Charity said she could not allow her children to become Muslims.
Charity said she could not allow her children to become Muslims.
Aug. 22, 2019 | Uganda

New Hope for Abandoned Woman

[235] prayers in [16] nations have been posted for Charity.

Charity struggled with depression after her husband became a Muslim and abandoned her. But she stood her ground when he threatened to take their three children. “I just couldn’t let my children become Muslims,” she said. “I had no way out, but I trusted the Lord to help us through this challenge.” Her prayers were answered when a VOM worker provided her with persecution-response support. Charity’s children are now in school and her financial burden has been lightened. While she and her children are rejoicing over the help they’ve received, she asks us to pray that her husband will return to the Lord.

Write your own prayer for Charity

  • Lord, I thank you for the faithful prayers of this woman. Let them shine as an example for her children. Please be with her in these difficult times and let her husband find your light again. Bless them with friends and family. I pray that you would spare the green and take the ripe and that your will be done forever and always. Amen.
    Cassie K - USA
  • Dear God,Thank You sm for helping Charity.Please bless the VOM ministry for helping her and her family.Please continue to shower love on them as they go through their daily lives and struggle with whatever challenges they may face.And please draw Charity's husband back to You and back to his family.Chase him until You find him.ThankYou. InJesusnameAmen
    Rae M - USA
  • Our Father, thank You for taking care of Charity. Please meet her needs. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
    Maria D - Finland
  • Father God,
    Please restore Charity's husband to faith in you. Protect Charity and her children and strengthen them in you. Bless the VOM worker who was able to help them. Bless Charity for her firmness in faith. Bring restoration, healing, and peace to their family. Help Charity's children to have understanding beyond years & grow in their faith. Amen.
    Rebecca M - USA
  • Father, I pray you bless this sister and her children. I pray you help her to look to you. Wrap you arms around her and use her for you glory. I pray for her husband that you would open his eyes that he would see truth. Touch him. Send someone his way to say what he needs to hear.
    Polly C - USA
  • Thank you Lord for Charity that she did what pleases you by turning towards the cross and away from darkness of idols. You are the father to the fatherless and husband to those abandoned by spouses. let your face shine upon her and provide for their physical and spiritual needs. I ask all that in the name of Jesus.
    Dumezweni M - South Africa
  • Lord, we are so grateful for VOM and the work that they do for Your persecuted children! Please continue to bless this work and guide their path. We pray for Charity's husband and that he will recognize the error of his ways and return to the fold with renewed fervor to share the Gospel. Thank You, Father, for Your constant love and protection. Amen
    Connie A - USA
  • Thank you for the help Charity and her children have received. I pray that her husband will return to the Lord.
    Barbara T - USA
  • Father God, help this family in their time of trouble, bring the husband back to you, in Jesus name
    mark h - USA
  • Father, thank you so much for the blessing you've pour over Charity during her struggle and for keeping her faith even stronger in her ordeal. I pray that you protect her and her children from persecution and continue to supply their needs. LORD, bring conviction to the heart of her husband so that he return to you. In Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
    Joana P - Puerto Rico
  • Father, the pain of abandonment is hard. But, the pain of knowing someone you love is on the road to destruction because of rejection of Christ is anguish. So as your word shows us the heart for the lost is to pray and desire for them to be saved, I pray with Charity that her husband be given a new heart and new spirit, coming to faith in Christ. Amen.
    Diana F - USA
  • Father in Heaven, please put a protective hedge around Charity & her children. Please pour out your spirit on her husband, leading him to get saved. I pray that after he gets saved that this experience allows him the unique opportunity to lead other Muslims to you, as many Muslims have been becoming Christians lately. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
    Beverly M - USA
  • Father please bring Charity's husband back from the grips of Islam and into your son Jesus Christ. Continue to provide for her and her children and let Your presence be made known to them daily. Keep them all abiding in You and reunite this family again. Thank you. Amen.
    Samantha H - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father,
    We pray for Charity and her three children; we praise You that You have answered her prayers and sent aid. May You light shine brightly in their lives for Your glory! Be with them and strengthen them. Fill them with Joy and Hope. We pray for her husband, that You would bring him back to You.
    In the name of Jesus, Amen
    Madison F - USA
  • Father, nothing is impossible for You, including anything that concerns Charity, her children, and her husband's salvation. I pray that Charity's husband will realize the error and falsehood of Islam and be drawn to a relationship with Jesus Christ; the way, the truth and the life. May Charity's attitude and demeanor toward her husband be Christ-like.
    Patrick V - USA
  • Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on Your faithful.
    Peter K - USA
  • Thank You Lord for saving this woman and her children. Please Lord please continue to provide for them greatly, and please Lord please cause her husband to come back to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, amen.
    Pmandy Y - USA
  • Thank you Lord for protection Charity and helping her to stay strong in her faith. I pray for her husband's salvation and that of her children. Provide what she and her children need and keep them in school. Give Charity joy and peace as she trusts in you
    margaret m - USA
  • Lord God, we ask that You would draw Charity's husband to you and tear down any strongholds that prevent him from seeing Jesus and seeing his desperate need for forgiveness. Thank You Lord for Charity's resolve and commitment to raise her children to be followers of Jesus and continue to provide her physical needs and may she show grace to her husband.
    Forrest B - USA
  • Dear Lord-we thank You and Praise You for having helped Charity and her children to be safe with food, shelter and schooling. Help their faith be strengthen and Lord please work in her husband's heart to come back to You. He is a wayward sheep but we know that You will leave the 99 to come looking for the one that is lost. We praise You and Worship You
    Donna H - USA
  • Father I pray that Charity's husband will see the error of his ways and return to you. Please reveal to him the deception that he has believed and pull him back towards you. I pray that he will listen to you and your call. I pray that he would return to you Jesus and would then return to his wife and his children.
    Stephanie S - USA
  • Lord, continue to bless Charity with Your provision. Keep her heart open that she may love and forgive her husband and be open to reconciliation with him when he is willing. Work in his heart Lord God that he will be drawn back to You. May he come to see that You are the way, the truth & the life. May Your Truth set him free! Thank You Jesus!
    Sharon G - USA
  • Lord God, thank You for providing for Charity and her family. May she feel Your continued protection and strength as she follows You alone. Help the church support her in this hard time. Also, be with her husband. Call out to him. May he see the legalism of Islam is not true life, but You are. Reveal Yourself to him in a dream and call him home.
    Amy G - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for Charity & her children: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they be & stay strong in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. Sustain Charity as she cares for her children. Bring her husband to repentance. May he be reconciled to you & his family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
    Lisa D - USA
  • Dear LORD God, thank You for strengthening Charity and caring gently for her children. You are Alpha and Omega; the Beginning and the End. No one can snatch this family out of Your Hand. Please open her husband's eyes to see his errors and come wholly to Christ. May Your will be done in their lives. Great is Thy faithfulness! In Jesus' Name. Amen.
    Christienne D - USA
  • Dear Father God,
    Thank You for providing help for Charity and her children. Lord please continue to bring them Your joy, peace and strength and they live each day. Lord , I lift her husband up to You and pray that You would soften his heart and please bring him back to You. Please open his heart to Your truth and love.
    In Jesus Name
    Tina E - USA
  • Dear Father God,
    Thank You for providing help for Charity and her children. Lord please continue to bring them Your joy, peace and strength and they live each day. Lord , I lift her husband up to You and pray that You would soften his heart and please bring him back to You. Please open his heart to Your truth and love.
    In Jesus Name
    Tina E - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for Charity & her children: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. Sustain Charity as she cares alone for her children. Bring her husband to repentance. May he be reconciled to You & his family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
    Lisa D - USA
  • Father God, please continue to look after Charity and her children, providing for all of their needs. Thank you for her faith and determination. Draw her husband to you. Change his heart. Do a miracle in this family. Raise up these children to know you personally and to have a passion to live for you and make you known. IJNA
    Kevin R - USA
  • Dear Lord, Please bless Charity and her family. Bless her husband, made his mind be filled with thoughts of you, and how much you love him.
    Bless this family unit, Lord, we asked that charity and her husband may be reunited in love for you and for each other. Amen
    Susan G - Australia
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