This pastor was injured in a separate attack by Hindu extremists in India. Shown with a large bandage on his back, he suffered multiple stab wounds when radicals attacked him and his family.
This pastor was injured in a separate attack by Hindu extremists in India. Shown with a large bandage on his back, he suffered multiple stab wounds when radicals attacked him and his family.
Sep. 26, 2014 | India

Pray for Shri and Asha

[229] prayers in [17] nations have been posted for Shri and Asha.

A Christian couple in northeastern India's Bihar state were hospitalized after being beaten by Hindu extremists who vowed to kill them. The extremists stormed the home of Shri Lal Khatiyan and his wife, Asha Devi, and attacked Shri, accusing him of paganism. When Asha intervened, she too was severely beaten. Later that day, about 100 Hindu extremists armed with clubs reportedly took up positions around the village and threatened to kill any Christian trying to file a police complaint. A new tactic by extremists is to wound pastors and other Christians in ways that will cause them to die.

Write your own prayer for Shri and Asha

  • In the name of Jesus, Jehovah El Olam, God eternal, we bless You for faithfulness of Shri and Asha. We ask for provision for them, for a hedge of protection on them and angels directly from heaven to minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Praying
    Carla M - USA
  • Dear Jesus, please help these Christians and their families. I pray for them to be healed and that their suffering would not be in vain. Lord Jesus, come to their assistance. Make haste to help them.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Thank You God for the family members in India. Please help Shri and Asha and other Christians in that region in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
    Maria D - Finland
  • Thank You God for the family members in India. Please help Shri and Asha and other Christians in that region in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
    Maria D - Finland
  • Thank you Lord that his life was spared. Continue to show him what to do. Let many souls come to you because of this. Amen
    Reatha G - USA
  • We pray for these dear saints who are brothers and sisters of ours. May they find their strength in You, Oh Father, and in your Son and Spirit. May they see the light of Jesus, and spread it to the world, no matter the personal cost. May we do the same, with the joy of knowing some will be in heaven as a result of our Spirit-filled efforts. Amen.
    mark m - USA
  • We are praying for you here in Dallas, Tx. Remember " The Lord Your God, will be with you wherever you go" Joshua 1:9
    Charles O - USA
  • All I want to say is thank You LORD for all the things You have done in India and for this christian couple.Bring this Hindus to the knowledge of God in Jesus name! Amen
    Cherechi E - Nigeria
  • Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • Father I ask you to place the blood of Jesus on every wound and restore good health to Shri & Asha rapidly. Lift them up as on eagles wings & increase their faith. Remove fear far from them & give them a bold strong victorious overcoming spirit filled with the joyful good news of salvation thru Jesus Christ, Surround them with warrior angels .
    June H - USA
  • Lord God Almighty, be with Pastor Shri and his family. Protect all the Pastors and their families in the area and all the Christians and their families. Let all the persecution and oppressive forces working against your children and kingdom be destroyed by your mighty power and let your children live and worship you in Peace. In Jesus name I Pray. Amen
    Persis M - India
  • Lord, heal the physical & emotional needs of this couple. Give them courage to continue to serve you. Let your peace surround & strengthen them. Protect the Christians in this village from further harm. Provide miracles of healing & answered prayer to prove that you are the only living God. Prepare the hearts of the Hindu's to accept you as Lord.
    JEAN H - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father, I pray Your glory dawns on the house of Shri and Asha, that they will ask You to forgive the Hindu extremists who persecuted them, because they do not know what they are doing. Protect Your children in the village. Your love will shine through this situation so the extremists will turn their hearts to You. Heal the couple. Amen
    Jamie K - Hong Kong
  • Lord, please continue to protect Your people from this evil. Thank YOu for sparing the lives of Shri and Asha and may they not live in fear, only the peace that passes understanding. We pray for the downfall of this new tactic by extremists and that Your people would spread Your Word and light through their lives and their deaths, if it be Your will.
    Lisa T - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father,Hallowed Be Thy Name,Thy Kingdom Come please watch over Shri and Asha and help them heal. Also keep them safe,secure and from all harm and deliver them from evil. And please watch over the village they came from. Keep those people safe,secure and from all harm and deliver them from evil if you are willing.

    In Jesus Name Amen
    James H - USA
  • Father I pray you would heal Shri & Asha's physical and mental wounds miraculously. I pray their enemies would see their healed wounds, the mercy's they will show them and the love they will share with them in Your name Lord. I ask in Jesus name.
    Debby S - USA
  • Lord please heal this pastor and his beloved wife. Grant them joy amidst their pain and suffering that astounds those who are perpetrating evil against them. Grant them boldness in their witness and fill them with hope of great joy in all of eternity to help them endure this evil suffering.
    Cheryl D - USA
  • Lord, I Pray for Shri and Asha that you would heal their wounds in body and spirit. May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be upon them. Protect them as they seek to live for you. In Jesus name.
    Stephen B - USA
  • Father, please heal Shri and his wife with supernatural speed, and bring justice quickly for them. Please protect them.
    Chad K - USA
  • Lord, I pray that you'll be a Lord of comfort and healing to this couple in these difficult times. Strengthen their faith and may they continue to be bright lights in this otherwise very dark part of the world. In Jesus name I pray amen
    Dr and Mrs J William D - USA
  • Jehovah Rapha we pray for healing for Shri and Asha. And with this healing a declaration of the power of the Living God. A demonstration of Your love and care for Your own to all. May those who already know You be encouraged by Your care for them, and those who do not be drawn to the compassion of the One who bore all our sins and diseases.
    Antoinette D - USA
  • Oh God how we need you to intervene on behalf of our family in India. Please help pastor Sri and Asha. Heal the physical wounds along with the mental and emotional ones. Be by their side as they continue to serve you. This life has nothing to compare to eternity with you. Make that a reality in all our lives.
    Chris B - USA
  • Jesus, please heal Shri and Asha's wounds. Heal their hearts and bodies, and strengthen their faith. Give them grace to pray for their persecutors, and remove all fear from their hearts and minds. In Jesus' name, amen.
    William C - USA
  • Dear Lord, please stand with your people in India so that they may see you clearly, so that in the face of persecution the may have faces like those of angels. I especially pray for Shri and Asha. That they would seek you wisdom and love and high road above all else. That they would forgive as you do and love those who seem unlovable in your name
    caroline c - USA
  • Father, please be with Your children in India. Stand up for them and defend them. Please protect them from any harm and may they be safe in Your hands. Father, please let Your light shine in this dark area and may those who don't know You come to You.
    Roma K - USA
  • Father thank you that when we turn to you as our father and accept Christ as our savior YOU breath YOUR LIFE into us and we become new members of your family. I thank you that we are now witnesses for you but also a stumbling block to others. I pray that we will allow JESUS to speak with all boldness through us as HE witnesses through us as us with us
    Mark M - USA
  • Sovereign Lord, make your glory known to the attackers who so desperately need you, please encourage Shri and Asha to be a light in the darkness, love on them today, wrap your loving arms around them! Amen.
    Autumn C - USA
  • God, please protect your believers and help them escape those that would do them harm. May higher authorities condemn these crimes against humanity and intervene for Christians' safety. Most of all, I pray you would give your believers peace, joy, and provision in such trials, and turn many hearts to you despite the hard conditions.
    emily g - USA
  • Heavenly Father, please fill Shri and his family with Your Spirit. Let them love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them. Jesus says that they are blessed when they are persecuted for His name's sake. Please wreck the lives of their persecutors with Your mercy and grace so they may know Your salvation and proclaim Your glory. Come soon Lord
    Joel H - USA
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