Christians in Kaduna state, Nigeria, are being kidnapped and killed because of their faith in Christ.
Christians in Kaduna state, Nigeria, are being kidnapped and killed because of their faith in Christ.
Apr. 21, 2022 | Nigeria

Church Security Guard Killed During Kidnapping

[252] prayers in [15] nations have been posted for Rev. Joseph Akeke.

On Tuesday, March 8, armed assailants abducted Rev. Joseph Akeke from his home in southern Kaduna state. During the abduction, the assailants shot and killed Luka, the church security guard. The assailants then abducted three others, a woman and two children, and killed another man as they fled the predominantly Christian village. “Pray for God’s intervention and for [the pastor’s] safe release,” said an area resident. Pray that the kidnapped Christians will be returned safely to their homes and families. Pray that the other Christians in this village will remain firm in their faith and bear witness to the love of Christ amid ongoing attacks.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Nigeria and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Rev. Joseph Akeke

  • Father God, Your people need Your intervention and power over the enemy. Please run to them with Your Mighty Arm!
    christine s - USA
  • I pray thy increase would come upon them in this way that they would be saved and born again into thy body. I pray they would bear fruits meet for repentance with feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. I pray this to thy glory in thy holy and almighty name the LORD Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • sinned and fallen short of thy glory. May the persecutors learn that thou made thyself the ultimate sacrifice for sins of all that will believe in thee (Rom 3, John 3). May that lead to their broken spirits and contrite hearts. I pray they would realize how wretched sinners are before thee and to believe on thy word after repenting of their sins.
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, may thy great comfort come upon those who have been afflicted by this persecution. I pray their witness would be strong towards the conscience of these murderers and that they would be convicted. I pray O LORD they would be led to search thy word in the A1611 Bible after this conviction. May they search as Bereans and realize all have
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father,
    Be with those who lost loved ones in this! Comfort them. And be with the kidnapped Christians - intervene and free them. Use this, what the devil meant for evil, to draw the attackers to a saving knowledge of You! Help them all to stay strong in You.
    Madison F - USA
  • Ps 143: Hear our prayers, O Lord, for the persecuted believers in kaduna state. The enemy persecutes their souls, crushing their lives to the ground &;distressing their hearts. Cause them to hear Your loving kindness, to know the way in which they should walk. Deliver them from their enemies, and lead them in the land of uprightness
    Julie C - USA
  • Father, those in Nigeria suffer so much for their faith. I thank you that you see and that you are their with them working in their situations and lives. I pray for those who were abducted, hoping for their release and that you will supernaturally be near them, protecting them. Work in the hearts of the attackers that they might be saved.
    Vicki W - USA
  • Lord God, we grieve with our brothers and sisters in Kaduna state who are suffering severe persecution and ask that they would have overwhelming peace in the midst of sadness and grief with the ongoing killing of so many believers. Grant them grace to forgive their killers and kidnappers and embolden to stand firm against the schemes of the devil, amen
    Forrest B - USA
  • Father God, regarding Nigeria, we are weak to know how to pray. Such violence and evil break our hearts for our brothers and sisters in Jesus. Please continue to guard their hearts minds in Christ Jesus until He comes. Supply their needs each day. Divine Father, Your eternal love is greater than what the wicked do in a moment. Eternity waits.
    Kathy G - USA
  • "Teach me Your way, O LORD,
    And lead me in a smooth path,
    because of my enemies.
    Do not deliver me to the will of my
    For false witnesses have risen
    against me,
    And such as breathe out violence.
    I would have lost heart, unless I had
    That I would see the goodness of the
    In the land of the living."
    Psalm 27:11-13. Amen.
    Timothy B - USA
  • Heavenly Father, we pray for the pastor's safe release. We pray that the kidnapped Christians will be returned safely to their homes and families. We pray that the other Christians in this village will remain firm in their faith and bear witness to the love of Christ amid ongoing attacks. In Jesus precious name and the fellowship of the Holy Spirt Amen
    Alvin A - USA
  • Father, I pray for this group of believers. I pray for the pastor's safety as well as those kidnapped. Please, be with them and move on their behalf. I pray for those who lost loved ones; comfort them. Strengthen your children and help them remain firm in their faith and not waver. Deal with the one who did this, convict their hearts.
    Polly C - USA
  • Holy Father I thank you in all things. I know your will prevails in all circumstances. I know you have your precious children in your hands. Jesus I pray for a legion of angels to be sent for Rev Akeke for his protection. That his captors will find favor in him and treat him well. I pray Rev Akeke will convert hearts and be set free today. Amen
    Judy B - USA
  • Father, please release the pastor unharmed. Return the abducted woman and children unharmed. Place your loving arms around the grieving families. May the other villagers remain steady in their faith. Use them to bring others to Christ. Thank you for being a faithful God. Amen.
    Mary H C - USA
  • Father, please heal these precious Christians from the trauma they have experienced. Help them to forgive and pray for their enemies. Please will you release those who have been abducted? Comfort the families and friends of those who were killed. Use this tragic situation for your glory and bring good from it. Thank you! Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Father, thank You for the security guard who sacrificed his life trying to protect Rev. Akeke and his family. Have mercy on the security guard's family and comfort them during their time of loss. We pray for the safe release of Rev. Akeke and the others who were kidnapped. Give them strength to endure this trial and peace that passes all understanding.
    Patrick V - USA
  • In the power of Jesus' name, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Rapha, God Who heals, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Pastor Akeke and church and that they seek You. We ask for healing, for a hedge of protection, for provision, for fellowship, for angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Father God, you are the reason why we are on this earth - to praise and worship You. Your dedicated children of South Kaduna are being persecuted because of Jesus Christ. I beseech you, O Lord, to preserve Rev Joseph Akeke and the other abducted prisoners to be returned safely. You will be done according to your plan. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.
    Reuben D - Zimbabwe
  • We come to You in Jesus' name on behalf of Your bleeding Bride in Nigeria. Strengthen and provide for Luka's family and those of the other man who fled the attack. Comfort the woman and 2 children and their families. Cause their captors to release them. Deliver Your children in this village from fear and use them to proclaim salvation in Jesus Christ.
    Toni D - USA
  • In humble adoration to Your will Lord of host , we stand in the gap over the persecution your church face across the world and Nigeria in particular, we pray that your saving grace touch the heart of the lost and and let your light shine in the darkness of their heart and lead them to the perfect way, we pray for the family of Rev. joseph Akeke .
    YUSUF T - Nigeria
  • In the love of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Jireh, God Who provides, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Pastor Akeke. We ask for his release, for joy and eternal life, for provision, for hedge of protection, and angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to him. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Oh Lord God, I pray that You would comfort those grieving the death and capture of loved ones. May they trust Your sovereignty and that one day You will make all things new. I pray that these Christians would be released, that they would know Your protection, and that they would be faithful witnesses to You even as they suffer.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Gracious Father it's my prayer that Rev. Akeke and those abducted will be realeased. As Peter was released through prayers of the believers it's my prayer that you hear our prayers. I lift the believers in those areas into your hands. Father I pray that their Faith will grow and be steadfast. May they continue to demonstrate your love to others.
    Selom A - USA
  • Father, I pray that Rev. Joseph & those abducted will be able to return safely to their home. I pray that those who experienced this persecution will be comforted & filled with hope & courage by the power of your Holy Spirit. I pray that the abductors will be found & brought to justice & repentance.
    Tracey B - USA
  • In the name of the Good Shepherd Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Rohi, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Pastor Akeke. We ask for release, for provision, for healing, for a hedge of protection, angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to him. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Lord I lift up Rev. Akeke & those who were abducted as well as those who dies for their faith. Please help the village stay strong in their faith, please move in the hearts of the kidnappers to release the people they took unharmed, & open their eyes to the truth of your love Yeshua! Please be with their families & help them to keep their eyes on you!
    Niccole E - USA
  • Our Father, look down upon these kidnapped Christians and surround them with your shielding hand. Return them safely to their families and keep their fellow villagers firm in their faith through your grace in the face of persecution. Give all of them the peace that only you can give. Amen
    Paul M - USA
  • Jesus, I pray for the safe return of those kidnapped in southern Kaduna state and the other Christians in the village will stay strong in their relationship with you and kept safe. May they be able to witness to others of your love for all. Amen
    Steve P - USA
  • Father, we ask for your comfort for this community as they mourn the loss of Luka, and for protection and peace for the pastor and others who were abducted. Please return them home, bring an end to the violence, and may your presence give them courage. Please help the believers stand firm and hold fast to you during this time of uncertainty.
    Jackie V - USA
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