A group of reformed Orthodox priests
A group of reformed Orthodox priests
May. 13, 2021 | Ethiopia

Christians Attacked by Orthodox Leaders

[180] prayers in [14] nations have been posted for Imprisoned and Injured Believers.

A group of believers was recently hospitalized and imprisoned by Ethiopian Orthodox leaders. Earlier this month, 16 Christians, including some reformed priests, were imprisoned after Orthodox leaders raided the home of one of the priests where the men were gathering. The Orthodox attackers also stoned the believers and stole their property. Of the 16 who were imprisoned, 12 were released while four remain in prison. The others are currently hospitalized, recovering from the attack. Pray for the release of the four remaining prisoners, and pray that they remain firm in their faith while in prison and will be able to forgive their attackers. Pray also that the Orthodox leaders would receive salvation in Christ.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Ethiopia and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Imprisoned and Injured Believers

  • May these Orthodox leaders repent of the evil they did and turn to Jesus. May the Christians who were beaten and jailed recover physically and mentally. Strengthen them and comfort them and their families. Jesus, send Your Holy Spirit to give wisdom to all Christians in Ethiopia.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Mighty GOD! Our Father in Heaven, we bless your most holy name LORD forever! We honour you LORD! Please may you touch the hearts of these Orthodox leaders and bring it to repentance not just for their inhuman behaviors to the body of Christ but also to receive Christ as their Personal LORD and Saviour and advance the Kingdom of GOD in JESUS name Amen
    Chima U - Switzerland
  • Please Lord I pray that this precious believers would be released and that the would remain firm in their faith. I pray for the Ethiopian Orthodox to come to know Christ in the Mighty Name of Jesus, amen.
    Pmandy Y - USA

  • Father, I pray for those who are in prison. May they feel your presence and know you are with them. Help them to see the joy of remaining faithful. Help them forgive. Put a love in their hearts for those who did this. Heal them spiritually, physically, emotionally. Open the eyes of those who are blind. Strengthen your children that they may stand firm
    Polly C - USA
  • Oh Father God protect your servants from the enemy's attacks, give them strength and courage. Open the spiritual eyes of the Orthodox leaders to welcome the Good News
    Vivian R - USA
  • Help these these prisoners heal and forgive their attackers. Help these orthodox leaders receive salvation and remember the scriptures of loving others.
    Debbie V - USA
  • Lord God, I do ask that You would provide physical and emotional healing for these believers. May they recover from these attacks and be able to forgive their persecutors, as they trust You to fight for them. May their witness of bold and loving faith be used by Your Spirit to bring these Orthodox leaders to true saving faith.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Father may those who claim your name live together in love and unity. Please convict these Orthodox believers of their sin and lead them to true repentance and faith in Jesus.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Father, You opened the eyes of Saul in his religiousity to know the real and living Christ. Do it again for the Orthodox priests in Ethiopia who have a form of godliness but deny its power. We pray for the release of the 4 remaining prisoners, and ask that until that happens You enable them to forgive, and strengthen and use them to build Your kingdom
    Toni D - USA
  • I pray that the Orthodox leaders would find You and get saved. I pray against these attacks and pray no further attacks occur. I pray for those who are imprisoned that they would stay strong in the faith and I also pray that You would help them forgive their attackers. I pray that all the devil has stolen for them would be returned and much more.
    Kia W - USA
  • Father God, I pray for the release of the 4 prisoners. I pray that they remain firm in their faith & a bold witness for you Jesus! I pray that comfort, love, and forgiveness would overwhelm their hearts, I pray that the others are continuing to heal & also can forgive and love those who attacked them. I also pray for salvation for the Orthodox leaders
    Katherine S - USA
  • Dear Lord,
    We lift up these injured believers to You. We ask that You would pour out Your Grace, Peace and Healing on them. Thank You that many were released; please move that the other four would be released as well. Through Your Power, help them to forgive their attackers. May the Orthodox priest come to know Your Salvation.
    In Jesus' name, Amen
    Madison F - USA
  • Father, I thank you for those who have been released from prison. Please bring healing and strength to them. And please be with the four who are still in prison. Give them hope and encouragement and the faith to truly believe you are there and will never forsake them. Help their faith only grow through this time. And please keep the families strong.
    Vicki W - USA
  • In the loving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness and deliverance of injured Ethiopian believers in Jesus. We praise You for their eagerness to serve. We ask for a hedge of protection on them, healing, and angels directly from heaven to minister and encourage them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • May the Lord bless and protect you, May the Lord's face shine because of you and be gracious to you, May the Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace ✝️
    Mary-Ellen V - USA
  • Father God, Please convict the Orthodox leaders to stop the violence and persecution. Open their hearts and minds to your truth. Free the prisoners and embrace all 16 with healing, hope, wisdom and encouragement. Please protect and provide for your people. Strengthen their faith and direct their thoughts to know your will. Amen
    Liane F - USA
  • Lord, I thank you for thr faith you've given these 16 Orthodox leaders and I pray for their quick recovery and release from prison. I pray that their faith in you will not be shaken, but will be stirred up as a result of this situation, and even their attackers will one day experience your love and come to know you. In Jesus Name, Amen.
    Orpha G - USA
  • Father God I commit these. In prison and injured believers to your embrace, thank for spearing their lives , help them to be strong and not be intimidated by their experiences, butstand for Jesus as true. Soldiers. Of. The cross, help them to forgive their enemies and pray for them that God will bring them to the light of Jesus. Grant healing
    Joyce D - United Kingdom
  • Lord, bring much good out of these attacks. Encourage, heal, and comfort the believers who were injured and encourage and strengthen those who have been imprisoned. I pray for great miracles to occur in this situation and for you to convict the hearts of these orthodox priests of their need for salvation. Reveal Yourself to them even as You did to Paul
    Beatrice W - USA
  • Dear Lord, We pray for these precious believers who have been hurt and imprisoned. Please bless them with healing, and may the four still in prison soon be released. Lord, please bless their persecutors with dreams and visions of you. May Orthodox leaders and believers embrace evangelism and evangelists.
    Susan G - Australia
  • Lord, we pray for strength and courage for our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia. May they be enabled by your Spirit to forgive those who oppose and mistreat them. Provide for those in prison, and may they be released soon. Please help the Orthodox leaders to accept the truth of your Word and receive salvation in Jesus Christ. May your Kingdom expand!
    Jackie V - USA
  • Lord, I asked for you to show your grace to these believers who were attacked and hospitalized have improved encourage their hearts that be have suffered for your Nick's sake. Get them strengthen and encourage them as they want with you. Make their witness great. Fill them with joy as they serve you. Amen.
    Alex A - USA
  • Father grant these dear believers forgiveness, grace, peace, & healing in Jesus' Name. May they be released acc to Your will and may they reach for You all those You are drawing in prison. May YOur favor rest on them & those who are recovering, as well as loved ones. Would You speak to the hearts of the persecutors, convict & draw w Your mercy.
    Lisa T - USA
  • Holy Father, thank you for keeping many of these people safe during this traumatic incident. Please help the remaining four to be released immediately into your safety and peace to receive provision to continue their purposed journey according to your will,IJN-Amen.
    Michelle T - USA
  • Yes Lord, let there be a change in the Orthodox church & many more people come to know You. Let their blindness be removed in the Name of Jesus, Amen
    Elvis V - Canada
  • Father we pray for the release of these prisoners, keep them, hide them under the shadow of your wings. Protect the reform leaders. I pray that they will continue to grow in Christ. Let your gospel spread in Ethiopia so many will hear and come to Christ. Save more of the Orthodox Leaders, that they too will be ministers of Christ, in Jesus name amen
    Diane E - Canada
  • Healing for each child of yours attacked. Joy amidst suffering, protection and peace. May others believe you are real because of what they have endured. May those in prison sow seed on fertile ground bringing many others into true faith. Provide for their families all they need emotionally and physically
    Lori R - USA
  • Father God, The Lord knows those who are His. Jesus, guide these imprisoned to Your WAY of freedom. Give revelation to the Orthodox Church of what it means to follow Jesus; that by Your Love all will know Your disciples. Raise up the true preaching of the gospel, the power of God unto salvation. Set these captives free for the good works. Build faith
    Jim E - USA
  • Lord God, I ask that you would protect these believers in Ethiopia from further attacks. Please help these to heal and give them the ability to completely forgive their attackers. I pray for those still imprisoned that you would cause them to be released. Please help them and provide for their needs. I pray that you would use this for your kingdom.Amen
    Julia F - USA
  • Lord you are God. We don't understand this persecution but work through it their good and your glory. Please provide for all involved. Pour your spirit out on this situation and bring freedom to the captives and salvation to the rest.
    pam h - USA
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