Pastor Emre asks for prayer that a church service in Izmit, Turkey will have the opportunity to know about the birth of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Emre asks for prayer that a church service in Izmit, Turkey will have the opportunity to know about the birth of Jesus Christ.
Dec. 18, 2014 | Turkey

Pray for a Christmas Outreach in Izmit

[310] prayers in [17] nations have been posted for Christmas Outreach in Izmit.

UPDATE: Pastor Emre sent this update in Feb. 2015: As a result of the Christmas outreach, new people are attending the church and many more have contacted us. Praise God.

UPDATE: Pastor Emre Karaali wrote to say the Izmit Christmas outreach was a success. He shared, "Yesterday evening was a wonderful Christmas celebration. 200-250 people came [Dec. 21]. We gave the Gospel clearly. It was a great opportunity for Izmit. Thanks for the prayers, thanks for your heart. Thanks God!"

After overcoming an initial obstacle, a church in Turkey plans to hold a Christmas outreach on Dec. 20 in Izmit. Pastor Emre Karaali and his church had paid rent on a 420-seat venue in Adapazari but were later informed that the building would be closed for repairs at that time. Thankfully, a similar venue was located in nearby Izmit. "We are preparing invitations to hand out all over," Pastor Emre said. "We don’t want anyone to miss out on this opportunity to know about the birth of Jesus. Please continue to uphold this event in your prayers. May the hearts of many people be touched." Police foiled a plot to kill Pastor Emre earlier this year.

Write your own prayer for Christmas Outreach in Izmit

  • Dear Heavenly Father I amen these previous prayers from 8 years ago. All praise to you that the outreach was such a success! May that Light carry on even today to ripple through many in this nation. What we asked in Your Name we have indeed received. You are a God who answers prayer! May there be an even bigger harvest. In Jesus' Faithful Name amen.
    Johnathan K - USA
  • In the loving and giving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we ask for the strength of Samson to be on these izmit believers and evangelists, as Jehovah Jireh, provisions be made for them, a hedge of protection on them and angels directly from heaven to minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Praying
    Carla M - USA
  • Thank you Lord Jesus for all you have done to make this outreach available and effective for souls to be saved. Do it more I pray. Guide this pastor in everyway and keep him safe. Pam F -USA
    Pamela F - USA
  • Thank You Father for Your faithfulness. Thank you for sending even more calls of faith in Turkey. Thank You for Your mercy. Bless Pastor Emre, his family and the whole congregation. Help them to continue this tradition. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
    Maria D - Finland
  • Praise you, Lord Jesus, for this brave man. Bless him and all those helping him and all those doing similar outreach such as he is doing. Give him wisdom and discernment that he may reach even more people. Holy Spirit, come to protect, comfort and nurish Your people!
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Jesus, bind the hand of the enemy. Let this event go on and may many souls come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
    Reatha G - USA
  • We pray for these dear saints who are brothers and sisters of ours. May they find their strength in You, Oh Father, and in your Son and Spirit. May they see the light of Jesus, and spread it to the world, no matter the personal cost. May we do the same, with the joy of knowing some will be in heaven as a result of our Spirit-filled efforts. Amen.
    mark m - USA
  • We are praying for you here in Dallas, Tx. Remember " The Lord Your God, will be with you wherever you go" Joshua 1:9
    Charles O - USA
  • Heavenly Father, Thank You so much for Pastor Emre who continues to preach the gospel. Thank You for protecting him death plots. I ask for the Holy Spirit to continue to protect him, open his mouth fearlessly for Jesus. Thank You that the believers are growing in number. Bless him this year too with the message of Christmas. In Jesus nameI pray, Amen
    Jacqueline H - USA
    Please Protect this Precious Christian Outreach and Pastor Emre. Bless and Surround them with YOUR fiercest of angels. Give them favor with the enemy and help them to establish YOUR Covenant in the Earth and win many souls. Strengthen, Teach, and Encourage and Comfort them. IN JESUS' NAME. AMEN.
    Doris G - USA
  • Father bless pastor Emre. May he bring your word to as many as possible and do so in a peaceful environment. In Jesus name, Amen.
    Karla B - USA
  • Father, continue to use this church to win souls. Watch over Pastor Emre and use him to reach others with the hope found in Jesus. Thank you that the service was held and the gospel preached. Let your Spirit of conviction fall on the hearers. Pour out your Spirit...We need you.
    Polly C - USA
  • Father, continue to use this church to win souls. Watch over Pastor Emre and use him to reach others with the hope found in Jesus. Thank you that the service was held and the gospel preached. Let your Spirit of conviction fall on the hearers. Pour out your Spirit...We need you.
    Polly C - USA
  • Hail Mary Full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee, blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.
    Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death Amen.
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • Thank You LORD for the success of the Christmas outreach!Thank You for souls won.Father keep the new members from falling,strengthen them to good works.May the Izmit church grow,prosper and break new grounds for God in Jesus name! Amen
    Cherechi E - Nigeria
  • Thank you Father that these people were touched by You. Father let them Stay Strong In You, and continue showing them the Way, The Truth and The Life. Provide for their every physical and Spiritual need. Bless and Defend them, both physically and Spiritually, and Forgive them of their sins. In Jesus Name let these things be so. Amen.
    Justin N - USA
  • Our Father who art in Heaven hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not unto temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory forever. In Jesus Name. Amen. Renee H.
    renee h - USA
  • Praise God for these blessings of answered prayer. Father God in Jesus Christ name I ask for continued blessings, favor and an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit upon this work and people. Open hearts and understanding. Let Your mercy bring many into Your kingdom. Let a great harvest of souls be claimed in Your name here.
    Kimberly R - USA
  • Jesus, thank you for protecting Emre and growing your kingdom through him. Thank you for reaching out to those in Izmit. Thank you for dying and loving and saving and forgiving and interceding and thank you for coming to all people. Please send the spirit that the hearts of the Izmitians are ready for you. Give them eyes to see and ears to hear. Amen
    caroline c - USA
  • Lord, thank You that Pastor Karaali and other believers were able to share the gospel during the Christmas outreach. Please use their witness to bring many into saving faith in Christ. Please keep this pastor and all Your people safe as they seek to spread the gospel in Turkey.
    Beverly S - USA
  • Father, we rejoice that so many heard the gospel, and we continue to pray that the seeds of Truth that were sown at this gathering will sprout and grow up to maturity. Please protect Pastor Emre and give him wisdom about whom he should follow up with and how to divide his time between outreach events and the strengthening of the Body.
    Brenda M - USA
  • Lord, let the effects of this Christmas program continue to speak to the hearts of those who attended. May many turn to You and grow in You as You bring believers alongside them. Thank You for protecting Pastor Emre. The police could not overrule Your awesome purposes. Let other events draw people to You and may they have Your protection. Amen.
    Lisa T - USA
  • Adoni protect Izmit from any physical harm. The Islamic govt has double standards. They want to rid the land your children.The powers of darkness are spreading through the land. But you are more powerful than all forces of hell put together. You are God.Give more power to Izmit to proclaim the gospel boldly and win many souls.fill them with all of GOD
  • Lord, thank you for the faith of Pastor Emre and his congregation, despite the threats against them. Thank you for their faithful outreach to their neighbors; may they reap a great harvest for your kingdom.
    Nathan P - USA
  • God protect Pastor Izmit with all the power so he may reach out to millions of Muslims.Weaken the police force when it comes to attacking Christians.Fill Izmit with more of you.May the brightness of Your glory shine all about him.Guard him & his family.Be with the church.shine your light in Turkey,defeat Islamic rule,may people have a firm grip of wron
  • LORD, thank You for Your mighty provision for a location to teach the good people about the birth of Your beloved Son Jesus Christ! Thank You for foiling the attempt on Pastor Emre's life. Continue to protect and shield Your flock. Forgive those who despise Your name and turn their hearts from Satan to the one true King. Your will be done AMEN AMEN
    Jeri Kay M - USA
  • Almighty Father God in heaven who is the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob we look to the heavens and raise our hearts to you. We look for the glorious 2nd appearing of your Son who will bring Your Word to all and we your children will be united with Him. Give all your children strength to persevere, endure and maintain faith in these very terrible times
    Mark Linda V - USA
  • God, you have sustained Pastor Emre and you have laid your hand upon him! You are great and powerful! May your kingdom come and will be done in this. I commit this Christmas Outreach unto you. I believe you're gonna do great things. May Pastor Emre and his team be of help to your great plan. Amen.
    Chelsea L - Malaysia
  • Our Father, Thank You for this pastor and for the work that he is heading in Turkey. Continue to give him safety and strength to do the work You have assigned to him and his church. Bless him in all ways but especially in protection and peace. Bless him abundantly. In Jesus name Amen
    Linda C - USA
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