Iniya's father threatened her with a knife and emotionally abused her after she became a Christian.
Iniya's father threatened her with a knife and emotionally abused her after she became a Christian.
May. 26, 2022 | Nepal

Father Abuses Daughter, Forces Her Out of Home for Following Jesus

[180] prayers in [15] nations have been posted for Iniya.

After putting her trust in Jesus, Iniya received a New Testament. Her younger brother noticed it and told their Hindu father, who shouted at Iniya and threatened her with a knife. He told her to leave her Christian faith or leave his house. When Iniya did leave, her father burned her clothes, Bible and other Christian literature he found. Iniya’s pastor let her stay at the church for 15 days before she returned home. Eventually, her father and other villagers emotionally abused her for leaving Hinduism. The persecution kept Iniya from completing high school, so she struggled to find quality work. Today, 21-year-old Iniya works odd jobs in Kathmandu and attends church in a nearby city. Pray that Iniya is able to form strong relationships with other believers and that she is able to make peace with her father and other family members.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Nepal and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Iniya

  • Father God, Your people need Your intervention and power over the enemy. Please run to them with Your Mighty Arm!
    christine s - USA
  • sanctified in thy word every day. May she rejoice that born again believers can worship thee in spirit and in truth through our bodily temples. May she maintain her blessed hope of the nearing appearance of her great God and Saviour Jesus Christ. I pray this to thy great glory in thy holy and almighty name the risen LORD Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • understanding. May thy word go out in Nepal as she has feet shod with the preparation of thy gospel of peace. May it reach many who are ready to repent of their sins with broken spirits and contrite hearts. May she be able to see the fruits born of her good works and give thee the glory. I pray she finds joy and sings thy praises and especially is
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, we know according to thy word in the A1611 Bible Luke 12:53 that this would happen between believers on thee and their families. I pray, LORD, Iniya has found peace either living with her family as a strong witness towards thee or if she had to flee that she has had protection, provision, and comfort from thee which surpasseth all
    Devin C - USA
  • My Father, the example of what it is to be a loving father, please make Iniya so impossible-to-ignore aware of Your great love for her. Please keep the way her earthly father has behaved from damaging her vision of You. Please surround Iniya with loving brothers and sisters; please heal the broken relationship between her and her dad.
    Jason R - USA
  • Father, you care deeply about Iniya and what she is facing. Will you please provide for all her needs? May the church family be just like family to her. Draw her father and others family members to Jesus. Continue to grow Iniya in faith and truth as she learns to trust Jesus fully and walk daily by the Spirit. Thank you. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Holy Father God of heaven and earth. Thank you for Iniya's faithfulness and courage. Please help her. Lord. We pray that Iniya is able to form strong relationships with other believers and that she is able to make peace with her father and other family members. In Jesus Wonderful Name, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit Amen.
    Alvin A - USA
  • Father, you have kept Iniya this far; you will continue to keep her if she keeps her eyes on you. I pray you help her remain faithful, bless her with a job, send people into her life who will be a blessing to her. I pray for her family; open their blinded eyes. Use Iniya to shine brightly unto all who are around her; may all see Jesus.
    Polly C - USA
  • Lord Jesus, strengthen and abide with sister Iniya as she continues to grow in faith. I pray that you will bring divine provisioning for her and keep her from all harm. We cover sister Iniya in Your precious blood that You shed on the cross at Calvary. We thank you for Your sacrifice and love everlasting. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Kunj P - Canada
  • Father God bless this dear sister and she struggles to stand against the evil from her own family. Use her father to be a witness to her lost family, Amen
    jeff h - USA
  • God, give encouragement to Sumi, who has endured so much for You. Let her heart and mind rest in You, let her know You more deeply. Please bring peace into her life, and sustain her as she struggles, for You know all our needs, spiritual and financial. Please help her heart to heal. In the name of Christ, amen.
    Kesse R - USA
  • God, we claim Sumi's father for Your kingdom, right now! We ask that whatever walls or barriers exist in his heart to faith in Jesus would crumble and that he would have dreams and visions of Jesus dying for him and that finally he would yield his heart to the One who Sumi follows and loves and that forgiveness and restoration would occur for them.
    Forrest B - USA
  • Our Father, wrap Your arms around Sumi and hold her close to Your heart as she journeys on this difficult path. May she find a way to finish her education, but most of all may she be a light to others who are in her situation as well. May they find comfort in Your Spirit and strength in the name of Jesus to overcome their obstacles. In His name, Amen
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • In the loving words of Jesus, our heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit, our Comforter, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Sumi. We pray for comfort, to direct her steps, for a hedge of protection, angels to surround and directly from heaven to minister to her. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Alleluia for this hero of faith ! Thank you aba for my brave sister, comfort her and bring her your peace, fill her with your holy spirit and let her shine amongst her nation. I know you prepare a way for her, let your plans realize in her life and bring her extraordinary joy. You are a good father, you take care, bless her beshem Yeshua I pray amen.
    Sissi M - Israel
  • We ask You Father to protect Sumi from the lies of the enemy regarding her family and to give her delight in being Your child. Provide for her needs in employment where she can use the skills she has already learned. Through her church bless her with joy and fellowship as she matures. Grant her a love for your Word - enable to make peace with family.
    Toni D - USA
  • I pray that Sumi would continue to grow in You, and that she would have mature believers in her life who would disciple her. May she know Your supernatural love for her family and be able to demonstrate Your radical forgiveness to them. I pray that their hearts would be softened towards Sumi, and ultimately drawn to You in faith.
    Danielle H - USA
  • In the loving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Megan, our Shield, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Sumi. We ask that she walk with the wise, a hedge of protection, angels to surround and directly minister to her. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Father we bless your most holy name oh LORD for the life of Sumi your daughter, please LORD, may you comfort her in her distress, pains, anxiety and sufferings for Christ and keep strengthening her in all her days and cause her to finish this journey successfully, may you use her to change the hearts of her family and many for Christ to your glory Amen
    Chima U - Switzerland
  • Praying much
    Anne Margaret H - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for Sumi and her willingness to follow You despite intense persecution from her own father. I pray that she would grow stronger in her faith each day and that You would give her peace and wisdom. May You provide for all of her needs and may she develop strong relationships with fellow believers. May she make peace with her family.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Heavenly father, I pray that this young sister of mine can be surrounded by faithful Christians who spur her on to live with more zeal for you. Lord I pray that she would be encouraged to know that she has been adopted by you father through the blood of Jesus, and she is not alone. I pray that she could see you through the persecution. amen.
    Yesenia M - USA
  • Lord God thank you for saving Sumi. Please bless her through her persecution and strengthen her faith. I thank You that You will supply all her needs. Bring fellow believers into her life I pray and that they will be a blessing to each other. Bring her family to faith in You I pray. Amen
    John S - USA
  • Father God I pray for Sumi, for the power of your love in her life, that that love would draw her family members to you. Jesus send othe loving believers into the lives of her family, that they would sense you drawing them powerfully into your kingdom. Protect Sumi from harm, grant her wisdom, show her the path of a life lived for you. IJN Amen!
    Mike M - USA
  • Lord above all would You draw Sumi's father & family to YOu? Would You reveal Yourself to them. May she form strong relationships w other believers as well as spiritual parents. TY for providing education andor good employment for her acc to Your purposes for her life. May she feel these things stirring in her heart. TY that You will bring peace
    Lisa T - USA
  • Father please remember Sumi. Help her to deeply connect with her brothers and sisters in her church, and to see her biological family also come to faith in Jesus.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • In the wise name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Jireh, God Who provides, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Sumi. We ask for provision, for wisdom, hedge of protection, angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to her. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Abba please help Sumi find a stable job and be able to complete education. Speak to her through revelation, dreams and visions Reveal deeper knowledge of You God. may You soften the heart of her family and neighbours. may Your light shine all about her so people may see that You are at work in her life.Give her hope and endurance inJesus name
  • Thank you so much Jesus for protecting Sumi through such terrible trials. I pray that her father and family would feel so guilty about their mistreatment, and that they would turn to Jesus in repentance. Please help Sumi to find good work and complete her high school degree! Give her a new Christian family, where she feels love and security.
    Margaret M - USA
  • Father God. Please comfort and bless Sumi for her faithfulness to Jesus. Supply all her needs and give her good friends who will help her and take her into the fold. May the Holy Spirit convict her family of their evil attitudes so they may repent. Help Sumi to know Your great love for her and may she grow up in Your word. Thank You Father.
    Kathy G - USA
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