lord God, that Evodia and her mother escaped from their captors. I pray for complete healing for them and that they would be comforted in the grief of losing their brotherson. Father they have been through so much it seems impossible that they could heal but with you, God, nothing is impossible. Flood them with your grace and mercy. Amen.
    Julia F - USA
  • Wonderful Father,
    Thank you so much for the lives of Evodia and her mother. Praise and Thanksgiving to you Lord Father for their escape. Help them Lord Holy Spirit to experience your supernatural comfort as they recover from their brutal abduction. Help them to know that they are cared for, prayed for and loved. In the name of Jesus our Messiah, amen.
    Scott P - USA
  • Oh Lord Jesus, I pray that You would heal and rescue this sweet girl and her mother. May they not be held in continued bondage by the horrific abuse they suffered, but may they have the support and love they need to truly heal. Please surround them with wise and loving believers who will walk with them through this process.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Dear Father, thank You so much for providing escape for Evodia and her mother from the ISIS captors. I pray that You would heal their wounds, both emotional and physical. Help them to remember Your grace and forgiveness as they struggle to forgive their persecutors. May their attackers also come to You in repentance and faith. In Jesus' name.
    Lynne W - USA
  • Our Father, wrap Your arms around Evodia and her mother. Place other women who have been in similar circumstances, and come through them, to encourage her, and comfort her. Overwhelm her with Your love, and how valuable she is to You. In Jesus' name, Amen
    Eli S - USA
  • Heavenly Father, thank you for making a way of escape for Evodia and her mother. As only You can, heal their hearts, minds and spirits from the pain, hurt, memories and agony they have endured. Strengthen their faith in You, almighty God and may they shine forth as living witnesses. May those who harmed them, repent and come to know Jesus. Pat USA
    Patricia S - USA
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