As officials removed the cross atop Christ Church in Henan province, it caught fire.
As officials removed the cross atop Christ Church in Henan province, it caught fire.
Sep. 27, 2018 | China

More Closures, Raids and Arrests for Chinese House Churches

[279] prayers in [17] nations have been posted for Chinese House Churches.

Government authorities shut down Beijing’s largest house church on Sept. 9 as the result of a conflict that began in April, when authorities ordered the Zion Church to install security cameras facing the congregation. The church refused, and authorities subsequently closed the church. In Henan province, thousands of churches have been forced to close and several key leaders have been jailed for one to two weeks. Government officials also removed crosses from churches and replaced them with the communist flag. The increase in persecution is attributed to new religion rules that went into effect on Feb. 1. Many Christians remain resolute, however. When officials burst into a house church in Guangdong province, Pastor Huang Xiaoning asked them to show respect and wait until the end of his sermon. The 11 members of law enforcement listened to his sermon for 30 minutes. Pray for the grace, patience and steadfast faith of house church Christians in China. Pray also that they will not succumb to fear.

Write your own prayer for Chinese House Churches

  • Nothing can separate us from the Love of God. You are here. You are not surprised by the House Church persecution. You prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies. Praise your holy name, Lord!
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, please remind each Chinese House Church member of your tender lovingkindness today. And do the same for me. You are worthy of our all, Lord!
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • O Father, how Your people have suffered in China. Clothe Your people with peace and lead them into the path You would have them walk for this season of renewed persecution. I ask that Jesus will be seen clearly through their lives, that forgiveness will be established in their hearts and spirits, and that wisdom will be given for honoring You.
    Karen K - USA
  • Lord, your word says in Romans that we will share your glory and we will share your suffering. Pastor Huang Xiaoning is willing to share your suffering. Bless your faithful who serve in Chinese house churches. Thank you for your promises.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Father, thank You for Your church in China. I pray for grace, patience and steadfast faith for churches and Christians throughout China. I pray that they would not succumb to fear but instead trust in You. I pray that You would bless and protect the Christians in China. Please have mercy on them. In the Name of Yeshua Amen.
    Kia W - USA
  • Lord, bring all of the faithful Zion Church members together! Cast out all fear from their hearts and minds.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, send help from the sanctuary!
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, I join the world in asking you to pour more grace, patience and steadfast faith into the house church Christians in China. Put the words of Psalm 27 into their hearts: When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall. Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Psalm 35
    How much longer, Lord, will you just look on?
    Rescue me from their attacks;
    save my life from these lions!
    Then I will thank you in the assembly of your people;
    I will praise you before them all.
    Don't let my enemies, those liars,
    gloat over my defeat.
    Don't let those who hate me for no reason
    smirk with delight over my sorrow.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Jesus, Yeshua, You are the Lord over Beijing. You are the Lord over all Chinese people. The government is on your shoulder. You provide all we need all the time. I will praise your name for as long as I live.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, let all of us in your church, both Chinese and outside China, know you fully in all situations and in all circumstances.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, many people who are loved by you live in Beijing. Thank you for preserving your faithful witnesses.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, perfect love casts out fear! Send your love like a blanket over all House Church members.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, I thank you for flooding the hearts of every church member in Beijing with your perfect love which casts out all fear.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, the population of Beijing's largest house church cannot be counted. Only you know your faithful. You provide the sky and trees and green grass and earth where we can worship as one body with the Chinese church. Fill our minds with your words, Lord.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, many Christians remain resolute. This is truth.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord please whisper these words to Beijing Christians today, Psalm 118 Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good,
    and his love is eternal.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord I pray for officials in China. I pray that you will whisper to police officers, community officers, employers, and landlords who are doing their duties, to act according to their consciences and the law. Allow each person to realize the results of his words and actions. Breathe your peace into your faithful today, Lord!
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Day after day throughout this persecution, brothers and sisters have been persecuted by authorities in ways that no ordinary person could endure. They have been harassed, beaten, humiliated, locked up without cause. You are aware, Lord. You care, Elohim. Your Holy Spirit and Son Jesus are worth more than any worldly item can offer. Praise your name
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Our Father, Your help is needed in China. I am asking Your help for my brothers and sisters in Chinese House Churches. Let the grace, patience and steadfast faith rule in them and lead the way of salvation to all people. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
    Maria D - Finland
  • Lord, please remind every Beijing House Church member that perfect love casts out fear.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, please bring these words to the hearts and minds of house church members in Beijing, and all over China: The heavens sing of the wonderful things you do; the holy ones sing of your faithfulness, Lord. No one in heaven is like you, Lord; none of the heavenly beings is your equal.--Psalm 89
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, I thank you that perfect love casts out fear!
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, thank you for assurance that you will always be true to your own nature and character. Chinese House Church members need not experience fear because your perfect love casts out fear.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, I thank you for being the source of all good things for Chinese House Churches and for all who seek to oppress them.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, Zion Church takes security in You, our only security camera. You were present when the church chose to follow Jesus, you were present when evil men strategized to destroy your church, and you are present now everywhere and at all times. Your perfect love casts out all fear. Send these words to the imprisoned faithful in Beijing & Henan province.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
    the holy habitation of the Most High.
    God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved;
    God will help her when morning dawns.
    The nations rage, the kingdoms totter;
    he utters his voice, the earth melts.
    The Lord of hosts is with us;
    the God of Jacob is our fortress.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, we thank you that you do not live in homes made of brick and mortar. Your spirit is not confined to the wooden beam cut into the shape of a cross. You inhabit the hearts of all who follow Jesus. Your presence is seen in the grace, patience, and steadfast faith of house church Christians in China.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, your word will be preached! Law Enforcement hears the word of the Lord. Faithful Pastors hear the word of the Lord. Small children hear the word of the Lord. Jesus is the word.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, for the grace, peace, patience, self-control, love and sacrifice of every Chinese House Church Christian, thank you, Lord.
    Linda D - Korea, South
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