Tony, a British citizen (inset) and the Hentschel family, were abducted in June 2009 in Yemen. While the two daughters were rescued in 2010, it was confirmed this past month that the girls' parents and brother were killed. Tony's whereabouts are unknown.
Tony, a British citizen (inset) and the Hentschel family, were abducted in June 2009 in Yemen. While the two daughters were rescued in 2010, it was confirmed this past month that the girls' parents and brother were killed. Tony's whereabouts are unknown.
Oct. 16, 2014 | Yemen

Pray for Tony and for German Family's Daughters

[274] prayers in [23] nations have been posted for Tony and Hentschel family.

The German Ministry for Foreign Affairs received word last month that three German citizens, kidnapped in Yemen in 2009, are confirmed dead. Dr. Johannes Hentschel, his wife Sabine and their three children, Anna, Lydia and Simon, were abducted along with four other foreigners by Yemeni insurgents on June 12, 2009. All of the adult hostages had worked at a hospital and were part of an international aid group, and sources state that Dr. Johannes had been threatened for his evangelism to Muslims in the area. The group was targeted for their Christian activities. The bodies of three of the women kidnapped were found shortly after their abduction along with Christian literature in their belongings. The couple’s two older children, ages 4 and 6, were rescued by security forces in May 2010 and now live with relatives in Germany. The whereabouts of the last kidnap victim, Tony, a British engineer, remain unknown. Pray for his well-being or for closure for his family. And pray for the family of the Hentschels, including their surviving daughters.

Write your own prayer for Tony and Hentschel family

  • Dear Heavenly Father I amen these previous prayers from 8 years ago. In faith I receive that Tony has been reunited with his family. Glory to You & Your mercy! Thank You that You are healing the family even now that has suffered this. You have given them a new start. May their Light shine & ripple out to those around them. In Jesus' Gracious Name amen.
    Johnathan K - USA
  • In the name of Jesus, our loving heavenly Father, Jehovah Jireh as brothers and sisters in Christ we adore You for Your faithfulness, asking for provision for Tony and Hentschel family, for protection on them and angels from heaven to minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Praying
    Carla M - USA
  • Dear Jesus, these precious people loved and served You. May their deaths not be in vain. Comfort the girls as they grow up without their parents. Help the relatives to raise them to know You, Jesus, whom to know is life eternal. I pray for Tony and his relatives. Defend Your Holy name: bring many to know and serve You from this sacrifice.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • I pray for Tony and the Hentschel family. Lord our hope is in you.
    Reatha G - USA
  • We pray for these dear saints who are brothers and sisters of ours. May they find their strength in You, Oh Father, and in your Son and Spirit. May they see the light of Jesus, and spread it to the world, no matter the personal cost. May we do the same, with the joy of knowing some will be in heaven as a result of our Spirit-filled efforts. Amen.
    mark m - USA
  • We are praying for you here in Dallas, Tx. Remember " The Lord Your God, will be with you wherever you go" Joshua 1:9
    Charles O - USA
  • Father are hearts break at these wickedness done to Your children but we have hope and we say thank You for hope.Continue to comfort the Hentschel family and the families if the other women,the Hentschel daughters will not give up faith but will grow to serve You whole heartedly.Father locate Tony and bring closure for his family in Jesus name!Amen
    Cherechi E - Nigeria
  • Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • God I pray that Tony be found & returned home safely & alive but if he is no longer alive I pray for closure over his family & strength to endure the grieving process & peace. God I pray that his family will feel your presence & love upon them, In Jesus name, Amen
    Ursula P - New Zealand
  • Heavenly Father In the LOVE of Jesus Christ, we pray and all agree and ask for Tony to be returned safely to his family, or for them to have closure if he is now in heaven with you LORD please give peace to this entire family that only comes from you! Restore what Satan has tried to destroy! Give Faith that will stand strong through this all!!
    Cathy S - USA
  • Father I hold up Tony & Hentschel family. Grant them warrior angels to surround them at all times. Provide extreme faith & an overcoming victorious JoshuaCaleb spirit to sustain them & win thousands for Your kingdom in this end time harvest! Provide abundantly for their every need. Send ministering angels to encourage & supernatural wisdom to guide
    June H - USA
  • Pray for Tony Lord protect him where ever he is and for the surviving daughters that you would keep them save. In Jesus name amen.
    Meredith F - Canada
  • Heavenly father thank you for protecting daughters of Mr & Mrs Hentschel. Be with them, comfort them, you be their Father Mother & shower them with your love and care. Give good heart to those taking care of them. Bless them and help them to know you & fulfill your will in their lives. Keep Tony safe and bring him home safely. Be with them in Jesusname
    Persis M - India
  • Lord I lift up the Hentschel family and for Tony's family. I place them in your arms, the best place to be. I pray Lord for their faith and trust in you Lord to continue to grow stronger with each passing day. I pray for Tony Lord that he would be brought home to his family for a reunion or for closure. Please help them to not lose faith Jesus. Amen
    Niccole E - USA
  • Lord, I pray that you comfort these families as they mourn for their lost loved ones. Please Father I pray for Tony's protection and that you keep him safe. I pray for the daughters of the Hentschels family that you would bless these two girls and guide them as they grow. Please let this horrible crime not go unpunished. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
    Damian W - Canada
  • Abba,Islam is the last of the giants,dark religion,destructive, hateful toward you.Protect&comfort the families of the martyrs&their young ones who are orphans.Be their strength&provider.Guide them in the footsteps of their parents.Fill them with Your Spirit of prayer, worship&praise.Reveal Yeshua to these young hearts,fill them with deep love of You.
  • Lord, please be with the daughters of this brave family. It is so hard to endure the loss of parents, especially in such a horrific way and so young. Let them know my heart and the hearts of many others go out to them. Do not let their hearts fall to bitterness against You, but turn any resentment toward the Enemy. Amen.
    Christine W - USA
  • Father, I pray for Tony and his family today, as well as these girls who are left without their parents. I pray for those who were being helped through the international aid that these saints provided. May they see that the servants of Christ were bringing life and the servants of the enemy bring death!
    Brenda M - USA
  • Lord, we lift up these dear family members who live wondering if their loved ones are still alive. Lord, we pray they are and they are protected under Your mighty hand. Reunite them in Your timing. Let the faith of all grow solid as they wait and live for You. Let all be reminded of Your love and what an awesome God and Father You are. Amen.
    Lisa T - USA
  • O Lord, I pray Your comfort for the loved ones of these faithful people who only wanted to help others. May their kidnappers' hearts be changed and their eyes opened to Your love in sending faithful Christians to hold out the good news of Your salvation in Jesus. Please protect Tony if he is still alive and allow him to return to his family. Amen.
    Lynne W - USA
  • Father God,
    I praise You for the faithfulness in sharing the Gospel to Muslims of the Hentschels and 4 other foreign workers and that most of them paid the ultimate sacrifice. Please heal the two surviving little girls from the Hentschel family and please restore Tony to his family or that You will provide closure for his family if dead.
    Debbie D - USA
  • Father, Please take care of your people in dangerous areas like Yemen. I specifically ask that you would be with Tony and his family. Please give them peace. Please bless the Hentschel family and let them prosper. In Jesus Name. Amen.
    Robert K - USA
  • Lord Jesus this will mot do unpunished. You are touhing the lives of the predators now! You are touching their hearts. For those refuse to turn to you, let them be stopped now in Jesus name. Touch them with a holy fire that burns and cannot be quenched. As for these girls abundant blessing now be upon them. Amen
    Mandea H - USA
  • Father we lift up the family of Hentschels, we know Lord that they are with you filled with joy. Lord pray for their two daughters, bless them with your fellowship and strong relationship with you. Thank you for their relatives, we ask that they lack nothing emotionally. Lord protect our brother Tony, Father we ask you to bring him back to him family.
    Paul B - USA
  • Father, I specifically want to pray for the children in this situation. The experience that they endured, especially at such a young age, is one that I could never imagine. I pray that you would protect them from any future harm, and guide them in their lives. I pray that they would run to you for their strength for the rest of their days. Amen.
    Crossroads H - USA
  • Dear Lord God, please be in this situation, and have mercy on these persecuted Christians, rescue and protect them and comfort the families of the murdered and missing. In Jesus powerful name, Amen, we love you Jesus
    Maria F - USA
  • Our Father who art in Heaven hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory forever. In Jesus Name. Amen
    renee h - USA
  • Lord of the World, Heavenly Father, our Rock and Fortress, strengthen and comfort the family of Johannes & Sabine and family of Tony as they come to terms with the latest news of their loved ones.

    Bless and hold Anna and Lydia in your comforting arms through the years to come, let them know how loved they are and always will be. In Jesus name amen.
    judy b - United Kingdom
  • Lord, I ask that if Tony is still alive that you protect him from the evil one. Give his family peace. Comfort the family of those who were killed and give them the grace to forgive their killers. Remind them we are involved in a spiritual war and the outcome of our actions have eternal effects. Strengthen their faith in you & your goodness & power
    JEAN H - USA
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