Pastor Kuriachan and his wife, Selin, were beaten and arrested after visiting a believer in a Hindu village.
Pastor Kuriachan and his wife, Selin, were beaten and arrested after visiting a believer in a Hindu village.
Jun. 30, 2022 | India

Church Leaders Beaten, Arrested After Visiting Christian in Hindu Village

[164] prayers in [13] nations have been posted for Pastor Kuriachan and Selin, and Manikanta.

Pastor Kuriachan; his wife, Selin; and their assistant pastor, Manikanta, were beaten and arrested the evening of May 17. The attack occurred after they had visited another Christian’s house in a nearby Hindu village. The three believers have been released on bail, but their case is still ongoing. Pray for their safety and wellbeing, and pray that God protects the villager they were visiting as well. Pray that the case against them is overturned, and pray that as these Christians grow in their faith, the gospel continues to advance in the village where the incident took place.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in India and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Pastor Kuriachan and Selin, and Manikanta

  • to believe on it unto salvation by thine increase. I pray they would bear fruits meet for repentance to thy glory and the joy of thy body in India. I pray in the name of the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, I pray these members of thy body receive quick healing by thine provision. I pray they would give thee the glory in this and be strong witnesses to thy word in the King James Bible. I pray many including their persecutors would repent of their sins after they search thy word as Bereans. I pray in this way their hearts would be made ready
    Devin C - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for Pastor Kuriachan, Selin, and Manikanta and their willingness to serve You despite the threat of being beaten and persecuted by the state. I pray that their faith would grow each day and that You would protect the villager they visited. May justice be done for them and may You be glorified in their village.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Dear family in Christ- I pray for your continued spiritual victory. Please remember that God has a plan and he is always faithful. Stay strong, our Saviour is coming back soon. Keep fighting the good fight. Your reward will be great in heaven.
    Susan R - USA
  • Sovereign Lord, how long will our brothers and sisters suffer this kind of violence and abuse at the hands of persecutors? Arise and save Pastor Kuriachan, Selin, and Manikanta from these abuses and protect those that invite them in to hear the Gospel message. Provide for their needs and may their attackers be ashamed and repent to faith in Jesus.
    Brad H - USA
  • Father, in spite of this attack, may your precious children be strong and courageous and not fear man. May they trust Jesus fully. Please protect them and work out this case in their favor. May more people be drawn to Jesus through them as they let Jesus live in and through them. Thank you. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that you would bring the fear of the Lord into the hearts of those who persecute Your children. Strike them with a blow that they will learn to fear You. Don't let Thy enemies prosper in harming Your children. You are God who is righteous; who has indignation everyday against the wicked.
    Roy S - India
  • Holy Father, thank You for their desire to share the word of life regardless of the cost. I pray You would give courage and comfort to these believers who await the outcome of their case. Father, strengthen them and this believer in the village they visited. I pray thru Jesus. Amen.
    joey S - USA
  • Lord God, I pray that these believers would recover physically, and that they would also have Your peace guarding their hearts and their minds. May justice be served in their case, and may they have courage to continue following You. I pray that this would strengthen the faith of the believer they visited as well.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Father, I pray for these pastors and Selin. I ask you to go before them and work this out on their behalf. I pray you strengthen them and give them wisdom and boldness to speak as you direct them. Watch over the villager they were visiting, rebuke any fear and pour out your Spirit. Speak to the hearts of those who did this, open their eyes. Move
    Polly C - USA
  • Abba Father please tear down the strong hold in Hindu village clear the way for the gospel of Jesus to be preached. Please clear the way for the pastors to be released, protect them answer peace. Soften the hearts of Hidu radicals to be tolerant. protect the christian family in the village. strengthen their faith, give them endurance to go thru trials
  • In the giving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah El Roi, God Who sees, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Pastor Kuriachan and Selin. We praise You that they see Jesus. We ask for provision, hedge of protection, angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Dear Father, I pray for Your Holy Spirit to indwell these 3 Christians and their host with Your courage and peace that passes understanding. Help them to forgive their oppressors, and may Your glorious light shine through to others in the village. Please, if it is Your will, cause their case to be overturned and keep them safe. In Jesus' name, amen.
    Lynne W - USA
  • In the gracious name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Rohi, our Shepherd, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Pastor Kuriachan, Selin and Manikanta. We praise You that they listen to You, we ask for a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to surround and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Lord God, you turn the hearts of kings as well as the water courses so turn the hearts of those persecuting Pastor, Slin, and Manikanta. Send your angels to protect them and other Christians in their village. Holy Spirit anoint their lives and use them to draw others to Christ. Thank you Father for your caring love that heals like a balm. Amen.
    Mary H C - USA
  • Father, I pray for pastor Kuriachin and family and staff in India. They have been abused for the gospel and suffered. I pray that You would grant them favor in the courts and that all charges dropped. Grant them freedom to travel and preach the gospel. Protect them and the villager with a hedge of Your angels and use them as Your witnesses in India.
    Alan G - USA
  • Oh God, the injustice here is so wrong! Please give this couple a miraculous ability to forgive all their abusers. Please open the eyes of the judge and police, to see and want to do the right thing. I pray that this would be a beachhead for the Gospel in this place, and that you would embolden this believer and draw many more to Yourself through this.
    Margaret M - USA
  • Father I pray for Pastor Kuriachan, Selin and the assistant pastor Manikanta. Praise you Lord for their faith. Help them keep moving forward with the gospel, despite persecution. May many others come to know you because of their testimony. In Jesus name, amen.
    Nancy H - USA
  • In the healing name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Rapha, God Who heals, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Pastor Kuriachan, Selin and Manikanta. We praise You that they preach and proclaim Jesus. We ask for healing, a hedge of protection, angels from heaven to surround and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • In the Name of Jesus I decree this judgement against Pastor Kuruachan, his wife Selin, & assistant Pastor Manikanta will be fully dropped. No weapon formed against these Christians shall prosper. I pray the government officials who did this will be saved & a revival will break out there to affect all of India, in Jesus Name. I pray the Blood over all.
    Patricia L - USA
  • Lord Jesus You are sovereign and all things work together for good to those who love You. Bless and comfort Pastor Kuriachan, Selin, Manikanta as they suffer persecution. May You change the hearts of all those who persecute, in India and around the world. Thank You Lord Jesus. In Your Name amen
    Allison F - USA
  • I pray that the a gospel would go forth through the lives of your tools, Pastor kuriachan, selin, and manikanta. Protect them from evil and overturn all lies and plots against them. Protect them as well as all who are connected with them. Overturn the ruling set already. Let your power be shown evident to all who see this trial.
    Atacy U - USA
  • Father, we ask continued healing from the attack on these believers. We ask for You to provide for the safety and wellbeing and Your protection over the one visited. May the case be overturned and keep these believers strong in the faith and growing as the gospel advances. We pray that many Hindus will turn to the Lord Jesus for salvation
    Gail M - USA
  • Father God, i ask protection over Your saints in India and help that only You can bring. Please lift the veil off the hearts and minds of the people of India and see their sin in worshipping idols. Help them to see JESUS. Guard the hearts and minds of Your faithful in Christ so they do not lose courage. You can do all things and I praise You.
    Kathy G - USA
  • Lord I pray for the well-being of the man who they visited in the village as well as the continued healing, encouragement and boldness for the couple who went to visit. I pray the gospel continue to spread to this village and also throughout India. Lord bring a great harvest of souls through these bold and brave Christians. In Jesus name I pray amen
    Nancy G - USA
  • Father God I pray for these servants that has been assaulted innocently strengthened them. Let them be happy that they were assaulted for the gospel of Jesus, remembering that Stephen was martyred for the gospel, do shield them from further harassment, and intimidation, bless their ministry, and courage to peresevare in Jesus name Amen
    Joyce D - United Kingdom
  • Father, please show up, show Your face in this very circumstance. May this pastor and his wife receive healing and see and experience Your love for them in spite of this hardship. Give them peace and opportunity to see others draw near or nearer to You as a direct result. In the Name of Jesus open the eyes of Hindus in this region to the gospel.
    Janie B - USA
  • Heavenly Father, thank you Pastor K, Selin, and M. Thank you for their faith and obedience. Please continue to heal them, encourage them, strengthen them and open many doors for them.
    In Jesus,
    Lis S - USA
  • Jesus, thank You for preserving the lives of Pastor Kuriachan; his wife, Selin; and their assistant pastor, Manikanta. Please protect the people they were visiting and give them all favor in the eyes of the authorities and the neighbors. Use this to bring many more people into Your salvation.
    Elizabeth M - USA
  • Father God we pray for these faithful christians to stay strong in faith during times of hardship. May their case be overturned and set free. Amen
    jeff h - USA
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