Militant Fulani Muslims ambushed Christians as they were returning from their farms, killing four and wounding others.
Militant Fulani Muslims ambushed Christians as they were returning from their farms, killing four and wounding others.
Feb. 03, 2022 | Nigeria

Four Christians Killed in Kaduna State

[201] prayers in [16] nations have been posted for grieving Christian families.

Militant Fulani Muslims attacked two predominantly Christian villages last month, killing four and wounding others. Two of the Christians were ambushed as they returned from their farms, while the bodies of the other two were discovered later by villagers who survived. “Our villages are under attack. Please pray for us,” one survivor said. Pray for those who lost loved ones to receive the comfort and peace of Christ. Pray for Christians in the villages to remain firm in their faith. Pray that their faithful witness will lead their persecutors to faith in Christ.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Nigeria and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for grieving Christian families

  • Father God, Your people need Your intervention and power over the enemy. Please run to them with Your Mighty Arm!
    christine s - USA
  • Father, please encourage your children to keep following you, no matter the cost. Please protect our brothers and sisters. In Jesus name, amen.
    Christian T - USA
  • Father, I pray for these villagers who are being attacked. I pray you strengthen them and rebuke all fear. I pray you comfort the hearts of those who are grieving over their loss. I pray you speak to the hearts of those who are doing this evil. Lord, open their eyes to their need for you. I pray you pour out your Spirit of boldness, comfort, healing.
    Polly C - USA
  • Lord I pray for those who have lost loved ones and pray for Your comfort to be near and for all their needs to be met.I pray for their families to be taken care of and for their kids to feel safe and protected. I pray for their attackers to turn to You. I pray for the villagers to ban together and choose to still praise You.
    Joy H - USA
  • Father,
    We ask ask that You would rain down Love & Your Power on these villages as they face the great persecution. Be with those who are grieving the tragic loss of their loved ones. May they find comfort in knowing that they are now safe & at home with You. Through these villages powerful witness of Christ's love, may the militants come to know You!
    Madison F - USA
  • Oh Lord, Nigeria is a contested area in a spiritual war, and we know that Christ is the Victor. He won the victory on the Cross. We stand with our brothers and sisters who are willing to demonstrate their allegiance by their faithfulness to Christ. Grant them peace, healing, the restoration of their homes, courage that speaks to those who attack them.
    Toni D - USA
  • Father, please be with these that have suffered this violence. Give them strength and faith and help them to trust in you. Please comfort them with the comfort that only you can give. And work in the hears of their attackers. You are there and you are faithful.
    Vicki W - USA
  • Father protect the Christians from further evil and harm. Give them unbreakable Faith and guard their hearts and minds in Jesus. Give them physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. Comfort them, wrap your arms around them and guide them on your path for them. Shine your holy light into the darkness of their oppressors so that that they repent.
    Laurie T - USA
  • Father God we pray for these who suffer such evil for their faith in you. May God bring comfort and security to these and provide a way for them to continue to worship in love, Amen
    jeff h - USA
  • In the great name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Nissi, our Banner, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of grieving Christians in Kaduna state, that they ascribe glory to Your name and strength. We ask for a hedge of protection and angels from heaven to minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Lord God may Your comfort and peace that surpasses understanding be with these dear brothers and sisters. May they show love to one another in their grief and be unified in You as they suffer. May they only grow in faith and courage, and I pray that their attackers would come to see the truth of the gospel and repent.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Loed, please comfort the villagers during this time. Please remind them that you are with them in their struggles. Please send your angels down to protect them and I pray that other help can come too. May their faith never waiver. I pray that their persecutors can also come to faith in you.
    Skylar H - USA
  • Blessed Father God, all thanksgiving and honor is due to your name. You are good and you are the king of kings. One day all on earth will gladly serve you. Be with your kingdom of priests who serve you in Kaduna state. Let them maintain a faithful witness to give testimony to you. Let them not love their lives even unto death. Turn the enemies.
    Rachel Albro H - USA
  • Father please be close to those who are injured and grieving. May they know your care for them, and have strength to love their enemies.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Lord, bring protection and healing to your people! Bring safety and comfort! Bind the wounds of those who are grieving. Act on their behalf! Help them God!
    Heidi C - USA
  • In the healing name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Raah, our Shepherd, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of grieving Christian families. We ask that they know You are their dwelling place. We ask for healing, for provision, for a hedge of protection and angels directly from heaven to minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father, another day but the story is essentially the same for our persecuted Nigerian brothers and sisters in Christ. We pray that you will comfort those who grieve and provide deliverance from their persecutors. Enable our suffering family members to remain firm, unshakeable, always abounding in the work of the Lord because their labor is not in vain.
    Patrick V - USA
  • Lord, we pray for our brothers and sisters who are suffering as a result of this attack and others like it. We pray that you will grant them peace and let their witness stand as a testimony of your goodness and grace to carry them through.
    Ben F - USA
  • Lord I pray for my brothers and sisters in Nigeria who are undergoing such horrific attacks. I pray that you would protect them God and keep them under the shadow of your wings. I asked that their faith would not be moved and the gospel would continue to go forward in Nigeria. Comfort these grieving families in Jesus name amen.
    Nancy G - USA
  • Lord, in the Acts of the apostles we are told that believers will be given the Holy Spirit in order to be empowered to witness for Christ and to proclaim the gospel. Even in extreme persecution, we have examples of saints who endured and persevered in witnessing. May this power be given to these grieving Christian families and others be saved. Amen.
    Diana F - USA
  • Lord, I thank you for the continued faith of these Christians. Please comfort those who are grieving for lost loved ones and give them peace in these difficult times. I ask that you would help them to forgive their persecutors and show them the light of your love. Let them be faithful witnesses. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.
    Cassie K - USA
  • Father, it is with sorrow in our hearts for our brothers & sisters that we ask for Your comfort & grace to carry them thru this season of grief & persecution. Deliver them from their oppressors & bring your peace & restoration into their lives by the power of your Holy Spirit. We pray for those lost in darkness will repent & receive eternal salvation
    Tracey B - USA
  • Oh Father, I pray for the Fulani militants. I pray You show yourself in visions and that many will be saved. I pray for comfort and strength for the Christians in these villages being attacked. I pray that they would stand firm and continue to be faithful. Amen
    Isabel S - USA
  • Dear Father, please give your children hope. Let their faith grow stronger day by day. May the Fulani herdsmen come to faith. Heal the wounds of trauma. In Jesus name. Amen.
    Nancy P - USA
  • In the gracious name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Most High, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of grieving Nigerian Christian families, that they seek Your face. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection and angels directly from heaven to minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Jesus our Lord, we ask for comfort for the families that were affected by this massacre. We pray that you would give them hope and joy in the midst of their suffering and help them look to the things above. We pray for the Kaduna state Lord, that your gospel would continue to spread quickly and powerfully. That you would embolden leaders. -Zack, TX,USA
    Zack S - USA
  • Lord heal the wounds of the broken-hearted and l or them back to life and hope. Let them sing for joy even in the valley because you are working and doing to redeem this tragedy with beauty. Lead those persecuting into repentance and Truth in You. Give those persecuted faith and endurance. Fix their eyes on you in all hope and rest.
    Atacy U - USA
  • Father, I pray for the survivors of this horrible attack. Give them comfort and peace, knowing their loved ones are in Your Presence. I pray that their witness will lead their persecutors to faith in Christ.
    Betty D - USA
  • Heavenly Father, thank you for these precious believers. Please comfort them and encourage them in your Word. Please take away their fear and turn this evil situation for good and your glory. Help them to know your presence.
    In Jesus,
    Lis S - USA
  • Heavenly Father, We thank You that we can pray for these survivors. We praise You for sending to the ones who lost loved ones the comfort &peace of Christ. We declare that the Christians in those villages are remaining firm in their faith & that their faithful witness will lead their persecutors to faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, in Jesus' Name, Amen!
    Michael S - USA
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