After reaching out to a Christian media ministry, an Iranian man found hope and healing in Christ.
After reaching out to a Christian media ministry, an Iranian man found hope and healing in Christ.
Apr. 07, 2022 | Iran

Addict Healed by Christ

[186] prayers in [16] nations have been posted for Manouchehr.

After his mother passed away from cancer, Manouchehr battled grief by drinking heavily. Desperate for peace, he reached out to a Christian media ministry, requesting prayer and asking many questions about the Christian faith. The Christian counselors comforted Manouchehr and shared the gospel with him, encouraging him to pray whenever he was tempted to drink. A month later, Manouchehr placed his faith in Christ. “I have found the peace of Christ,” he shared. “I have been freed from my addition. I only wish I knew Jesus sooner.” Manouchehr shared the gospel with his family members, and they also trusted in Christ. Pray for these new believers to continue growing in their faith as they reach out to others with the hope they have in Christ.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Iran and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Manouchehr

  • Father God, Your people need Your intervention and power over the enemy. Please run to them with Your Mighty Arm!
    christine s - USA
  • Thank You Lord for Manuchehr and his family and their new found faith in You. Help these new believers to continue growing in their faith as they reach out to others with the hope they have in You, Jesus. Thank You for the Christian counselors in this dangerous place that encouraged Manouchehr to stop drinking and Your saving him from his addiction.
    Cynthia H - USA
  • Them to have broken spirits, contrite hearts, and repentance unto the remission of sins by Your increase. I pray those who are born again into Your body have born many fruits meet for repentance. I pray this to Your glory in Your holy and almighty name LORD Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, I pray since this time, this man and has family have continued growing in the faith being sanctified by Your word in the A1611 Bible. I pray their witness has gone out to many in Iran who have come to search that Bible. I pray many more have had Godly sorrow realizing we are all sinners but Your blood washes that away. I pray this sorrow led
    Devin C - USA
  • God King thank You for Your faithfulness to leave the ninety-nine sheep. Thank You for the many ways You are moving in Iran, providing spiritual and emotional and mental and physical freedom to the captive men and women and kids. I pray for continued revival, evangelism, discipleship, and grace. Pour out Your grace. In Jesus Name amen
    Allison F - USA
  • Blessed be You, God of second chances! May You be praised and may glory come to You through Monouchehr's life and witness. Grow his faith amid persecution and help him to continue to lead others to do, love You with everything, and love his neighbor. We praise You for Your redemption and ask You to help all who battle addiction. In Jesus Name amen
    Allison F - USA
  • Father, thank you for working mightily in Manouchehr life and for how you are growing him in faith and truth. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Father, it is always encouraging to hear of one who has been delivered from sin and addiction. Please continue to work in the heart of Manouchehr. I am so thankful to hear that his family also has been saved. Minister mightily to them and protect their new found faith and enable them by your Spirit to grow in Christ and understanding of the Bible.
    Vicki W - USA
  • Oh Lord Jesus, please help Manouchehr to quit drinking alcohol or taking any drugs, but look and seek you with all his heart and mind and all that he is. Give him strength to face each day. Help him pray. Help him find a Bible and spend time reading it and deepen his belief and faith in you.
    For you Jesus, you are the bread of life.
    Thank you , Amen
    Timothy B - USA
  • Heavenly Father,
    We praise You and thank You for how You have brought the light of Your love into Manouchehr and his family's lives! May their faith grow more and more! Continue to pour out Your love and grace on all of them! May their light shine brightly for You!
    Madison F - USA
  • Bless my brother, Manouchehr, Father. I pray you comfort him when the enemy wants to comfort him with alcohol. I pray he finds his strength in you. I pray you give him boldness and wisdom in sharing his faith with his family and those around him. Help him to see the importance of growing in understanding and knowledge. Send someone to help him.
    Polly C - USA
  • Thank you for the power of the Word, that You came to set the captives free. That the testimony of Manouchehr's deliverance from alcohol gives him a platform for gospel. Use it to open the hearts of others with the hope his family members have found in Christ. May their faith become more real to them as they reach out to others with the hope they have
    Toni D - USA
  • Praise God
    Sherry S - USA
  • Lord, Thank you for healing this man from such a horrible addiction. Thank you for showing him who you are. Keep giving him your peace and strength. Help him have the courage to share the amazing news with his family and friends. Who knows he might lead thousands to you. In Jesus' holy name, amen
    Esther D - USA
  • Heavenly Father, We praise and worship You for this great testimony. You deserve all the glory and honor. We love and adore You. We pray for these new believers to continue to grow in their faith as they reach out to others with the hope they have in Christ. In Jesus precious name , the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirt Amen.
    Alvin A - USA
  • Father, thank You for intervening in Manouchehr's life, saving his soul, and delivering him from addiction to alcohol. May Manouchehr take each day, one at a time, by staying clean and sober as a testimony of what You've done and are doing in his life. May Manouchehr and his family member's trust in You with their whole heart and not rely on the flesh.
    Patrick V - USA
  • Thank You for drawing this family to Yourself and helping them see their need for You. I pray that they would grow in their faith and would be able to find other believers as well. May this media ministry continue to produce great fruit; may the gospel message reach the hearts of those who are prepared to receive it.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Fsther, Thankyou for those who are able to share the love of Christ through media ministries! So many in Iran are responding to Your Word & we rejoice for the moving of Your Holy Spirit in that country. I pray that Manouchehr will continue to grow in his faith & that many more will come to Christ as a result of his witness to Your love & forgiveness
    Tracey B - USA
  • Father thank You for Manouchehr. Thank You for delivering him from addiction. I thank You that You are wonderful. Please increase the faith of Manouchehr and his family and bless them. In the Name of Yeshua, Amen.
    Kia W - USA
  • In the name of the Good Shepherd Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Rohi, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Manouchehr. We ask for provision, for healing, for a hedge of protection, angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to him. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Thank you wonderful Father for bringing Manouchehr and his family into your kingdom through the blood of Jesus our Messiah. Help them to continue to grow in your love and in their faith in you. Please keep them safe and provide for their physical needs. Help them to be strong and beautiful witnesses for your love through Jesus our Christ, amen.
    Scott P - USA
  • God, I thank You for this dear brother. I thank You he has been delivered from his alcohol addiction. I praise You as other family members have professed faith in the Lord. I pray each one will remain faithful as they encounter the persecution that is sure to follow. I pray for their faithfulness and continued outreach to others in Iran.
    Curtis M - USA
  • In the forgiving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Manouchehr that he is born from above and shares Your Word with others. We ask for healing, for provision, Your Word, hedge of protection, angels to encamp around and minister to him. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Thank you, Lord for the peace & healing Manouchehr has found in you. We praise your name he has shared with his family who trusted you too. Continue to grow this family in your love. May they be bold in sharing with others what you have done for them. Bring other believers to them as teachers & encouragement. May Jesus name be glorified in Iran forever
    SM D - USA
  • Oh Lord my God, grant comfort to Manouchehr for the passing of his mother, and bless him abundantly to overcome his addiction(s). Blessed are the poor in Spirit, Lord, so minister unto these little ones that their faith may grow up into salvation, that they will be brave in spreading the Gospel like wildfire, a good virus that cant be stopped. Amen.
    Kurtis M - USA
  • Thank You, Jesus, for healing Manouchehr and for his zeal for You and his transformed life. May many come to know You through his life and testimony!
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Our Father, continue to strengthen Manouchehr, and his family, as they learn more about You. Surround them with others who are searching for You so that Manouchehr can witness to the peace he has now because of Jesus. In Jesus' name, Amen
    Eli S - USA
  • Hallelujah, truly thou art the King of all the world. Thy mercy is everlasting, and thy truth endureth forever.
    Margaret D - USA
  • In the redeeming name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, our Redeemer, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Manouchehr. We praise You that he praises You with his life. We ask for a hedge of protection, angels from heaven to encamp around and directly minister to him. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Lord thank you for revealing yourself to Manouchehr and giving him a desire, heart and mind to know and obey you. I ask that his life will continue to be a testimony of your love and hope the world, and that many will be saved through him. Keep him and his family protected and focused on you despite any circumstances in Jesus Name, Amen.
    Orpha G - USA
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