Some believers are now afraid to attend church.
Some believers are now afraid to attend church.
May. 03, 2018 | China

Christians in Henan Monitored by Government Officials

[236] prayers in [17] nations have been posted for Henan Province Believers.

A Christian in the Zhoukou area of Henan province said that under new government restrictions, area churches are required to sing the Chinese national anthem at the beginning of each service and a nationalistic song titled “No Communist Party, No New China” at the end of service. Local authorities also issued an order forbidding anyone under 18 from entering a church. The Christian said officials recently walked around the neighborhood and removed ceramic tiles with inscriptions like “Emmanuel” or “God so loved the world.” They even walked into his mother’s bedroom and tore down a painting. Government authorities attend every Sunday service to ensure that no crosses larger than 3 feet are displayed. And if they see children in attendance, they will close down the church. “At this challenging period,” the Christian said, “many believers are afraid to come to church.” Pray for churches in Henan, and pray for the unity and wisdom of believers when dealing with authorities.

Write your own prayer for Henan Province Believers

  • Father - give courage to these believers to proclaim Your Truth boldly. In Jesus' Name AMEN
    David R - USA
  • May the government officials who are watching your children find them so loving and joyful, that some of the officials turn their lives over to Jesus. May your Holy Spirit work in this situation, granting great grace and peace and joy to your saints!
    Mark M - USA
  • Dear God- strengthen your people to remain bold and give them wisdom to know what to do under these trying times. Bless those who remain bold and let their faithfulness impact the govt officials who watch over them. Soften hearts and draw them to you. In your son's name I pray. Amen!
    Colleen S - USA
  • Thank You, Father, for remember the Christians in Zhoukou area of Henan province, China. Thank You for helping them. Please, set the bar for all evilness and let them serve You in peace. Send calls of faith to all officials and save them. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
    Maria D - Finland
  • Dear Lord, please end persecution of Christian churches in Henan province and throughout China. Please bring dreams and visions of you to those who make these laws forbidding children from attendance and removing plaques and paintings. Please bring unity and wisdom to believers when dealing with authorities. In Jesus name. Amen.
    Linda R - Australia
  • OH God, we cry out to You on behalf of our brothers and sisters in China. Encourage them and show them how to live under this oppression. May these new regulations and the plans of the Communist Party only serve to strengthen Your Bride in China. Give believers throughout China wisdom and creativity in meeting together and in distributing literature.
    Toni D - USA
  • Heavenly Father, be merciful to these believers in Henan Province and bless them. Cause Your face to shine upon them, that Your way may be known on Earth and Your salvation among all nations. Thank you as they praise You. Let God arise and his enemies be scattered as you defend these believers and provide a way for these children to trust You
    Julie C - USA
  • Help the Christians show the government they have nothing to fear from them.
    Debbie V - USA
  • Father, make seeing eyes blind to protect your children. Convict the government & reveal yourself to them in dreams & visions. Make them know that Jesus Christ is the one & only true God, Amen.
    Donna S - USA
  • Dear FATHER GOD JESUS CHRIST, (Isaiah 9:6)

    Please saturate Your Church with Your HOLY SPIRIT , AMEN. (Luke 11:13)
    eric H - USA
  • Father, Only You Lord, know the plans that you have for each of us. I ask that the Holy Spirit would guide them in wisdom and unity. I pray that you would use government persecution for Your good, and continue to see an explosion of faith in Jesus. Amen.
    Jason H - USA
  • Jesus, give your people wisdom and protect them. Amen.
    Reatha G - USA
  • Father, You see what these brothers and sisters are facing. I pray against the regulations that the government is imposing asking You to intervene mightily. May the believers stand firm in the faith of Jesus and not be afraid. Give them peace that passes understanding. May the authorities attending the churches to monitor be convicted and saved. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • O Heavenly Father, Please take the scales off the eyes of the Communists and the local authorities to be able to see and know that God so loved the world which includes them. May the believers stand strong in the faith and I pray for the unity and wisdom as they deal with the authorities. In Jesus' Name. Amen
    Rebecca L - USA
  • El Sali- God my Rock! Lord thank you for Your deep love for us! God, we need You! You are our Rock when everything else around us crumbles & falls. Father I pray for an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit in the churches of Henan . I pray bold faith rises up in them uniting them as one in You Lord so that the authorities will see You Jesus & be saved! Amen
    Kisha M - USA
  • Father, surely Jesus is soon to return. Your children are trying to be silenced. Please, move in the hearts and minds of believers and show them what they are to do. they want to serve you Father, but they fear for their families, help them to know you are with them, guide them, speak to the hearts of the authority as they hear your Word. Move Spirit
    Polly C - USA
  • Strengthen their feeble knees dear Lord. Assure them that Your are with them and that nobody can separate them from Your love.
    Soak and drown their hearts with Your Words.
    Out of their fear, let them meditate Your Words more than they ever did before.
    In You Lord, we put our trust.
    rian P - Philippines
  • God, I lift up this body of believers to You for wisdom and guidance. The Chinese government has become increasingly hostile to believers and actively persecuting my brothers and sisters. I ask for Your intervention, and the authorities to realize their is a God in heaven, and He takes a dim view of those who persecute His children.
    Curtis M - USA
  • Lord please use this persecution to rocket your followers into an even greater passion! That they will be filled with Your perspective. That they will tell of Your goodness, and live out Your love and mercy. You are so Good Lord. Please increase the faith of these brothers and sisters.
    Piet K - Netherlands
  • Lord, make seeing eyes blind and hearing ears deafened in Henan. Don't leave them helpless and fatherless. Do what you need to them and for them, to accomplish your will. Grant them eternal peace, love, joy, hope, gentleness, and grace. Bring thousands to salvation. Whatever glorifies your name, that we want to see, always and forever!!
    mark m - USA
  • Lord, make seeing eyes blind and hearing ears deafened in Henan. Don't leave them helpless and fatherless. Do what you need to them and for them, to accomplish your will. Grant them eternal peace, love, joy, hope, gentleness, and grace. Bring thousands to salvation. Whatever glorifies your name, that we want to see, always and forever!!
    mark m - USA
  • your faith and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ shall prevail, as the bible says that the gates of hell shall not prevail against Him. He gave His life that we wouldn't quit. stay on the battlefield for God for brethren.
    Donald F - USA
  • Father God, we praise You for JESUS who said, "Let the little children come." As Satan moves among the foolish in "regulating" our faith by "removing" symbols, we know that You are not a symbol, but the Living GOD. Jesus is the truth and nothing can remove His love from the saints nor the Holy Spirit to bring ALL the little ones to Himself.
    Kathy G - USA
  • Lord, may these Christians find ways to worship and serve You without punishment. They need Your wisdom and to operate without the fear of man. We ask that Bibles be delivered and not taken from them. Please grant wisdom, protection and guidance to those who want to share Your love and salvation.
    Beth P - USA
  • Lord, I pray for the believers in the Zhukou area, that they would have wisdom regarding attending church. If You want them to continue meeting together in boldness, help them to do so. If they need to go underground, show them. Through all this, please bring government authorities to faith in Jesus Christ. In Your holy name, amen.
    Tricia G - USA
  • Jesus, we pray for the churches in Henan that you will bring unity and wisdom of believers when dealing with authorities. May the church in China just keep growing stronger and stronger as they spread the love of God and your faithfulness in their lives to others.
    Paula L - USA
  • Oh dear Lord
    Please with the people of China right now! I can't imagine the oppression and fear they must feel! Give them courage and embolden their faith in this trying time. Restore the freedom of religion there. Vonvict and change the hearts of the officials. May Your light continue to shine brightly there. May every Christian feel You there. Amen
    Madison F - USA
  • Dear God, give your people strength and comfort. Let the officials loosen their grip. Help your Word continue to spread. Thy will be done. Amen.
    Delphine H - USA
  • Holy Father, I pray for the believers in Henan as they face opposition for their love for You. May they be strengthened as they come together to face the adversary. May the daily things they do and say become more meaningful as they minister to each other and to those who are seeking You. Surround them with Your Spirit! In Jesus' name, Amen
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • Father thank You for the Henan believers. I pray for their spiritual and religious freedom. I pray that You would give them strength and courage. I pray that they would be bold in the Lord. Thank You for what You are doing and will do in Henan. Please bring them to You! In the Name of Yeshua Amen.
    Kia W - USA
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