Assistant Pastor William Sirai (left) was killed and Pastor Patrick Naeem (right) injured following a shooting.
Assistant Pastor William Sirai (left) was killed and Pastor Patrick Naeem (right) injured following a shooting.
Feb. 24, 2022 | Pakistan

Church Leader Dies, Other Injured Following Shooting

[262] prayers in [17] nations have been posted for Pastor Patrick.

After services on Sunday, Jan. 30, two militants shot two leaders from the Church of Pakistan in the city of Peshawar as the leaders drove away from the church together. Assistant Pastor William Sirai was killed, and Pastor Patrick Naeem was injured. Pray for the church and for the families of the pastors as they grieve, and pray for Patrick’s wounds to heal. Pray for the church to remain bold in its witness to the predominantly-Muslim surrounding community. Pray also for the attackers to be brought to justice.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Pakistan and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Pastor Patrick

  • Father God, Your people need Your intervention and power over the enemy. Please run to them with Your Mighty Arm!
    christine s - USA
  • Lord God help the families and congregation of these men as they recover from this tragedy. Bring the killers to justice. Keep Pastor Naeem safe in the hospital. Perhaps You could use him there to witness for You. I pray for the church members who are frightened in the aftermath of this attack, that they would feel Your peace, comfort, & encouragement.
    Allison F - USA
  • Father, reach forth your arms of love to the grieving family of Pastor Sirai.Heal Pastor Patrick.Encourage the parishioners to remain strong in their faith.Use what has happened to draw others to Christ.May true justice reign as the attackers are brought to trial. Bless Christians that stand for you, the true God.Thank you for hearing our prayers. Amen
    Mary H C - USA
  • Father thank You for these Pastors. I pray that You would send comfort to Sirai's family. Please help pastor Patrick heal and keep him and his family safe. In the Name of Yeshua, Amen.
    Kia W - USA
  • Father, please console Pastor William's family and the church members and heal Pastor Patrick as you heal the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Strengthen the church to remain bold in witness to a hostile community, for you are our fortress and shelter. Please bring joy to the church by bringing the attackers to justice. In your faithfulness.
    Jonathan C - Hong Kong
  • Dear Jesus, help each person in this church grieving for their Pastor Patrick and all those injured. May the authorities being those doing violent acts to justice. Comfort those who are afraid and struggling. Comfort families. Give each Christian wisdom and discernment.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • God, for these grieving families and communities, we ask for the presence and comfort of the Holy Spirit, and for a supernatural ability to forgive those who committed these crimes. We ask for the attackers to be brought to justice and given a chance to repent. Please pour out your Spirit in Pakistan and bring many to faith in Jesus Christ.
    Jackie V - USA
  • Father, please comfort those who are mourning and use these situations to strengthen Your people. In Jesus Name, amen
    Debbie M - USA
  • Father, likely the pain is still very real following this attack. Give comfort and healing to pastor Patrick and the believers. May they be strong and courageous knowing that you are with them. May they trust Jesus even when they don't understand why certain things happen. Remind them that soon they will go home to live with you in a perfect place.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Father, you see this congregation. I pray for the pastor's family who are grieving, comfort them. I pray for the pastor who was injured, heal him. I pray you strengthen all involved, and that they find their strength and comfort in you. I pray you would deal with the hearts who oppose them, and open their eyes to the truth of their need for you.
    Polly C - USA
  • Father,
    We pray for You to move here! I pray for Pastor William's family as they suffer this grief. Bring them comfort and peace. Be with Pastor Patrick as he heals from his wounds. We ask that You would use this terrible act that was meant for evil to glorify Your name. May this be a witness of Your people's willingness to suffer for Your name.
    Madison F - USA
  • In the wonderful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for Your great love for grieving Christian family for Pastor Patrick. We praise You for their faithfulness. We ask comfort, for healing, for a hedge of protection on them, angels directly from heaven to encamp around and to minster to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for pastors who preach Your Word, even in the face of violence. Comfort and provide for Pastor William's family as they grieve his passing. Please bring healing to Pastor Patrick, and protect him and others, as they proclaim the truth of the gospel. Come and reveal Yourself, to those causing this violence. Amen
    Linda K - USA
  • Dear Father in Heaven, I lift up the family of Pastor Sirai and ask you to comfort and minister to th em. Please provide for all their needs out of your glorious riches in Christ Jesus. I pray for Pastor Name that his wounds would heal and his family be comforted. May the gospel continue to be shared and muslims in the area come to know you. AMEN
    Jennifer T - USA
  • In the glorious name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Rapha, God Who heals. As brothers and sisters in Christ we ask for healing for Pastor Patrick. We praise You for his faithfulness. We ask for a hedge of protection on his and angels directly from heaven to minister to his. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father, we pray for the Christians in Pakistan who are under attack for their faith in Jesus to be strengthened as they face persecution. We ask that Pastor Patrick be healed from his wounds & become even more bold in sharing the Gospel with the Church of Pakistan. We pray the family & congregation of Asst Pastor Sirai will be comforted in their grief.
    Tracey B - USA
  • Father we thank You for the courage of our Pakistani brothers and sisters, and we ask You to comfort the families of the pastors as they grieve. Restore the health of Pastor Patrick, and deliver him from fear. Enable him to return to serving You, and to be an example of forgiveness as he encourages his parishioners to forgive those who attacked him.
    Toni D - USA
  • Father, I pray for our family in Pakistan to remain strong in their faith and that You would place a hedge of angels around them from violence and the evil of Islam. Heal Pastor Name of his injuries and supply peace to the family of Pastor Sirai in his death. Strengthen Your church to be Your witnesses for Christ and bring these who did this to justice
    Alan G - USA
  • Father, please bring ministering to those that have been affected by the death and injurty of these two men. Please work in the hearts of their church, ministering through the power of your Word. I thank you that you can bring good out of even this. Help the church to remain strong and be a right witness of Christ to those around them.
    Vicki W - USA
  • May Pastor William's family be comforted. May Pastor Patrick recover fully from his physical injuried and from emotional trauma. May Pastor Patrick remain faithful to his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as he has been for the past 20 plus years. Father God, provide all the needs for Pastor William's surviving family and also for Pastor Patrick too.
    Dave B - USA
  • Lord I pray you comfort the church & families of these 2 pastors. One is now with you in heaven & the other may still be healing. God more clearly than ever before show every church member you love them & will always be with them. Father strengthen the church thru this time so many will be drawn to saving grsce in Jesus. Dear ones God loves you
    mark m - USA
  • In the overcoming name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Adonai, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of grieving Christians and ask for healing for Pastor Patrick. We ask for a hedge of protection on them and angels directly from heaven to minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father please extend your glorious peace and compassion on your flock at the Church of Pakistan. Lift them up and help them to declare your Word boldly in spite of the trauma that they have suffered. Heal their hearts, minds and souls as they grieve for Pastor Sirai. Hold the militants responsible and open their hearts and minds to Jesus. Amen.
    Marian P - USA
  • O Father, hear the cries of these dear families and the church families. Send comfort Holy Spirit to reach depths of hearts. May your healing touch be upon Pastor Naeem he can again preach the message of Jesus. For those who are opposing them, may your Holy Spirit bring conviction and their hearts brought to saving Jesus. In His mighty name Pat US
    Patricia S - USA
  • Precious Lord, show Yourself mighty toward this church....bless them openly...make them brave and bold and a strong light where they are. Forgive their prosecutors and save them. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN Maranatha!
    Della H - USA
  • Father God, I lift up the injured Pastor and pray for his complete healing in Jesus Christ. Please comfort the families who are grieving and help this community of believers to continue to be bold in their witness. Please protect them from further attacks and I pray that those who brought the attack will hear of their faith and begin seeking the Lord.
    Julia F - USA
  • Father please extend your glorious peace and compassion on your flock at the Church of Pakistan. Lift them up and help them to declare your Word boldly in spite of the trauma that they have suffered. Heal their hearts, minds and souls as they grieve for Pastor Sirai. Hold the militants responsible and open their hearts and minds to Jesus. Amen.
    Laurie T - USA
  • Lord Jesus, thank You for Your words:
    "Do not be afraid! I am The First & The Last! I am The Living One! I was dead, and behold I am Alive Forever & Ever! And I hold the keys of Death & Hades!"
    "Be faithful, even to the point of death, & I will give you Crown of Life!"
    Steve W - USA
  • Almighty God, We pray for the church and for the families of the pastors as they grieve, and pray for Patrick's wounds to heal. We pray for the church to remain bold in its witness to the predominantly-Muslim surrounding community. We pray also for the attackers to be brought to justice. In Jesus precious name and the fellowship of the Holy Spirt amen
    Alvin A - USA
    Terrell A - USA
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