Believers gathered in Bible study in Iraq.
Believers gathered in Bible study in Iraq.
May. 13, 2021 | Iraq

Opportunity to Share the Gospel Among Unreached People Group

[193] prayers in [15] nations have been posted for Shabak people.

VOM workers are seeing doors of opportunity open for ministry to an unreached and unengaged people group in Iraq. The Shabak of Iraq are Islamic with very little Christian presence among them. They experience harsh discrimination from other Iraqis and Kurds, including violent attacks, which presents a barrier to reaching them with the gospel. But VOM workers are seeing hopeful signs of opportunities to share the gospel with this group. “God has opened the door to provide aid projects and Discovery Bible Studies to the Shabak people group,” a VOM worker said. “Please intercede on behalf of this people group.” Pray for the gospel to advance among the Shabak people, and pray that many of them would find salvation in Christ.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Iraq and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Shabak people

  • Thank You, Jesus, for the Shabak people. They have experienced pain and suffering from others. Help them soften their hearts toward You, Jesus and come to know their dignity and worth in Your eyes. Give wisdom to the Christians working with them. May many come to know You, whom to know is life eternal.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Thank you Father for the lives of your children of Shabak in Irak, may your name be glorified in their lives forever oh LORD! Please LORD may you continue to protect them from attackers and use them rather to win the hearts of Muslims and other unbelievers around Shabak, all Irak and province, all to your glory Father in the mighty name of JESUS Amen!
    Chima U - Switzerland
  • Please Lord I pray for the gospel to advance among the Shabak people and I pray for them to be drawn to Christ, please keep Your people safe in the Mighty Name of Jesus, amen.
    Pmandy Y - USA
  • Father, I lift up to you the Shabak people whom I know you love and died for. I pray you would prepare their hearts to receive truth of your Word. I pray you open doors, send people who have a love for you to share the truth. Pour out your Spirit of conviction upon all who hear.
    Polly C - USA
  • Help the Shabak people preached to all those who will listen.
    Debbie V - USA
  • The Shabak people are in spiritual poverty Father. Bring your Word to work in their hearts, May revival break out among them, protect the VOM workers and the people to whom they minister. May their witness be far reaching among their own people and among their neighbors. Bring revival to their land and joy to their hearts. Thank you Jesus
    John H - USA
  • Dear Lord, thank you for opening a door to reach the Shabak people! As they have so much hate fired at them, please help them to know Your love. Please open their hearts to the VOM workers so they'll have a chance to hear about You. Keep Your workers strong as they share Your name. Amen.
    Stephen R - USA
  • Oh Father God reveal your salvation to the Shabak group,keep them safe as well as the missionaries. Send your angels to every place the Shabak meet to hear the Good News. Amen
    Vivian R - USA
  • Heavenly Father, Your greatest Desire is for People to Know You. Praying fervently that you OPEN doors for Shabak people to discover Christ. Given their severe hardships, discrimination and violent attacks, their lives would so benefit from Your Presence to help them navigate these harsh conditions. Espiritu Ven.
    In Jesus's name. Amen.
    Veronica R - Canada
  • Thank You, Lord God, for opening a door to the Shabak people. May these outreaches produce great gospel fruit, and may Your Spirit soften and prepare hearts to receive Your word by faith. May those who are leading these efforts have great wisdom and the ability to proclaim You faithfully in every opportunity they are given.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Father please build your church among the Shabak people. Bring many of them into your kingdom and help them to be a light to the other peoples around them.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Savior God, thank You for Your love for the Shabak people and preparing them to hear the gospel. Continue, please, to open doors for the word to declare the mystery of Christ that Your laborers may make it clear, understandable. Prepare hearts to receive the gospel into good soil with a great harvest of faith, trust and obedience to come. Thank You
    Sharon L - USA
  • Thank You that Your eyes are on the Shabak people to bring them to Christ. As this despised group meets for Discovery Bible Studies, speak to them by Your Spirit. Reveal the living Christ to them. May Your word bring about their transformation as they see how much You love them and want to make them part of Your family. Raise up godly leaders for them
    Toni D - USA
  • Father thank You for the Shabak people. Thank You that VOM is finding doors or opportunity, I pray for more doors of opportunity to open. Prepare the hearts of the Shabak people to receive Your Word. I pray that they would find the Truth. I pray Your Gospel would advance among the Shabak people and many would be saved. In Yeshua's Name. Amen.
    Kia W - USA
  • Jesus, I pray for the Shabak people group. I pray that many of them would find salvation in You. Send them dreams and visions Lord, speak to them Jesus in the quietness of their hearts - lead them to You! I pray that aid projects and Bible studies would continue to provide ways to witness to them and that they would be open and receptive to you Lord!
    Katherine S - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Lord,
    We thank You for the opening doors to reach the Shabak people. We ask that You would go before and prepare hearts to receive the Gospel. Pave the way and show those reaching out to them what they should do. May Your kingdom come and Your will be done among them! May the harvest be great!
    In Jesus' precious name, Amen
    Madison F - USA
  • Father, it is encouraging to see the doors open to bring Christ to the Shabak. Please continue to open these doors and help the Christians be ready to go through them. Please let this be a time when many of the Shabak will come to know Christ. Let Christ be made know and glorified throughout this country and these people. You are faithful.
    Vicki W - USA
  • In the loving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness and deliverance of Shabak believers in Jesus. We praise You for their eagerness to serve. We ask for a hedge of protection on them and angels directly from heaven to minister and encourage them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • May the Lord bless and protect you, May the Lord's face shine because of you and be gracious to you, May the Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace ✝️
    Mary-Ellen V - USA
  • Father, we praise You for how the Shabak people in Iraq are coming to You. Lord they are in a challenging and difficult situation. Yet, Lord, we know that it is not Your will that any should perish but that ALL should come to repentance. We pray for softened hearts amongst the Muslim people and great conversions to Your Son, Jesus Christ!
    Rebecca L - USA
  • Father God, these are people you love. Open doors for your word, truth, love and salvation to be shared among the Shabak. Open their hearts and minds to listen and believe. Protect and provide for them and for the people who are bringing your truth to them. Stop the violence in Iraq and let the people live and worship you in peace. Amen
    Liane F - USA
  • Gracious Father, You will call people from all tribes and nations to be in Your family. Please work mightily in the Shabak people. Open their eyes to see Your truth and open their hearts to follow You. Please give wisdom and understanding to the believers trying to reach them. May they come to you in droves :-)
    Susan B - USA
  • Heavenly Father, give the Shabak people a hunger, a desperation for you that no other can fill. In Jesus Name, Amen
    Rebecca P - USA
  • Thank you King Jesus for opening the gospel door to this group of people, all souls belong to you . Do continue to open doors that they all may come to embrace the gospel and know as saviourand Lordoftheir lives, do provide mentors who will help them o grow, let love and acceptance be common place for them that they can see and feel the love of God
    Joyce D - United Kingdom
  • Dear Lord, We pray for this ministry with Shebak people. May they come to know and love you. Amen
    Susan G - Australia
  • Lord, how you love the Shabak people. Please open doors to bring them to Christ. Give wisdom and creativity to the front line workers in how to reach them. Bind Satan and open their eyes to the gospel. Please send visions or dreams if necessary, and may they find the joy that is available to them in Jesus Christ.
    Jackie V - USA
  • Lord, how you love the Shabak people. Please open doors to bring them to Christ. Give wisdom and creativity to the front line workers in how to reach them. Bind Satan and open their eyes to the gospel. Please send visions or dreams if necessary, and may they find the joy that is available to them in Jesus Christ.
    Jackie V - USA
  • thank you. Thank you for opening doors for them to hear your truth and to understand salvation in Christ. Please strengthen them and open their hearts and minds to see the wonderful things in your word through DBS. Amen
    Alex A - USA
  • Lord, I agree with these requests! We are believing many of the shabak people will be drawn to You and find You with great joy! TY Lord for opening the doors and may Your presence flood in! We also intercede for the persecutors that they come to the kingdom of light in Jesus' Name. We raise the banner of Jesus Christ over this land IJN!
    Lisa T - USA
  • Holy Father, Thank you for reaching the Shabak people, help them to feel your presence and peace as they navigate their new relationship with you and bring more people to you Yeshua, and may you provide the safety and provision needed for them to grow into strong and tall trees bearing much fruit for your holy kingdom and glory, IJN-Amen
    Michelle T - USA
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