A training session for Iranian Christians
A training session for Iranian Christians
Jul. 07, 2022 | Iran

Church Leaders Receive Training

[148] prayers in [12] nations have been posted for Church Leaders.

In the past, the Islamic government of Iran banned Christian seminaries from operating within the country. The lack of formal training centers prevents most local pastors from receiving practical, hands-on theological instruction. Recently, some Iranian Christians who lead a network of house churches in Iran traveled to a nearby country where they learned how to conduct baptisms and communion services. Those leaders have since returned to Iran to model these essential Christian ordinances to other house church leaders. Pray that Iranian pastors receive the necessary training they need to lead their flocks. Pray that many in Iran will trust Christ through the faithful witness of these church leaders.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Iran and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Church Leaders

  • And this is outstanding information Father thank You so much for being present and helping these people to come to Christ!
    christine s - USA
  • Dear family in Christ, l pray in the name of Jesus that he will give you strength, comfort and spiritual victories. Stand firm in your faith. Jesus is coming back soon and your reward will be great in heaven.
    Susan R - USA
  • Father, we thank you for providing for the training and encouragement of these church leaders. I pray that you would give the Spirit's wisdom and knowledge to their teachers to be able to instruct them well and for the leaders to see fruit from this training quickly. Help their efforts to multiply in Iran and for the hope of the Gospel to bring peace.
    Brad H - USA
  • I exhort your brothers through the compassions of God to present your body as a living sacrifice which is holy well pleasing to God as our spiritual worship.
    Thank you for the sacrifice of these saints to remain in a hostile area for your testimony.
    Craig R - USA
  • Father, thank you for the opportunity these leaders had to learn. I pray that even if church leaders don't receive formal training, that you, through your Spirit, would teach them all that they need to know. Protect them from evil. Grow them in faith and truth so they can be a light to those in darkness and also disciple new believers. Thank you! Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Lord provide safety and provision for your leaders in Iran. Jesus bring many to a saving faith in you as they speak truth into a dark place. In Jesus name amen.
    David H - USA
  • Thank You for providing this training, and I pray that it will produce great fruit in the churches of Iran. May these churches continue to receive the training and discipleship they need to mature, and may they be protected from heresy. I pray that the gospel would shine forth from these churches and bring many to You.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Father, you see my brothers and sisters in Iran who are wanting to serve you and follow your Word. I pray you guide them as they seek you. You are the great teacher, your Spirit will lead us into all truth, you have promised those that seek you will find you. So I place all these in Iran in your hands and ask you to move Holy Spirit, give knowledge.
    Polly C - USA
  • Lord God, be with the church of Iran that they may be grounded in true doctrine. Keep them from error. Continue to provide connections and opportunities to learn. Let them be faithful to your word
    Rachel Albro H - USA
  • Abba Father open the hearts & minds of church leaders to understand, retain the teachings, learn to listen to the Holy Spirit to be effective in their teaching. may they set an example of living life of Christ. Multiply their effort in church planting & set up small groups for fellowship. Jesus stand by them and sustain them in difficult times
  • Dear Lord,

    We lift up these Christian witnesses in Iran! We know its not easy for them and thank you for opening this wind of opportunity. May their efforts bear much fruit and remind me I need to witness of your love and salvation more!
    Robert M - USA
  • In the name and healing power of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Rapha, God Who heals, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we adore You for faithfulness of Iranian church leaders. We ask for healing, growth, hedge of protection and angels direct from heaven to surround and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father, the Iranian government has had an intolerance for Christians. Please make a safe way for these Pastors to receive training to spread the good news. Let them be shining examples to all they minister to.. I pray the Iranian government will have more tolerance for Christians. I ask these prayers in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
    Judith B - USA
  • Holy Lord,

    Thank you for what you have provided to these Christians in Iran. Please provide for them what they need physically, mentally and spiritually. Thank you for your provision. Fill the Christians there in Iran with boldness, wisdom and love. I thank you for their courageousness. Thank you for being our Jehovah Jireh.
    In Jesus' holy name, amen.
    Emma B - USA
  • HOLY FATHER thank You for the ministry of Your faithful servents providing this needed training. Bless the knowledge to them through Your Holy Spirit. Protect them as they bring this knowledge to bear fruit in their continued ministry speading the light into dark places. We ask You for Your faithfulness to be acknowledged! Amen
    Colleen R - USA
  • In the giving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah El Roi, God Who sees, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of these Iranian church leaders. We praise You that they see Jesus. We ask for provision, hedge of protection, angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • I pray for these church leaders and ask that You would put a hedge of protection around them and meet their needs according to Your will. Thank you for the work they are doing to bring more people to You. Amen.
    Debby K - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for our faithful brothers and sisters in Iran who do what it takes to shepherd their flocks despite intense persecution from the government. I pray that Iranian pastors receive the necessary training to lead their flocks. May many in Iran trust Christ through the faithful witness of these church leaders.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Dear Lord, We praise and thank you for the church in Iran, and the faith, courage and work of our precious brothers and sisters there, and their leaders. Bless them and keep them, please Lord. And we pray for strong ministry training for leaders, that you will empower them, and keep their paths straight. Amen
    Susan G - Australia
  • In the gracious name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Rohi, our Shepherd, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Iranian church leaders. We praise You that they listen to You, we ask for a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to surround and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Father God, I pray for the church in Iran and ask that you would strengthen and help the church leaders to have their needs provided. Please draw many to faith in Jesus in Iran. Spread the gospel in power and strength against the enemy and I pray that there will be a breakthrough of faith in that country. Thank you for those who minister and give train
    Julia F - USA
  • Glory be to thee, O Father, that thou has equipped thy church throughout history and around the world and art now ministering to thy children in Iran. Please spread your gospel mightily in Iran.
    Margaret D - USA
  • Heavenly Father, thank you for these Iranian Christians who traveled to a nearby country to learn how to conduct baptisms and communion services. Strengthen them as they model these essential Christian ordinances to other house church leaders. I pray these pastors receive the necessary training to lead their flocks so many will trust in Christ.
  • Lord, we pray that you will pave a way for Iran's Christian pastors to be trained to do effective ministry. You see each one and know the needs. We urge you to equip your Church in Iran with the knowledge and mentoring that are needed to know you in spirit and in truth.
    Brenda M - USA
  • Father, Thank You for how You are working in Iran to raise up house churches and leaders. Thank You for the training these pastors have been able to receive and now use them to grow Your church in Iran and reach the lost Muslims there. Place a hedge of angels around their families and churches from the enemy and Islam. Change the heart of this nation.
    Alan G - USA
  • We give thanks for the Church Leaders and their commitment to faithfully serve Christ, May they bear much fruit. Protect them as they serve in such a dangerous area.Thank you Lord of all mankind. Amen.
    Mary H C - USA
  • Thank You Lord for what You are doing in Iran. For so many Iranians putting their trust in Christ to save them. For making this theological training available for house church leaders in order that new Christians may not be misled and their faith undermined by every wind of doctrine that might come their way. It is Your will that all mature in faith.
    Toni D - USA
  • I praise you Father for your amazing love. I thank you tonight for the brave men and women leaders who are teaching new churches how to praise and worship you! Thank you for holding them all in your hand"¦ with protection, discernment and favor. I ask protection over all the house churches a d pastors in Iran. - Melanie; Texas, USA
    Melanie G - USA
  • Father, thank you for the faithful witness of church leaders in Iran and their hunger for more knowledge of you and the desire to teach others. May they receive the precious resources and training they need to continue to fulfill the holy calling you have given them by your Spirit. In Christ's name we pray, amen.
    Matthew E - USA
  • In the healing name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Rapha, God Who heals, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Iranian church leaders. We praise You that they preach and proclaim Jesus. We ask for healing, a hedge of protection, angels from heaven to surround and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
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