
An attempted plot to kill Pastor Emre Karaali was foiled by Turkish authorities, but the court case continues.
An attempted plot to kill Pastor Emre Karaali was foiled by Turkish authorities, but the court case continues.
Feb. 20, 2016 | Turkey

Pray for Pastor Emre Karaali, New Development in Case Against Conspirators

A new development arose in the case against those who conspired to kill Pastor Emre Karaali. In January 2013, Pastor Emre learned that more than a dozen people—including some who had infiltrated his church and even babysat his children—were planning to assassinate him. Evidently, those plotting his death had met with a police chief and military officer. Because of this, the courts indicted these two officers. After waiting for a year for the officers to give their story, Pastor Emre’s lawyer called him and told him that it is no longer necessary for them to give a witness statement, claiming that there is not enough evidence that they had any part in the plot. Though there were phone records showing a connection between the assassins and the officers and earlier court hearings stated the relationship between them, prosecutors do not see the connection as sufficient evidence. This means the decision will have to be appealed, prolonging the case. Pastor Emre has forgiven those who plotted to kill him, yet the case is weighing heavy on his heart. Pray the Lord will continue to be Pastor Emre’s stronghold as he waits. Pray also for justice, ultimately that those responsible will place their trust in Christ.

A man in North Africa is baptized during a special service for believers.
A man in North Africa is baptized during a special service for believers.
Feb. 20, 2016 | North Africa

Pray for Families Planting Churches in Unreached Areas

Four North African families were sent out to plant churches in an unreached area in their country. Early reports have come back indicating that these families have all developed relationships with the people in the towns where they are living. Already, they have seen 10 Muslims come to Christ through their outreach efforts. VOM field workers believe there will be more. Praise God for these new brothers and sisters in Christ! Pray that the Lord will continue to lead these four families to Muslims who are ready to hear the gospel. Pray, too, that these new believers will become firmly grounded in Christ, able to withstand any persecution they may face for their newfound faith.

"John" and "Mary" and their son are persecuted Christian believers from the Middle East.
"John" and "Mary" and their son are persecuted Christian believers from the Middle East.
Feb. 20, 2016 | Middle East

Pray for Christian Family who was Attacked

A Christian brother and his family were in their home when they were attacked by Muslim radicals. This brother knows he and his family were targeted after some in his village discovered that they had come to faith in Jesus Christ. Despite the attack, this family has continued to witness for Christ openly, and they have forgiven those who attacked them and damaged their home. One of their children was injured in the attack. Praise the Lord for the courage and faithfulness of this family! Pray for healing for their injured child and ask the Lord to continue to strengthen them as they obediently walk out the Great Commission in a village where they are surrounded by those who hate them for their faith. Pray that through them the “fragrance of the knowledge of him” will spread everywhere they go.