Islamists in Muslim-majority Bangladesh regularly intimidate Christians living in their villages.
Islamists in Muslim-majority Bangladesh regularly intimidate Christians living in their villages.
Jun. 21, 2018 | Bangladesh

Muslims Intimidate Church and Demand Pastor's Arrest

[296] prayers in [15] nations have been posted for Church Facing Intimidation Tactics.

A group of Muslims are demanding that police arrest a pastor, after he and other believers spoke to authorities about the construction of an Islamist school next door to their church. Members of the church, most of whom are Christian converts from Islam, became alarmed when they learned about the new construction because they realize how offended Muslims are by those who leave Islam for Christianity. “Their intention is clearly to intimidate our church,” a church leader said. After church members informed police of their concerns, the Muslims began protesting and demanding that police arrest the pastor. Pray for these believers and for the safety of the church.

Write your own prayer for Church Facing Intimidation Tactics

  • Our Father, thank You for Your work in Bangladesh. Please help Pastor and let him live and work for You. Strengthen all Chritians in faith and let them be as One. Please help! In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
    Maria D - Finland
  • Lord, you are the biggest being in the entire universe. Make those who are intimidating others become intimidated by you, before the Day of the Lord.
    Mark M - USA
  • Father, so much wickedness in these false religions in Bangladesh and I ask You to dispel the lies and convict those perpetrating hatred against the people of Christ. Do mighty exploits, dear Lord, so that Satan will not get a stronghold and His lies will be exposed. Sustain Your people by Your mighty hand and by the love of Christ. Thank You Father.
    Kathy G - USA
  • Fear is the enemy. Our Father, please let all the Christians in Bangladesh fear no more. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
    Maria D - Finland
  • Father, I pray that you would give the authorities wisdom. Let the members of this church stand firm in their faith. I pray that you would protect this church from the enemy. Hold them in the hollow of your hand. I pray also for the Muslims. I pray that they would see the love of your son and came to you. I thank you for this church. Bless them, Amen.
    Mason P - Canada
  • Our Father in Heaven. A thief does not come except to steal, kill and destroy; Jesus have come that we may have life and have whatever is abundant. We thank You, Father, for taking away our fears, please guide the members of Your church in Bangladesh to do good and trust in You. Please help them. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
    Maria D - Finland
  • Father, Thank you for protecting these courageous believers as they work to boldly share the greatness of your Word. Keep away those who seek to harm them. Place a hedge of protection around the churchbelievers that cannot be broken by the unbelief of others. Help them to always remember that you have stored up rewards for them for their faithfulness.
    Joyce A - USA
  • Heavenly Father you are righteous and just, I do pray for justice in this situation Defend the pastor and give him his right, let the Authority act according to the law of justice, father you know that Islamist would not allow a Christian to get near to their mask,why should expect preference over the Christian, there should be the same right to al
    Joyce D - United Kingdom
  • Heavenly Father you are righteous and just, I do pray for justice in this situation Defend the pastor and give him his right, let the Authority act according to the law of justice, father you know that Islamist would not allow a Christian to get near to their mask,why should expect preference over the Christian, there should be the same right to al
    Joyce D - United Kingdom
  • Heavenly Father you are righteous and just, I do pray for justice in this situation Defend the pastor and give him his right, let the Authority act according to the law of justice, father you know that Islamist would not allow a Christian to get near to their mask,why should expect preference over the Christian, there should be the same right to al
    Joyce D - United Kingdom
  • Father we ask You to protect our brothers and sisters in this community, and to give them love for those who oppose them. May they live in such a way that these Muslims who want to pressure them to return to Islam can see who You are. Grant them courage, patience, and gentleness, toward their enemies that will speak to those who remain in darkness.
    Toni D - USA
  • Thank you, Jesus for these precious Christians. Protect, guide and encourage them. Give them hope and lead many more Hindus to know you, Jesus!
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Heavenly Father, you sit on high and see all that is going on. Lord encourage and protect these believers from danger and touch the hearts of those who are now where these converted believers were spiritually and draw them to yourself. In Jesus' name.
    Mira S - USA
  • Dear Lord,
    I pray for all these Christians in Bangladesh who are facing these Intimidation Tactics. May they remain strong in You. Give them courage and a peace that surpasses all understanding. Help to continue being a light in the dark and to give love to even their enemies. Protect them and surround them with Your Spirit.
    In Jesus' name, Amen
    Madison F - USA
  • Dear Lord, please strengthen the faith and courage of these believers. Help them to know that You are with them every moment even in the face of persecution. Please keep them safe, provide for their needs, and help them spread the Gospel.
    Betty A - USA
  • Lord, I pray for the safety of this church and the pastor. I pray the authorities would be understanding to their concerns, and I pray more Muslims from this area would leave Islam for Christ.
    scott L - USA
  • Father, go before this group of believers and fight their battle for them. We know persecution is here and will be till you return. We don't always know what your will is, but we know that you are able to do all things and that your grace is sufficient in all circumstances. move according to your will here. Convict, strengthen your children.
    Polly C - USA
  • Father God, Abba! the enemy is raging but You are in control! Please protect this pastor and their flock. Please convict, scare the Muslims that are persecuting these believers. Do something that only You, Father, can do so that this Muslims cannot build next to the church. Please keep this church safe and bring a Peace that only you can do. Mercy!Amen
    Isabel S - USA
  • Lord, please be with these believers. Protect them. Help them to find favor with the village and their neighbors. Please help them to cling to You and one another. Go before them and provide for them. Please change the hearts of those who are persecuting them. Do signs, dreams, and wonders to show them Your power and witness to Your grace. Be near
    Amy G - USA
  • Lord, we do ask that You would protect this church and allow them to continue worshiping You. May they not fear those who can only kill the body, but fear You who has saved and purchased their souls. Change the hearts of those who oppose them and stop this construction project.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for this church and their willingness to stand boldly for the gospel despite the danger and opposition they face. I pray that they would win favor among the authorities and that those skeptical of their efforts would be touched by their bold proclamation of their faith in You. May others see how You bless them and come to know You.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Father thank You for Your Church. I pray for the Muslims and the Christians in this situation. Please protect the Christians and keep them safe. I pray for the Muslims to learn the truth and know that You are God. I pray that there would be peace in this situations and safety for the church. In the Name of Yeshua. Amen.
    Kia W - USA
  • Heavenly Father, For these dear children of yours, we pray for physical protection. May obstacles hinder the constructing of a Muslim school next to this church. Encourage your children to be witnesses for Jesus and strengthen their faith in You and your provision to provide every need. May You bring glory to Jesus thru this test. Patsy USA
    Patricia S - USA
  • Holy Father, protect Your children in this grim and trying time. May Your children glorify You in their behavior towards those who wish them evil. May the light of Jesus shine from them so that they are a light to those living in darkness and without You. May their be Your peace in their hearts as they serve You. In Jesus' name, Amen
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • help this church dear lord to grow stronger and stand for the lord what ever may come. bless you Lord.
    Marie C - USA
  • Father, You are the Lord of Hosts. The battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in heavenly places. Please protect this congregation from the harassment of satan. Turn the hearts of those who would perpetuate evil against your own. Please thwart the plans of the enemy of souls and save many from eternal loss. Amen
    Martha M - USA
  • Our Father place in the mind of the authorities the good that these Christians do and lead them to place a protective hedge around your church by leading the authorities to have the Muslims build their Islamist school away from the Christian church in another part of the town. Lessen the fears and hatred of the Muslims towards our people and give peace
    Paul M - USA
  • Heavenly Father, Rescue Your people from violent men whose hearts are full of evil plans and schemes and are set on stirring up war and trouble. Keep your people from those who try to trip them up and set traps for them. Let their plans come to nothing, Lord (from Psalms 140). Be a shield around Your people who praise Your name. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Michelle B - USA
  • Father, You know this situation. I pray for peace and boldness during this frightening time. I pray for Your supernatural protection upon each one. I pray this pastor will not be arrested despite the efforts of the opposition. May countless come to You through their strong witness.
    Tricia W - USA
  • Lord I ask for the flourishing of this church and for the bold faith of the members. I pray Lord that You will give them peace and hope as they stand firm in You. I pray for wisdom for the leaders of what to do and how they should do things. I pray also for the safety of the church and ask for You to guard them and thwart the attacks of the enemy.
    Joy H - USA
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